2022-03-23 19:48:06 +01:00
import { describe } from 'mocha'
import { expect } from 'chai'
import Minimap from "../../../../UI/Base/Minimap" ;
import { Utils } from "../../../../Utils" ;
import LayoutConfig from "../../../../Models/ThemeConfig/LayoutConfig" ;
import State from "../../../../State" ;
import { BBox } from "../../../../Logic/BBox" ;
import ReplaceGeometryAction from "../../../../Logic/Osm/Actions/ReplaceGeometryAction" ;
2022-04-30 00:41:33 +02:00
import ShowDataLayerImplementation from "../../../../UI/ShowDataLayer/ShowDataLayerImplementation" ;
import ShowDataLayer from "../../../../UI/ShowDataLayer/ShowDataLayer" ;
2022-03-23 19:48:06 +01:00
describe ( "ReplaceGeometryAction" , ( ) = > {
const grbStripped = {
"id" : "grb" ,
"title" : {
"nl" : "GRB import helper"
} ,
"description" : "Smaller version of the GRB theme" ,
"language" : [
"nl" ,
] ,
socialImage : "img.jpg" ,
"version" : "0" ,
"startLat" : 51.0249 ,
"startLon" : 4.026489 ,
"startZoom" : 9 ,
"clustering" : false ,
"overrideAll" : {
"minzoom" : 19
} ,
"layers" : [
"id" : "type_node" ,
source : {
osmTags : "type=node"
} ,
mapRendering : null ,
"override" : {
"calculatedTags" : [
"_is_part_of_building=feat.get('parent_ways')?.some(p => p.building !== undefined && p.building !== '') ?? false" ,
"_is_part_of_grb_building=feat.get('parent_ways')?.some(p => p['source:geometry:ref'] !== undefined) ?? false" ,
"_is_part_of_building_passage=feat.get('parent_ways')?.some(p => p.tunnel === 'building_passage') ?? false" ,
"_is_part_of_highway=!feat.get('is_part_of_building_passage') && (feat.get('parent_ways')?.some(p => p.highway !== undefined && p.highway !== '') ?? false)" ,
"_is_part_of_landuse=feat.get('parent_ways')?.some(p => (p.landuse !== undefined && p.landuse !== '') || (p.natural !== undefined && p.natural !== '')) ?? false" ,
"_moveable=feat.get('_is_part_of_building') && !feat.get('_is_part_of_grb_building')"
] ,
"mapRendering" : [
"icon" : "square:#cc0" ,
"iconSize" : "5,5,center" ,
"location" : [
] ,
"passAllFeatures" : true
} ,
"id" : "osm-buildings" ,
"name" : "All OSM-buildings" ,
"source" : {
"osmTags" : "building~*" ,
"maxCacheAge" : 0
} ,
"calculatedTags" : [
] ,
"mapRendering" : [
"width" : {
"render" : "2" ,
"mappings" : [
"if" : "fixme~*" ,
"then" : "5"
} ,
"color" : {
"render" : "#00c" ,
"mappings" : [
"if" : "fixme~*" ,
"then" : "#ff00ff"
} ,
"if" : "building=house" ,
"then" : "#a00"
} ,
"if" : "building=shed" ,
"then" : "#563e02"
} ,
"if" : {
"or" : [
"building=garage" ,
} ,
"then" : "#f9bfbb"
} ,
"if" : "building=yes" ,
"then" : "#0774f2"
] ,
"title" : "OSM-gebouw" ,
"tagRenderings" : [
"id" : "building type" ,
"freeform" : {
"key" : "building"
} ,
"render" : "The building type is <b>{building}</b>" ,
"question" : {
"en" : "What kind of building is this?"
} ,
"mappings" : [
"if" : "building=house" ,
"then" : "A normal house"
} ,
"if" : "building=detached" ,
"then" : "A house detached from other building"
} ,
"if" : "building=semidetached_house" ,
"then" : "A house sharing only one wall with another house"
} ,
"if" : "building=apartments" ,
"then" : "An apartment building - highrise for living"
} ,
"if" : "building=office" ,
"then" : "An office building - highrise for work"
} ,
"if" : "building=apartments" ,
"then" : "An apartment building"
} ,
"if" : "building=shed" ,
"then" : "A small shed, e.g. in a garden"
} ,
"if" : "building=garage" ,
"then" : "A single garage to park a car"
} ,
"if" : "building=garages" ,
"then" : "A building containing only garages; typically they are all identical"
} ,
"if" : "building=yes" ,
"then" : "A building - no specification"
} ,
"id" : "grb-housenumber" ,
"render" : {
"nl" : "Het huisnummer is <b>{addr:housenumber}</b>"
} ,
"question" : {
"nl" : "Wat is het huisnummer?"
} ,
"freeform" : {
"key" : "addr:housenumber"
} ,
"mappings" : [
"if" : {
"and" : [
"not:addr:housenumber=yes" ,
} ,
"then" : {
"nl" : "Geen huisnummer"
} ,
"id" : "grb-unit" ,
"question" : "Wat is de wooneenheid-aanduiding?" ,
"render" : {
"nl" : "De wooneenheid-aanduiding is <b>{addr:unit}</b> "
} ,
"freeform" : {
"key" : "addr:unit"
} ,
"mappings" : [
"if" : "addr:unit=" ,
"then" : "Geen wooneenheid-nummer"
} ,
"id" : "grb-street" ,
"render" : {
"nl" : "De straat is <b>{addr:street}</b>"
} ,
"freeform" : {
"key" : "addr:street"
} ,
"question" : {
"nl" : "Wat is de straat?"
} ,
"id" : "grb-fixme" ,
"render" : {
"nl" : "De fixme is <b>{fixme}</b>"
} ,
"question" : {
"nl" : "Wat zegt de fixme?"
} ,
"freeform" : {
"key" : "fixme"
} ,
"mappings" : [
"if" : {
"and" : [
} ,
"then" : {
"nl" : "Geen fixme"
} ,
"id" : "grb-min-level" ,
"render" : {
"nl" : "Dit gebouw begint maar op de {building:min_level} verdieping"
} ,
"question" : {
"nl" : "Hoeveel verdiepingen ontbreken?"
} ,
"freeform" : {
"key" : "building:min_level" ,
"type" : "pnat"
} ,
] ,
"filter" : [
"id" : "has-fixme" ,
"options" : [
"osmTags" : "fixme~*" ,
"question" : "Heeft een FIXME"
} ,
"id" : "grb" ,
"description" : "Geometry which comes from GRB with tools to import them" ,
"source" : {
"osmTags" : {
"and" : [
"HUISNR~*" ,
} ,
"geoJson" : "https://betadata.grbosm.site/grb?bbox={x_min},{y_min},{x_max},{y_max}" ,
"geoJsonZoomLevel" : 18 ,
"mercatorCrs" : true ,
"maxCacheAge" : 0
} ,
"name" : "GRB geometries" ,
"title" : "GRB outline" ,
"calculatedTags" : [
"_overlaps_with_buildings=feat.overlapWith('osm-buildings').filter(f => f.feat.properties.id.indexOf('-') < 0)" ,
"_overlaps_with=feat.get('_overlaps_with_buildings').filter(f => f.overlap > 1 /* square meter */ )[0] ?? ''" ,
"_osm_obj:source:ref=feat.get('_overlaps_with')?.feat?.properties['source:geometry:ref']" ,
"_osm_obj:id=feat.get('_overlaps_with')?.feat?.properties?.id" ,
"_osm_obj:source:date=feat.get('_overlaps_with')?.feat?.properties['source:geometry:date'].replace(/\\//g, '-')" ,
"_osm_obj:building=feat.get('_overlaps_with')?.feat?.properties?.building" ,
"_osm_obj:addr:street=(feat.get('_overlaps_with')?.feat?.properties ?? {})['addr:street']" ,
"_osm_obj:addr:housenumber=(feat.get('_overlaps_with')?.feat?.properties ?? {})['addr:housenumber']" ,
"_osm_obj:surface=(feat.get('_overlaps_with')?.feat?.properties ?? {})['_surface:strict']" ,
"_overlap_absolute=feat.get('_overlaps_with')?.overlap" ,
"_reverse_overlap_percentage=Math.round(100 * feat.get('_overlap_absolute') / feat.get('_surface'))" ,
"_overlap_percentage=Math.round(100 * feat.get('_overlap_absolute') / feat.get('_osm_obj:surface'))" ,
"_grb_ref=feat.properties['source:geometry:entity'] + '/' + feat.properties['source:geometry:oidn']" ,
"_imported_osm_object_found= feat.properties['_osm_obj:source:ref'] == feat.properties._grb_ref" ,
"_grb_date=feat.properties['source:geometry:date'].replace(/\\//g,'-')" ,
"_imported_osm_still_fresh= feat.properties['_osm_obj:source:date'] == feat.properties._grb_date" ,
"_target_building_type=feat.properties['_osm_obj:building'] === 'yes' ? feat.properties.building : (feat.properties['_osm_obj:building'] ?? feat.properties.building)" ,
"_building:min_level= feat.properties['fixme']?.startsWith('verdieping, correct the building tag, add building:level and building:min_level before upload in JOSM!') ? '1' : ''" ,
"_intersects_with_other_features=feat.intersectionsWith('generic_osm_object').map(f => \"<a href='https://osm.org/\"+f.feat.properties.id+\"' target='_blank'>\" + f.feat.properties.id + \"</a>\").join(', ')"
] ,
"tagRenderings" : [ ] ,
"mapRendering" : [
"iconSize" : "50,50,center" ,
"icon" : "./assets/themes/grb_import/housenumber_blank.svg" ,
"location" : [
"point" ,
Minimap . createMiniMap = ( ) = > undefined ;
const coordinates = < [ number , number ] [ ] > [
3.216690793633461 ,
] ,
3.2167256623506546 ,
] ,
3.2169999182224274 ,
] ,
3.2169650495052338 ,
] ,
3.2169368863105774 ,
] ,
3.2169489562511444 ,
] ,
3.216886594891548 ,
] ,
3.2168812304735184 ,
] ,
3.2168644666671753 ,
] ,
3.2168537378311157 ,
] ,
3.216690793633461 ,
const targetFeature = {
type : "Feature" ,
properties : { } ,
geometry : {
type : "Polygon" ,
coordinates : [ coordinates ]
const wayId = "way/160909312"
Utils . injectJsonDownloadForTests (
"https://www.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/map.json?bbox=3.2166673243045807,51.21467321525788,3.217007964849472,51.21482442824023" ,
"version" : "0.6" ,
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"copyright" : "OpenStreetMap and contributors" ,
"attribution" : "http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright" ,
"license" : "http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1-0/" ,
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"version" : 3 ,
"changeset" : 58553478 ,
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"uid" : 3818858
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"type" : "node" ,
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"lat" : 51.2147111 ,
"lon" : 3.2170233 ,
"timestamp" : "2017-07-18T22:52:44Z" ,
"version" : 2 ,
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"timestamp" : "2021-10-29T16:24:43Z" ,
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"changeset" : 113131915 ,
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"uid" : 3818858
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"timestamp" : "2021-11-02T23:37:11Z" ,
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"changeset" : 113305401 ,
"user" : "Pieter Vander Vennet" ,
"uid" : 3818858
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"timestamp" : "2017-07-18T22:52:45Z" ,
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"timestamp" : "2017-07-18T22:52:45Z" ,
"version" : 2 ,
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"user" : "catweazle67" ,
"uid" : 1976209
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"type" : "node" ,
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"timestamp" : "2021-11-02T23:37:11Z" ,
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"user" : "Pieter Vander Vennet" ,
"uid" : 3818858
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"timestamp" : "2017-07-18T22:52:45Z" ,
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"uid" : 1976209
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"timestamp" : "2017-07-18T22:52:21Z" ,
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"timestamp" : "2021-11-02T23:37:11Z" ,
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"timestamp" : "2021-11-02T23:37:11Z" ,
"version" : 4 ,
"changeset" : 113305401 ,
"user" : "Pieter Vander Vennet" ,
"uid" : 3818858
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"timestamp" : "2021-11-02T23:38:13Z" ,
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"user" : "Pieter Vander Vennet" ,
"uid" : 3818858
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"timestamp" : "2017-07-18T22:52:21Z" ,
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"changeset" : 50391526 ,
"user" : "catweazle67" ,
"uid" : 1976209
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"timestamp" : "2021-11-02T23:40:52Z" ,
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"changeset" : 113305401 ,
"user" : "Pieter Vander Vennet" ,
"uid" : 3818858
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"timestamp" : "2021-11-02T23:37:11Z" ,
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"user" : "Pieter Vander Vennet" ,
"uid" : 3818858
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"timestamp" : "2021-11-02T23:38:13Z" ,
"version" : 2 ,
"changeset" : 113306325 ,
"user" : "Pieter Vander Vennet" ,
"uid" : 3818858
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"timestamp" : "2021-11-02T23:37:11Z" ,
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"changeset" : 113305401 ,
"user" : "Pieter Vander Vennet" ,
"uid" : 3818858
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"id" : 160909311 ,
"timestamp" : "2021-12-23T12:03:37Z" ,
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"addr:postcode" : "8000" ,
"addr:street" : "Ezelstraat" ,
"building" : "house" ,
"source:geometry:date" : "2015-07-09" ,
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"timestamp" : "2021-11-02T23:38:13Z" ,
"version" : 4 ,
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"user" : "Pieter Vander Vennet" ,
"uid" : 3818858 ,
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"addr:city" : "Brugge" ,
"addr:country" : "BE" ,
"addr:housenumber" : "108" ,
"addr:postcode" : "8000" ,
"addr:street" : "Ezelstraat" ,
"building" : "house" ,
"source:geometry:date" : "2018-10-02" ,
"source:geometry:ref" : "Gbg/5926383"
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"type" : "way" ,
"id" : 160909315 ,
"timestamp" : "2021-12-23T12:03:37Z" ,
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"user" : "s8evq" ,
"uid" : 3710738 ,
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"addr:country" : "BE" ,
"addr:housenumber" : "110" ,
"addr:postcode" : "8000" ,
"addr:street" : "Ezelstraat" ,
"building" : "house" ,
"name" : "La Style" ,
"shop" : "hairdresser" ,
"source:geometry:date" : "2015-07-09" ,
"source:geometry:ref" : "Gbg/5260837"
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"type" : "way" ,
"id" : 508533816 ,
"timestamp" : "2021-12-23T12:03:37Z" ,
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"user" : "s8evq" ,
"uid" : 3710738 ,
"nodes" : [ 4978288387 , 4978288385 , 1728823544 , 1728823522 , 4978288382 , 4978289391 , 9219979646 , 4978289388 , 9219974337 , 4978288387 ] ,
"tags" : {
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"source:geometry:date" : "2015-07-09" ,
"source:geometry:ref" : "Gbg/5260790"
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Utils . injectJsonDownloadForTests (
"https://www.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/way/160909312/full" ,
"version" : "0.6" ,
"generator" : "CGImap 0.8.6 (2407324 spike-06.openstreetmap.org)" ,
"copyright" : "OpenStreetMap and contributors" ,
"attribution" : "http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright" ,
"license" : "http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1-0/" ,
"elements" : [ {
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"lon" : 3.2167242 ,
"timestamp" : "2021-11-02T23:37:11Z" ,
"version" : 5 ,
"changeset" : 113305401 ,
"user" : "Pieter Vander Vennet" ,
"uid" : 3818858
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"type" : "node" ,
"id" : 1728823514 ,
"lat" : 51.2147863 ,
"lon" : 3.2168551 ,
"timestamp" : "2021-11-02T23:37:11Z" ,
"version" : 5 ,
"changeset" : 113305401 ,
"user" : "Pieter Vander Vennet" ,
"uid" : 3818858
} , {
"type" : "node" ,
"id" : 1728823549 ,
"lat" : 51.2147401 ,
"lon" : 3.2168877 ,
"timestamp" : "2021-11-02T23:37:11Z" ,
"version" : 5 ,
"changeset" : 113305401 ,
"user" : "Pieter Vander Vennet" ,
"uid" : 3818858
} , {
"type" : "node" ,
"id" : 4978288381 ,
"lat" : 51.2147638 ,
"lon" : 3.2168856 ,
"timestamp" : "2021-11-02T23:37:11Z" ,
"version" : 4 ,
"changeset" : 113305401 ,
"user" : "Pieter Vander Vennet" ,
"uid" : 3818858
} , {
"type" : "node" ,
"id" : 4978289383 ,
"lat" : 51.2147678 ,
"lon" : 3.2169969 ,
"timestamp" : "2021-11-02T23:37:11Z" ,
"version" : 4 ,
"changeset" : 113305401 ,
"user" : "Pieter Vander Vennet" ,
"uid" : 3818858
} , {
"type" : "node" ,
"id" : 4978289384 ,
"lat" : 51.2147684 ,
"lon" : 3.2168674 ,
"timestamp" : "2021-11-02T23:37:11Z" ,
"version" : 4 ,
"changeset" : 113305401 ,
"user" : "Pieter Vander Vennet" ,
"uid" : 3818858
} , {
"type" : "node" ,
"id" : 4978289386 ,
"lat" : 51.2147716 ,
"lon" : 3.2168811 ,
"timestamp" : "2021-11-02T23:37:11Z" ,
"version" : 4 ,
"changeset" : 113305401 ,
"user" : "Pieter Vander Vennet" ,
"uid" : 3818858
} , {
"type" : "node" ,
"id" : 4978289388 ,
"lat" : 51.2148115 ,
"lon" : 3.216966 ,
"timestamp" : "2021-11-02T23:38:13Z" ,
"version" : 7 ,
"changeset" : 113306325 ,
"user" : "Pieter Vander Vennet" ,
"uid" : 3818858
} , {
"type" : "node" ,
"id" : 9219979643 ,
"lat" : 51.2147405 ,
"lon" : 3.216693 ,
"timestamp" : "2021-11-02T23:37:11Z" ,
"version" : 1 ,
"changeset" : 113305401 ,
"user" : "Pieter Vander Vennet" ,
"uid" : 3818858
} , {
"type" : "node" ,
"id" : 9219979646 ,
"lat" : 51.2148043 ,
"lon" : 3.2169312 ,
"timestamp" : "2021-11-02T23:38:13Z" ,
"version" : 2 ,
"changeset" : 113306325 ,
"user" : "Pieter Vander Vennet" ,
"uid" : 3818858
} , {
"type" : "node" ,
"id" : 9219979647 ,
"lat" : 51.2147792 ,
"lon" : 3.2169466 ,
"timestamp" : "2021-11-02T23:37:11Z" ,
"version" : 1 ,
"changeset" : 113305401 ,
"user" : "Pieter Vander Vennet" ,
"uid" : 3818858
} , {
"type" : "way" ,
"id" : 160909312 ,
"timestamp" : "2021-11-02T23:38:13Z" ,
"version" : 4 ,
"changeset" : 113306325 ,
"user" : "Pieter Vander Vennet" ,
"uid" : 3818858 ,
"nodes" : [ 9219979643 , 1728823481 , 1728823549 , 4978289383 , 4978289388 , 9219979646 , 9219979647 , 4978288381 , 4978289386 , 4978289384 , 1728823514 , 9219979643 ] ,
"tags" : {
"addr:city" : "Brugge" ,
"addr:country" : "BE" ,
"addr:housenumber" : "108" ,
"addr:postcode" : "8000" ,
"addr:street" : "Ezelstraat" ,
"building" : "house" ,
"source:geometry:date" : "2018-10-02" ,
"source:geometry:ref" : "Gbg/5926383"
} ]
Utils . injectJsonDownloadForTests ( "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pietervdvn/MapComplete-data/main/latlon2country/0.0.0.json" , "be" )
it ( "should move nodes accordingly" , async ( ) = > {
const layout = new LayoutConfig ( < any > grbStripped )
2022-04-30 00:41:33 +02:00
ShowDataLayer . actualContstructor = ( _ ) = > undefined ;
2022-03-23 19:48:06 +01:00
const state = new State ( layout )
State . state = state ;
const bbox = new BBox (
[ [
3.2166673243045807 ,
] ,
3.217007964849472 ,
] )
const url = ` https://www.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/map.json?bbox= ${ bbox . minLon } , ${ bbox . minLat } , ${ bbox . maxLon } , ${ bbox . maxLat } `
const data = await Utils . downloadJson ( url )
state . featurePipeline . fullNodeDatabase . handleOsmJson ( data , 0 )
const action = new ReplaceGeometryAction ( state , targetFeature , wayId , {
theme : "test"
const closestIds = await action . GetClosestIds ( )
expect ( closestIds . closestIds ) . deep . equal ( [ 9219979643 ,
1728823481 ,
4978289383 ,
4978289388 ,
9219979646 ,
9219979647 ,
4978288381 ,
4978289386 ,
4978289384 ,
1728823514 ,
undefined ] )
expect ( closestIds . reprojectedNodes . size ) . deep . equal ( 1 )
const reproj = closestIds . reprojectedNodes . get ( 1728823549 )
expect ( reproj . projectAfterIndex ) . deep . equal ( 1 )
expect ( reproj . newLon ) . deep . equal ( 3.2168880864669203 )
expect ( reproj . newLat ) . deep . equal ( 51.214739524104694 )
expect ( closestIds . detachedNodes . size ) . deep . equal ( 0 )
const changes = await action . Perform ( state . changes )
expect ( changes [ 11 ] . changes [ "coordinates" ] ) . deep . equal ( [ [ 3.216690793633461 , 51.21474084112525 ] , [ 3.2167256623506546 , 51.214696737309964 ] , [ 3.2168880864669203 , 51.214739524104694 ] , [ 3.2169999182224274 , 51.214768983537674 ] , [ 3.2169650495052338 , 51.21480720678671 ] , [ 3.2169368863105774 , 51.21480090625335 ] , [ 3.2169489562511444 , 51.21478074454077 ] , [ 3.216886594891548 , 51.214765203214625 ] , [ 3.2168812304735184 , 51.21477192378873 ] , [ 3.2168644666671753 , 51.214768983537674 ] , [ 3.2168537378311157 , 51.21478746511261 ] , [ 3.216690793633461 , 51.21474084112525 ] ] )
} )
} )