2021-10-19 02:31:32 +02:00
import TagRenderingConfig from "./TagRenderingConfig" ;
import SharedTagRenderings from "../../Customizations/SharedTagRenderings" ;
import { TagRenderingConfigJson } from "./Json/TagRenderingConfigJson" ;
import { Utils } from "../../Utils" ;
export default class WithContextLoader {
private readonly _json : any ;
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protected readonly _context : string ;
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constructor ( json : any , context : string ) {
this . _json = json ;
this . _context = context ;
/ * * G i v e n a k e y , g e t s t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g p r o p e r t y f r o m t h e j s o n ( o r t h e d e f a u l t i f n o t f o u n d
* The found value is interpreted as a tagrendering and fetched / parsed
* * /
public tr ( key : string , deflt ) {
const v = this . _json [ key ] ;
if ( v === undefined || v === null ) {
if ( deflt === undefined ) {
return undefined ;
return new TagRenderingConfig (
deflt ,
` ${ this . _context } . ${ key } .default value `
) ;
if ( typeof v === "string" ) {
const shared = SharedTagRenderings . SharedTagRendering . get ( v ) ;
if ( shared ) {
return shared ;
return new TagRenderingConfig (
v ,
` ${ this . _context } . ${ key } `
) ;
/ * *
* Converts a list of tagRenderingCOnfigJSON in to TagRenderingConfig
* A string is interpreted as a name to call
* /
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public ParseTagRenderings (
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tagRenderings ? : ( string | { builtin : string , override : any } | TagRenderingConfigJson ) [ ] ,
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readOnly = false ,
prepConfig : ( ( config : TagRenderingConfigJson ) = > TagRenderingConfigJson ) = undefined
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) {
if ( tagRenderings === undefined ) {
return [ ] ;
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const context = this . _context
const renderings : TagRenderingConfig [ ] = [ ]
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if ( prepConfig === undefined ) {
prepConfig = c = > c
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for ( let i = 0 ; i < tagRenderings . length ; i ++ ) {
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let renderingJson = tagRenderings [ i ]
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if ( typeof renderingJson === "string" ) {
renderingJson = { builtin : renderingJson , override : undefined }
if ( renderingJson [ "builtin" ] !== undefined ) {
const renderingId = renderingJson [ "builtin" ]
if ( renderingId === "questions" ) {
if ( readOnly ) {
throw ` A tagrendering has a question, but asking a question does not make sense here: is it a title icon or a geojson-layer? ${ context } . The offending tagrendering is ${ JSON . stringify (
) } ` ;
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const tr = new TagRenderingConfig ( "questions" , context ) ;
renderings . push ( tr )
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continue ;
if ( renderingJson [ "override" ] !== undefined ) {
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let sharedJson = SharedTagRenderings . SharedTagRenderingJson . get ( renderingId )
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if ( sharedJson === undefined ) {
const keys = Array . from ( SharedTagRenderings . SharedTagRenderingJson . keys ( ) ) ;
throw ` Predefined tagRendering ${ renderingId } not found in ${ context } . \ n Try one of ${ keys . join (
", "
) } \ n If you intent to output this text literally , use { \ "render\": <your text>} instead" } ` ;
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renderingJson = Utils . Merge ( renderingJson [ "override" ] , sharedJson )
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const patchedConfig = prepConfig ( < TagRenderingConfigJson > renderingJson )
const tr = new TagRenderingConfig ( patchedConfig , ` ${ context } .tagrendering[ ${ i } ] ` ) ;
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renderings . push ( tr )
return renderings ;