2023-05-30 02:52:22 +02:00
<script lang="ts">
2023-06-14 20:39:36 +02:00
* Can be used for both WayImportFlow and ConflateImportFlow
import WayImportFlowState from "./WayImportFlowState"
import ImportFlow from "./ImportFlow.svelte"
import MapControlButton from "../../Base/MapControlButton.svelte"
import { Square3Stack3dIcon } from "@babeard/svelte-heroicons/solid"
import { UIEventSource } from "../../../Logic/UIEventSource"
import { Map as MlMap } from "maplibre-gl"
import { MapLibreAdaptor } from "../../Map/MapLibreAdaptor"
import MaplibreMap from "../../Map/MaplibreMap.svelte"
import ShowDataLayer from "../../Map/ShowDataLayer"
import StaticFeatureSource from "../../../Logic/FeatureSource/Sources/StaticFeatureSource"
import { ImportFlowUtils } from "./ImportFlow"
import { GeoOperations } from "../../../Logic/GeoOperations"
import ConflateImportFlowState from "./ConflateImportFlowState"
export let importFlow: WayImportFlowState | ConflateImportFlowState
const state = importFlow.state
const map = new UIEventSource<MlMap>(undefined)
const [lon, lat] = GeoOperations.centerpointCoordinates(importFlow.originalFeature)
const mla = new MapLibreAdaptor(map, {
allowMoving: UIEventSource.feedFrom(state.featureSwitchIsTesting),
allowZooming: UIEventSource.feedFrom(state.featureSwitchIsTesting),
rasterLayer: state.mapProperties.rasterLayer,
location: new UIEventSource<{ lon: number; lat: number }>({ lon, lat }),
zoom: new UIEventSource<number>(18),
// Show all relevant data - including (eventually) the way of which the geometry will be replaced
new StaticFeatureSource([importFlow.originalFeature]),
{ zoomToFeatures: false }
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2023-06-14 20:39:36 +02:00
importFlow.GetPreview().then((features) => {
new ShowDataLayer(map, {
zoomToFeatures: false,
layer: ImportFlowUtils.conflationLayer,
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2023-06-14 20:39:36 +02:00
2023-05-30 02:52:22 +02:00
<ImportFlow {importFlow} on:confirm={() => importFlow.onConfirm()}>
2023-06-14 20:39:36 +02:00
<div slot="map" class="relative">
<div class="h-32">
<MaplibreMap {map} />
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2023-06-14 20:39:36 +02:00
on:click={() => state.guistate.backgroundLayerSelectionIsOpened.setData(true)}
cls="absolute bottom-0"
2023-06-14 20:44:01 +02:00
<Square3Stack3dIcon class="h-6 w-6" />
2023-06-14 20:39:36 +02:00
2023-05-30 02:52:22 +02:00