Merge branch 'master' into feature/climbing-layer

This commit is contained in:
Christian Neumann 2020-11-23 09:55:43 +01:00
commit 1c9d72054e
45 changed files with 1075 additions and 532 deletions

View file

@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ export default class AllTranslationAssets {
getStartedNewAccount: new Translation( {"en":" or <a href='' target='_blank'>create a new account</a>","nl":" of <a href='' target='_blank'>maak een nieuwe account aan</a> ","fr":" ou <a href='' target='_blank'>registrez vous</a>","es":" o <a href='' target='_blank'>crea una nueva cuenta</a>","ca":" o <a href='' target='_blank'>crea un nou compte</a>","gl":" ou <a href='' target='_blank'>crea unha nova conta</a>","de":" oder <a href='' target='_blank'>ein neues Konto anlegen</a>"} ), getStartedNewAccount: new Translation( {"en":" or <a href='' target='_blank'>create a new account</a>","nl":" of <a href='' target='_blank'>maak een nieuwe account aan</a> ","fr":" ou <a href='' target='_blank'>registrez vous</a>","es":" o <a href='' target='_blank'>crea una nueva cuenta</a>","ca":" o <a href='' target='_blank'>crea un nou compte</a>","gl":" ou <a href='' target='_blank'>crea unha nova conta</a>","de":" oder <a href='' target='_blank'>ein neues Konto anlegen</a>"} ),
noTagsSelected: new Translation( {"en":"No tags selected","es":"No se han seleccionado etiquetas","ca":"No s'han seleccionat etiquetes","gl":"Non se seleccionaron etiquetas","de":"Keine Tags ausgewählt"} ), noTagsSelected: new Translation( {"en":"No tags selected","es":"No se han seleccionado etiquetas","ca":"No s'han seleccionat etiquetes","gl":"Non se seleccionaron etiquetas","de":"Keine Tags ausgewählt"} ),
customThemeIntro: new Translation( {"en":"<h3>Custom themes</h3>These are previously visited user-generated themes.","nl":"<h3>Onofficiële themea's</h3>Je bezocht deze thema's gemaakt door andere OpenStreetMappers eerder","gl":"<h3>Temas personalizados</h3>Estes son temas xerados por usuarios previamente visitados.","de":"<h3>Kundenspezifische Themen</h3>Dies sind zuvor besuchte benutzergenerierte Themen"} ), customThemeIntro: new Translation( {"en":"<h3>Custom themes</h3>These are previously visited user-generated themes.","nl":"<h3>Onofficiële themea's</h3>Je bezocht deze thema's gemaakt door andere OpenStreetMappers eerder","gl":"<h3>Temas personalizados</h3>Estes son temas xerados por usuarios previamente visitados.","de":"<h3>Kundenspezifische Themen</h3>Dies sind zuvor besuchte benutzergenerierte Themen"} ),
aboutMapcomplete: new Translation( {"en":"<h3>About MapComplete</h3><p>MapComplete is an OpenStreetMap editor that is meant to help everyone to easily add information on a <b>single theme.</b></p><p>Only features relevant to a single theme are shown with a few predefined questions, in order to keep things <b>simple and extremly user-friendly</b>.The theme maintainer can also choose a language for the interface, choose to disable elements or even to embed it into a different website without any UI-element at all.</p><p>However, another important part of MapComplete is to always <b>offer the next step</b> to learn more about OpenStreetMap:<ul><li>An iframe without UI-elements will link to a full-screen version</li><li>The fullscreen version offers information about OpenStreetMap</li><li>If you're not logged in, you're asked to log in</li><li>If you answered a single question, you are allowed to add points</li><li>At a certain point, the actual added tags appear which later get linked to the wiki...</li></ul></p><p>Do you notice an issue with MapComplete? Do you have a feature request? Do you want to help translating? Head over to <a href='' target='_blank'>the source code</a> or <a href='' target='_blank'>issue tracker.</a></p>","nl":"<h3>Over MapComplete</h3><p>MapComplete is een OpenStreetMap-editor om eenvoudig informatie toe te voegen over <b>één enkel onderwerp</b>.</p><p>Om de editor zo <b>simpel en gebruiksvriendelijk mogelijk</b> te houden, worden enkel objecten relevant voor het thema getoond.Voor deze objecten kunnen dan vragen beantwoord worden, of men kan een nieuw punt van dit thema toevoegen.De maker van het thema kan er ook voor opteren om een aantal elementen van de gebruikersinterface uit te schakelen of de taal ervan in te stellen.</p><p>Een ander belangrijk aspect is om bezoekers stap voor stap meer te leren over OpenStreetMap:<ul><li>Een iframe zonder verdere uitleg linkt naar de volledige versie van MapComplete</li><li>De volledige versie heeft uitleg over OpenStreetMap</li><li>Als je niet aangemeld bent, wordt er je gevraagd dit te doen</li><li>Als je minstens één vraag hebt beantwoord, kan je punten gaan toevoegen.</li><li>Heb je genoeg changesets, dan verschijnen de tags die wat later doorlinken naar de wiki</li></ul></p><p>Merk je een bug of wil je een extra feature? Wil je helpen vertalen? Bezoek dan de <a href='' target='_blank'>broncode</a> en <a href='' target='_blank'>issue tracker</a></p>","de":"<h3>Über MapComplete</h3><p>MapComplete ist ein OpenStreetMap-Editor, der jedem helfen soll, auf einfache Weise Informationen zu einem <b>Einzelthema hinzuzufügen.</b></p><p>Nur Merkmale, die für ein einzelnes Thema relevant sind, werden mit einigen vordefinierten Fragen gezeigt, um die Dinge <b>einfach und extrem benutzerfreundlich</b> zu halten.Der Themen-Betreuer kann auch eine Sprache für die Schnittstelle wählen, Elemente deaktivieren oder sogar in eine andere Website ohne jegliches UI-Element einbetten.</p><p>Ein weiterer wichtiger Teil von MapComplete ist jedoch, immer <b>den nächsten Schritt anzubieten</b>um mehr über OpenStreetMap zu erfahren:<ul><li>Ein iframe ohne UI-Elemente verlinkt zu einer Vollbildversion</li><li>Die Vollbildversion bietet Informationen über OpenStreetMap</li><li>Wenn Sie nicht eingeloggt sind, werden Sie gebeten, sich einzuloggen</li><li>Wenn Sie eine einzige Frage beantwortet haben, dürfen Sie Punkte hinzufügen</li><li>An einem bestimmten Punkt erscheinen die tatsächlich hinzugefügten Tags, die später mit dem Wiki verlinkt werden...</li></ul></p><p>Fällt Ihnen ein Problem mit MapComplete auf? Haben Sie einen Feature-Wunsch? Wollen Sie beim Übersetzen helfen? Gehen Sie <a href='' target='_blank'>zum Quellcode</a> oder <a href='' target='_blank'>zur Problemverfolgung</a>.</p>"} ), aboutMapcomplete: new Translation( {"en":"<h3>About MapComplete</h3><p>MapComplete is an OpenStreetMap editor that is meant to help everyone to easily add information on a <b>single theme.</b></p><p>Only features relevant to a single theme are shown with a few predefined questions, in order to keep things <b>simple and extremly user-friendly</b>.The theme maintainer can also choose a language for the interface, choose to disable elements or even to embed it into a different website without any UI-element at all.</p><p>However, another important part of MapComplete is to always <b>offer the next step</b> to learn more about OpenStreetMap:<ul><li>An iframe without UI-elements will link to a full-screen version</li><li>The fullscreen version offers information about OpenStreetMap</li><li>If you're not logged in, you're asked to log in</li><li>If you answered a single question, you are allowed to add points</li><li>At a certain point, the actual added tags appear which later get linked to the wiki...</li></ul></p><p>Do you notice an issue with MapComplete? Do you have a feature request? Do you want to help translating? Head over to <a href='' target='_blank'>the source code</a> or <a href='' target='_blank'>issue tracker.</a> Follow the edit count on <a href='' target='_blank' >OsmCha</a></p>","nl":"<h3>Over MapComplete</h3><p>MapComplete is een OpenStreetMap-editor om eenvoudig informatie toe te voegen over <b>één enkel onderwerp</b>.</p><p>Om de editor zo <b>simpel en gebruiksvriendelijk mogelijk</b> te houden, worden enkel objecten relevant voor het thema getoond.Voor deze objecten kunnen dan vragen beantwoord worden, of men kan een nieuw punt van dit thema toevoegen.De maker van het thema kan er ook voor opteren om een aantal elementen van de gebruikersinterface uit te schakelen of de taal ervan in te stellen.</p><p>Een ander belangrijk aspect is om bezoekers stap voor stap meer te leren over OpenStreetMap:<ul><li>Een iframe zonder verdere uitleg linkt naar de volledige versie van MapComplete</li><li>De volledige versie heeft uitleg over OpenStreetMap</li><li>Als je niet aangemeld bent, wordt er je gevraagd dit te doen</li><li>Als je minstens één vraag hebt beantwoord, kan je punten gaan toevoegen.</li><li>Heb je genoeg changesets, dan verschijnen de tags die wat later doorlinken naar de wiki</li></ul></p><p>Merk je een bug of wil je een extra feature? Wil je helpen vertalen? Bezoek dan de <a href='' target='_blank'>broncode</a> en <a href='' target='_blank'>issue tracker</a>. Volg de edits <a href='' target='_blank' >op OsmCha</a></p>","de":"<h3>Über MapComplete</h3><p>MapComplete ist ein OpenStreetMap-Editor, der jedem helfen soll, auf einfache Weise Informationen zu einem <b>Einzelthema hinzuzufügen.</b></p><p>Nur Merkmale, die für ein einzelnes Thema relevant sind, werden mit einigen vordefinierten Fragen gezeigt, um die Dinge <b>einfach und extrem benutzerfreundlich</b> zu halten.Der Themen-Betreuer kann auch eine Sprache für die Schnittstelle wählen, Elemente deaktivieren oder sogar in eine andere Website ohne jegliches UI-Element einbetten.</p><p>Ein weiterer wichtiger Teil von MapComplete ist jedoch, immer <b>den nächsten Schritt anzubieten</b>um mehr über OpenStreetMap zu erfahren:<ul><li>Ein iframe ohne UI-Elemente verlinkt zu einer Vollbildversion</li><li>Die Vollbildversion bietet Informationen über OpenStreetMap</li><li>Wenn Sie nicht eingeloggt sind, werden Sie gebeten, sich einzuloggen</li><li>Wenn Sie eine einzige Frage beantwortet haben, dürfen Sie Punkte hinzufügen</li><li>An einem bestimmten Punkt erscheinen die tatsächlich hinzugefügten Tags, die später mit dem Wiki verlinkt werden...</li></ul></p><p>Fällt Ihnen ein Problem mit MapComplete auf? Haben Sie einen Feature-Wunsch? Wollen Sie beim Übersetzen helfen? Gehen Sie <a href='' target='_blank'>zum Quellcode</a> oder <a href='' target='_blank'>zur Problemverfolgung</a>.</p>"} ),
backgroundMap: new Translation( {"en":"Background map","ca":"Mapa de fons","es":"Mapa de fondo","nl":"Achtergrondkaart","de":"Hintergrundkarte"} ), backgroundMap: new Translation( {"en":"Background map","ca":"Mapa de fons","es":"Mapa de fondo","nl":"Achtergrondkaart","de":"Hintergrundkarte"} ),
zoomInToSeeThisLayer: new Translation( {"en":"Zoom in to see this layer","ca":"Amplia per veure aquesta capa","es":"Amplía para ver esta capa","nl":"Vergroot de kaart om deze laag te zien","de":"Vergrößern, um diese Ebene zu sehen"} ), zoomInToSeeThisLayer: new Translation( {"en":"Zoom in to see this layer","ca":"Amplia per veure aquesta capa","es":"Amplía para ver esta capa","nl":"Vergroot de kaart om deze laag te zien","de":"Vergrößern, um diese Ebene zu sehen"} ),
weekdays: { abbreviations: { monday: new Translation( {"en":"Mon","ca":"Dil","es":"Lun","nl":"Maan","fr":"Lun"} ), weekdays: { abbreviations: { monday: new Translation( {"en":"Mon","ca":"Dil","es":"Lun","nl":"Maan","fr":"Lun"} ),

View file

@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ export default class LayerConfig {
} }
this.tagRenderings = trs(json.tagRenderings).concat(roamingRenderings); this.tagRenderings = trs(json.tagRenderings).concat(roamingRenderings);
this.titleIcons = trs(json.titleIcons ?? ["wikipedialink","osmlink"]); this.titleIcons = trs(json.titleIcons ?? ["phonelink","wikipedialink","osmlink", "sharelink"]);
function tr(key, deflt) { function tr(key, deflt) {

View file

@ -121,6 +121,12 @@ export interface LayerConfigJson {
/** /**
* All the tag renderings. * All the tag renderings.
* A tag rendering is a block that either shows the known value or asks a question. * A tag rendering is a block that either shows the known value or asks a question.
* Refer to the class `TagRenderingConfigJson` to see the possibilities.
* Note that we can also use a string here - where the string refers to a tagrenering defined in `assets/questions/questions.json`,
* where a few very general questions are defined e.g. website, phone number, ...
*/ */
tagRenderings?: (string | TagRenderingConfigJson) [] tagRenderings?: (string | TagRenderingConfigJson) []
} }

View file

@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ import * as maps from "../assets/layers/maps/maps.json"
import * as information_boards from "../assets/layers/information_board/information_board.json" import * as information_boards from "../assets/layers/information_board/information_board.json"
import * as direction from "../assets/layers/direction/direction.json" import * as direction from "../assets/layers/direction/direction.json"
import * as surveillance_camera from "../assets/layers/surveillance_cameras/surveillance_cameras.json" import * as surveillance_camera from "../assets/layers/surveillance_cameras/surveillance_cameras.json"
import * as toilets from "../assets/layers/toilets/toilets.json"
import LayerConfig from "./JSON/LayerConfig"; import LayerConfig from "./JSON/LayerConfig";
export default class SharedLayers { export default class SharedLayers {
@ -41,6 +43,7 @@ export default class SharedLayers {
new LayerConfig(maps,[], "shared_layers"), new LayerConfig(maps,[], "shared_layers"),
new LayerConfig(direction,[], "shared_layers"), new LayerConfig(direction,[], "shared_layers"),
new LayerConfig(information_boards,[], "shared_layers"), new LayerConfig(information_boards,[], "shared_layers"),
new LayerConfig(toilets,[], "shared_layers"),
new LayerConfig(surveillance_camera,[], "shared_layers") new LayerConfig(surveillance_camera,[], "shared_layers")
]; ];

View file

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import * as questions from "../assets/questions/questions.json";
import TagRenderingConfig from "./JSON/TagRenderingConfig"; import TagRenderingConfig from "./JSON/TagRenderingConfig";
import * as questions from "../assets/tagRenderings/questions.json";
import * as icons from "../assets/tagRenderings/icons.json";
export default class SharedTagRenderings { export default class SharedTagRenderings {
@ -7,13 +8,24 @@ export default class SharedTagRenderings {
private static generatedSharedFields() { private static generatedSharedFields() {
const dict = {} const dict = {}
for (const key in questions) {
function add(key, store){
try { try {
dict[key] = new TagRenderingConfig(questions[key]) dict[key] = new TagRenderingConfig(store[key])
} catch (e) { } catch (e) {
console.error("COULD NOT PARSE", key, " FROM QUESTIONS:", e) console.error("BUG: could not parse", key, " from questions.json or icons.json", e)
} }
} }
for (const key in questions) {
add(key, questions);
for (const key in icons) {
add(key, icons);
return dict; return dict;
} }

View file

@ -85,6 +85,11 @@ export class InitUiElements {
throw "Incorrect layout" throw "Incorrect layout"
} }
const hashContent = QueryParameters.GetQueryParameter("hash_content", "", "A workaround for the share-api which doesn't share the hash...");
if(( ?? "") !== ""){
window.location.hash =;
console.log("Using layout: ",, "LayoutFromBase64 is ", layoutFromBase64); console.log("Using layout: ",, "LayoutFromBase64 is ", layoutFromBase64);
State.state = new State(layoutToUse); State.state = new State(layoutToUse);
@ -175,7 +180,7 @@ export class InitUiElements {
continue; continue;
} }
if(layer.title === null && layer.tagRenderings.length === 0){ if((layer.title ?? null) === null && layer.tagRenderings.length === 0){
continue; continue;
} }
@ -230,7 +235,6 @@ export class InitUiElements {
}); });
const marker = L.marker([, home.lon], {icon: icon}) const marker = L.marker([, home.lon], {icon: icon})
marker.addTo( marker.addTo(
}); });
new GeoLocationHandler() new GeoLocationHandler()
@ -300,7 +304,7 @@ export class InitUiElements {
] ]
if ( { if ( {
tabs.push({header: Svg.share, content: new ShareScreen()}); tabs.push({header: Svg.share_img, content: new ShareScreen()});
} }
if ( { if ( {

View file

@ -184,7 +184,9 @@ export class FilteredLayer {
if (\//g, "_") === Hash.Get().data) { if (\//g, "_") === Hash.Get().data) {
const center = GeoOperations.centerpoint(feature).geometry.coordinates; const center = GeoOperations.centerpoint(feature).geometry.coordinates;
popup.setLatLng({lat: center[1], lng: center[0]}); popup.setLatLng({lat: center[1], lng: center[0]});
popup.openOn( popup.openOn(;
} }
} }

View file

@ -42,6 +42,11 @@ export class Basemap {
layers: [this._previousLayer], layers: [this._previousLayer],
}); });
position: 'topright',
// Users are not allowed to zoom to the 'copies' on the left and the right, stuff goes wrong then // Users are not allowed to zoom to the 'copies' on the left and the right, stuff goes wrong then
// We give a bit of leeway for people on the edges // We give a bit of leeway for people on the edges

View file

@ -17,6 +17,14 @@ export class GeoLocationHandler extends UIElement {
constructor() { constructor() {
super(undefined); super(undefined);
this._hasLocation = => location !== undefined); this._hasLocation = => location !== undefined);
var self = this;
import("../../vendor/Leaflet.AccuratePosition.js").then(() => {
public init() {
this.ListenTo(this._hasLocation); this.ListenTo(this._hasLocation);
this.ListenTo(this._isActive); this.ListenTo(this._isActive);
this.ListenTo(this._permission); this.ListenTo(this._permission);
@ -25,14 +33,10 @@ export class GeoLocationHandler extends UIElement {
function onAccuratePositionProgress(e) { function onAccuratePositionProgress(e) {
State.state.currentGPSLocation.setData({latlng: e.latlng, accuracy: e.accuracy}); State.state.currentGPSLocation.setData({latlng: e.latlng, accuracy: e.accuracy});
} }
function onAccuratePositionFound(e) { function onAccuratePositionFound(e) {
State.state.currentGPSLocation.setData({latlng: e.latlng, accuracy: e.accuracy}); State.state.currentGPSLocation.setData({latlng: e.latlng, accuracy: e.accuracy});
} }
@ -106,7 +110,12 @@ export class GeoLocationHandler extends UIElement {
return ""; return "";
} }
if ( !== undefined) { if ( !== undefined) {
map.flyTo(, 18);, 16,
duration: 0.25,
} }

View file

@ -260,3 +260,6 @@ Shower icon (used in 'bike_cleaning.svg'):
Bench icons from StreetComplete:, GPLv3.0 Bench icons from StreetComplete:, GPLv3.0
Urinal icon:

View file

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ export default class State {
// The singleton of the global state // The singleton of the global state
public static state: State; public static state: State;
public static vNumber = "0.2.0"; public static vNumber = "0.2.2a";
// The user journey states thresholds when a new feature gets unlocked // The user journey states thresholds when a new feature gets unlocked
public static userJourney = { public static userJourney = {

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export default class Svg {
public static addSmall_svg() { return new FixedUiElement(Svg.addSmall);} public static addSmall_svg() { return new FixedUiElement(Svg.addSmall);}
public static addSmall_ui() { return new FixedUiElement(Svg.addSmall_img);} public static addSmall_ui() { return new FixedUiElement(Svg.addSmall_img);}
public static ampersand = "e <svg xmlns:dc=\"\" xmlns:cc=\"\" xmlns:rdf=\"\" xmlns:svg=\"\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:sodipodi=\"\" xmlns:inkscape=\"\" width=\"275.9444\" height=\"243.66881\" version=\"1.1\" id=\"svg6\" sodipodi:docname=\"Ampersand.svg\" inkscape:version=\"0.92.4 (5da689c313, 2019-01-14)\"> <metadata id=\"metadata12\"> <rdf:RDF> <cc:Work rdf:about=\"\"> <dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format> <dc:type rdf:resource=\"\" /> </cc:Work> </rdf:RDF> </metadata> <defs id=\"defs10\" /> <sodipodi:namedview pagecolor=\"#ffffff\" bordercolor=\"#666666\" borderopacity=\"1\" objecttolerance=\"10\" gridtolerance=\"10\" guidetolerance=\"10\" inkscape:pageopacity=\"0\" inkscape:pageshadow=\"2\" inkscape:window-width=\"1680\" inkscape:window-height=\"1013\" id=\"namedview8\" showgrid=\"false\" inkscape:zoom=\"0.5503876\" inkscape:cx=\"319.5\" inkscape:cy=\"120\" inkscape:window-x=\"1560\" inkscape:window-y=\"0\" inkscape:window-maximized=\"1\" inkscape:current-layer=\"svg6\" /> <path d=\"M 69.184621,88.05971 C 65.398038,84.28878 45.405425,62.369149 47.716835,38.654524 49.990823,15.323837 73.884556,1.2473955 95.97427,0.11693352 c 20.36977,-1.042443 43.85918,4.70805898 53.3103,24.39507048 10.11956,21.079395 -1.28925,45.999521 -18.03685,58.640336 -5.82684,4.398004 -7.18682,4.599329 -15.78717,8.35864 -12.3926,5.41695 -24.869636,10.70587 -37.591472,15.28724 -26.286247,9.46617 -46.329939,30.90918 -45.609377,60.10938 0.656673,26.61116 24.371436,47.43668 49.951101,51.46486 27.220348,4.28654 49.202778,-0.15657 67.923898,-21.02736 8.04442,-8.96814 24.45293,-23.68334 32.63281,-32.53125 14.48284,-15.66562 21.97669,-28.32038 27.29668,-49.45345 3.60407,-14.31675 -20.5185,-11.01811 -16.28105,-23.06216 25.44722,-2.93304 51.02915,-3.7848 76.5625,-5.66406 4.00323,11.84618 -9.36778,8.3653 -26.72951,23.04671 -19.60573,16.579 -28.72934,30.72561 -45.60418,49.85029 l -11.89837,13.48472 c -8.00837,9.07609 -21.15724,23.50336 -29.33044,32.43076 -17.4629,19.07433 -33.57017,30.64012 -59.50887,35.61559 -27.730664,5.31919 -60.623141,2.30496 -80.151308,-20.4437 C -3.6264102,196.44728 -7.0848351,156.57316 15.462826,132.33729 30.171306,116.52755 38.031184,108.84767 57.724466,100.76314 73.147466,94.43165 97.05575,88.100173 109.29677,82.829346 136.69178,71.033402 137.40896,42.147541 124.50818,21.048935 113.44184,2.9504655 80.908653,4.4216525 74.904904,25.669377 69.689417,44.127381 77.089538,56.651269 88.37226,69.60789 l 96.21768,110.49249 c 11.83509,14.20823 29.6542,37.45695 49.80585,41.07969 13.32763,2.39596 30.53611,-3.5713 39.88214,-12.02915 4.97541,9.00928 -2.24528,16.35839 -7.83854,22.01449 -18.29468,18.50022 -49.85481,14.73994 -70.12946,-0.0122 -12.30082,-8.95026 -20.35382,-15.29947 -31.35277,-27.32693 z\" id=\"path2\" inkscape:connector-curvature=\"0\" /> </svg> " public static ampersand = " <svg xmlns:dc=\"\" xmlns:cc=\"\" xmlns:rdf=\"\" xmlns:svg=\"\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:sodipodi=\"\" xmlns:inkscape=\"\" width=\"275.9444\" height=\"243.66881\" version=\"1.1\" id=\"svg6\" sodipodi:docname=\"Ampersand.svg\" inkscape:version=\"0.92.4 (5da689c313, 2019-01-14)\"> <metadata id=\"metadata12\"> <rdf:RDF> <cc:Work rdf:about=\"\"> <dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format> <dc:type rdf:resource=\"\" /> </cc:Work> </rdf:RDF> </metadata> <defs id=\"defs10\" /> <sodipodi:namedview pagecolor=\"#ffffff\" bordercolor=\"#666666\" borderopacity=\"1\" objecttolerance=\"10\" gridtolerance=\"10\" guidetolerance=\"10\" inkscape:pageopacity=\"0\" inkscape:pageshadow=\"2\" inkscape:window-width=\"1680\" inkscape:window-height=\"1013\" id=\"namedview8\" showgrid=\"false\" inkscape:zoom=\"0.5503876\" inkscape:cx=\"319.5\" inkscape:cy=\"120\" inkscape:window-x=\"1560\" inkscape:window-y=\"0\" inkscape:window-maximized=\"1\" inkscape:current-layer=\"svg6\" /> <path d=\"M 69.184621,88.05971 C 65.398038,84.28878 45.405425,62.369149 47.716835,38.654524 49.990823,15.323837 73.884556,1.2473955 95.97427,0.11693352 c 20.36977,-1.042443 43.85918,4.70805898 53.3103,24.39507048 10.11956,21.079395 -1.28925,45.999521 -18.03685,58.640336 -5.82684,4.398004 -7.18682,4.599329 -15.78717,8.35864 -12.3926,5.41695 -24.869636,10.70587 -37.591472,15.28724 -26.286247,9.46617 -46.329939,30.90918 -45.609377,60.10938 0.656673,26.61116 24.371436,47.43668 49.951101,51.46486 27.220348,4.28654 49.202778,-0.15657 67.923898,-21.02736 8.04442,-8.96814 24.45293,-23.68334 32.63281,-32.53125 14.48284,-15.66562 21.97669,-28.32038 27.29668,-49.45345 3.60407,-14.31675 -20.5185,-11.01811 -16.28105,-23.06216 25.44722,-2.93304 51.02915,-3.7848 76.5625,-5.66406 4.00323,11.84618 -9.36778,8.3653 -26.72951,23.04671 -19.60573,16.579 -28.72934,30.72561 -45.60418,49.85029 l -11.89837,13.48472 c -8.00837,9.07609 -21.15724,23.50336 -29.33044,32.43076 -17.4629,19.07433 -33.57017,30.64012 -59.50887,35.61559 -27.730664,5.31919 -60.623141,2.30496 -80.151308,-20.4437 C -3.6264102,196.44728 -7.0848351,156.57316 15.462826,132.33729 30.171306,116.52755 38.031184,108.84767 57.724466,100.76314 73.147466,94.43165 97.05575,88.100173 109.29677,82.829346 136.69178,71.033402 137.40896,42.147541 124.50818,21.048935 113.44184,2.9504655 80.908653,4.4216525 74.904904,25.669377 69.689417,44.127381 77.089538,56.651269 88.37226,69.60789 l 96.21768,110.49249 c 11.83509,14.20823 29.6542,37.45695 49.80585,41.07969 13.32763,2.39596 30.53611,-3.5713 39.88214,-12.02915 4.97541,9.00928 -2.24528,16.35839 -7.83854,22.01449 -18.29468,18.50022 -49.85481,14.73994 -70.12946,-0.0122 -12.30082,-8.95026 -20.35382,-15.29947 -31.35277,-27.32693 z\" id=\"path2\" inkscape:connector-curvature=\"0\" /> </svg> "
public static ampersand_img = Img.AsImageElement(Svg.ampersand) public static ampersand_img = Img.AsImageElement(Svg.ampersand)
public static ampersand_svg() { return new FixedUiElement(Svg.ampersand);} public static ampersand_svg() { return new FixedUiElement(Svg.ampersand);}
public static ampersand_ui() { return new FixedUiElement(Svg.ampersand_img);} public static ampersand_ui() { return new FixedUiElement(Svg.ampersand_img);}
@ -174,6 +174,11 @@ export default class Svg {
public static pencil_svg() { return new FixedUiElement(Svg.pencil);} public static pencil_svg() { return new FixedUiElement(Svg.pencil);}
public static pencil_ui() { return new FixedUiElement(Svg.pencil_img);} public static pencil_ui() { return new FixedUiElement(Svg.pencil_img);}
public static phone = " <svg xmlns:dc=\"\" xmlns:cc=\"\" xmlns:rdf=\"\" xmlns:svg=\"\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:sodipodi=\"\" xmlns:inkscape=\"\" viewBox=\"0 -256 1792 1792\" id=\"svg3013\" version=\"1.1\" inkscape:version=\" r9886\" width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" sodipodi:docname=\"phone_font_awesome.svg\"> <metadata id=\"metadata3023\"> <rdf:RDF> <cc:Work rdf:about=\"\"> <dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format> <dc:type rdf:resource=\"\" /> </cc:Work> </rdf:RDF> </metadata> <defs id=\"defs3021\" /> <sodipodi:namedview pagecolor=\"#ffffff\" bordercolor=\"#666666\" borderopacity=\"1\" objecttolerance=\"10\" gridtolerance=\"10\" guidetolerance=\"10\" inkscape:pageopacity=\"0\" inkscape:pageshadow=\"2\" inkscape:window-width=\"640\" inkscape:window-height=\"480\" id=\"namedview3019\" showgrid=\"false\" inkscape:zoom=\"0.13169643\" inkscape:cx=\"896\" inkscape:cy=\"896\" inkscape:window-x=\"0\" inkscape:window-y=\"25\" inkscape:window-maximized=\"0\" inkscape:current-layer=\"svg3013\" /> <g transform=\"matrix(1,0,0,-1,159.45763,1293.0169)\" id=\"g3015\"> <path d=\"m 1408,296 q 0,-27 -10,-70.5 Q 1388,182 1377,157 1356,107 1255,51 1161,0 1069,0 1042,0 1016.5,3.5 991,7 959,16 927,25 911.5,30.5 896,36 856,51 816,66 807,69 709,104 632,152 504,231 367.5,367.5 231,504 152,632 104,709 69,807 66,816 51,856 36,896 30.5,911.5 25,927 16,959 7,991 3.5,1016.5 0,1042 0,1069 q 0,92 51,186 56,101 106,122 25,11 68.5,21 43.5,10 70.5,10 14,0 21,-3 18,-6 53,-76 11,-19 30,-54 19,-35 35,-63.5 16,-28.5 31,-53.5 3,-4 17.5,-25 14.5,-21 21.5,-35.5 7,-14.5 7,-28.5 0,-20 -28.5,-50 -28.5,-30 -62,-55 -33.5,-25 -62,-53 -28.5,-28 -28.5,-46 0,-9 5,-22.5 5,-13.5 8.5,-20.5 3.5,-7 14,-24 10.5,-17 11.5,-19 76,-137 174,-235 98,-98 235,-174 2,-1 19,-11.5 17,-10.5 24,-14 7,-3.5 20.5,-8.5 13.5,-5 22.5,-5 18,0 46,28.5 28,28.5 53,62 25,33.5 55,62 30,28.5 50,28.5 14,0 28.5,-7 14.5,-7 35.5,-21.5 21,-14.5 25,-17.5 25,-15 53.5,-31 28.5,-16 63.5,-35 35,-19 54,-30 70,-35 76,-53 3,-7 3,-21 z\" id=\"path3017\" inkscape:connector-curvature=\"0\" style=\"fill:currentColor\" /> </g> </svg> "
public static phone_img = Img.AsImageElement(
public static phone_svg() { return new FixedUiElement(;}
public static phone_ui() { return new FixedUiElement(Svg.phone_img);}
public static pop_out = " <!-- Svg Vector Icons : --> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\" \"\"> <svg version=\"1.1\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\" x=\"0px\" y=\"0px\" viewBox=\"0 0 1000 1000\" enable-background=\"new 0 0 1000 1000\" xml:space=\"preserve\"> <metadata> Svg Vector Icons : </metadata> <g><g><path d=\"M485,379.5l130.6,130.6l245.8-245.8l126.9,126.9l0.2-379L607.1,10l123.8,123.7L485,379.5L485,379.5z M986.4,546.3l-94.1-95.4l1.7,441.3l-784.7,0.4l0.8-782.7l438.9-2l-98-98H108C53.9,10,10,54,10,108v784c0,54.1,43.9,98,98,98h784c54.1,0,98-43.9,98-98L986.4,546.3z\"/></g></g> </svg>" public static pop_out = " <!-- Svg Vector Icons : --> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\" \"\"> <svg version=\"1.1\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\" x=\"0px\" y=\"0px\" viewBox=\"0 0 1000 1000\" enable-background=\"new 0 0 1000 1000\" xml:space=\"preserve\"> <metadata> Svg Vector Icons : </metadata> <g><g><path d=\"M485,379.5l130.6,130.6l245.8-245.8l126.9,126.9l0.2-379L607.1,10l123.8,123.7L485,379.5L485,379.5z M986.4,546.3l-94.1-95.4l1.7,441.3l-784.7,0.4l0.8-782.7l438.9-2l-98-98H108C53.9,10,10,54,10,108v784c0,54.1,43.9,98,98,98h784c54.1,0,98-43.9,98-98L986.4,546.3z\"/></g></g> </svg>"
public static pop_out_img = Img.AsImageElement(Svg.pop_out) public static pop_out_img = Img.AsImageElement(Svg.pop_out)
public static pop_out_svg() { return new FixedUiElement(Svg.pop_out);} public static pop_out_svg() { return new FixedUiElement(Svg.pop_out);}
@ -189,7 +194,7 @@ export default class Svg {
public static search_svg() { return new FixedUiElement(;} public static search_svg() { return new FixedUiElement(;}
public static search_ui() { return new FixedUiElement(Svg.search_img);} public static search_ui() { return new FixedUiElement(Svg.search_img);}
public static share = " <!-- Created with Inkscape ( --> <svg xmlns:dc=\"\" xmlns:cc=\"\" xmlns:rdf=\"\" xmlns:svg=\"\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:sodipodi=\"\" xmlns:inkscape=\"\" width=\"100\" height=\"100\" viewBox=\"0 0 26.458333 26.458334\" version=\"1.1\" id=\"svg8\" inkscape:version=\"0.92.4 (5da689c313, 2019-01-14)\" sodipodi:docname=\"share.svg\"> <defs id=\"defs2\" /> <sodipodi:namedview id=\"base\" pagecolor=\"#ffffff\" bordercolor=\"#666666\" borderopacity=\"1.0\" inkscape:pageopacity=\"0.0\" inkscape:pageshadow=\"2\" inkscape:zoom=\"4\" inkscape:cx=\"-15.237738\" inkscape:cy=\"36.323203\" inkscape:document-units=\"px\" inkscape:current-layer=\"layer1\" showgrid=\"false\" units=\"px\" showguides=\"true\" inkscape:guide-bbox=\"true\" inkscape:window-width=\"1920\" inkscape:window-height=\"1001\" inkscape:window-x=\"0\" inkscape:window-y=\"1050\" inkscape:window-maximized=\"1\"> <sodipodi:guide position=\"13.229167,23.859748\" orientation=\"1,0\" id=\"guide815\" inkscape:locked=\"false\" /> <sodipodi:guide position=\"14.944824,13.229167\" orientation=\"0,1\" id=\"guide817\" inkscape:locked=\"false\" /> <sodipodi:guide position=\"19.182291,3.4395834\" orientation=\"1,0\" id=\"guide852\" inkscape:locked=\"false\" /> </sodipodi:namedview> <metadata id=\"metadata5\"> <rdf:RDF> <cc:Work rdf:about=\"\"> <dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format> <dc:type rdf:resource=\"\" /> <dc:title /> </cc:Work> </rdf:RDF> </metadata> <g inkscape:label=\"Layer 1\" inkscape:groupmode=\"layer\" id=\"layer1\" transform=\"translate(0,-270.54165)\"> <path style=\"fill: none !important;stroke-width:2.43863511;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1\" d=\"m 19.212364,278.17517 -11.9689358,5.52059 11.9388628,5.50669\" id=\"path819\" inkscape:connector-curvature=\"0\" sodipodi:nodetypes=\"ccc\" /> <circle style=\"fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:0.53329796;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-dashoffset:0;stroke-opacity:0.97014926\" id=\"path820\" cx=\"7.2434282\" cy=\"283.69574\" r=\"3.9119694\" /> <circle style=\"fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:0.53329796;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-dashoffset:0;stroke-opacity:0.97014926\" id=\"path820-3\" cx=\"19.48818\" cy=\"289.22873\" r=\"3.9119689\" /> <circle style=\"fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:0.53329796;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-dashoffset:0;stroke-opacity:0.97014926\" id=\"path820-3-6\" cx=\"19.48818\" cy=\"277.56281\" r=\"3.9119689\" /> </g> </svg> " public static share = " <svg xmlns:dc=\"\" xmlns:cc=\"\" xmlns:rdf=\"\" xmlns:svg=\"\" xmlns=\"\" id=\"svg8\" version=\"1.1\" viewBox=\"0 0 20.06869 19.489862\" height=\"73.662468\" width=\"75.850166\"> <defs id=\"defs2\" /> <metadata id=\"metadata5\"> <rdf:RDF> <cc:Work rdf:about=\"\"> <dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format> <dc:type rdf:resource=\"\" /> <dc:title></dc:title> </cc:Work> </rdf:RDF> </metadata> <g transform=\"translate(-3.3314588,-273.65084)\" id=\"layer1\"> <path id=\"path819\" d=\"m 19.212364,278.17517 -11.9689358,5.52059 11.9388628,5.50669\" style=\"fill: none !important;stroke-width:2.43863511;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1;stroke:#000000\" /> <circle r=\"3.9119694\" cy=\"283.69574\" cx=\"7.2434282\" id=\"path820\" style=\"fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:0.53329796;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-dashoffset:0;stroke-opacity:1\" /> <circle r=\"3.9119689\" cy=\"289.22873\" cx=\"19.48818\" id=\"path820-3\" style=\"fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:0.53329796;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-dashoffset:0;stroke-opacity:0.97014926\" /> <circle r=\"3.9119689\" cy=\"277.56281\" cx=\"19.48818\" id=\"path820-3-6\" style=\"fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:0.53329796;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-dashoffset:0;stroke-opacity:1\" /> </g> </svg> "
public static share_img = Img.AsImageElement(Svg.share) public static share_img = Img.AsImageElement(Svg.share)
public static share_svg() { return new FixedUiElement(Svg.share);} public static share_svg() { return new FixedUiElement(Svg.share);}
public static share_ui() { return new FixedUiElement(Svg.share_img);} public static share_ui() { return new FixedUiElement(Svg.share_img);}
@ -219,4 +224,4 @@ export default class Svg {
public static wikipedia_svg() { return new FixedUiElement(Svg.wikipedia);} public static wikipedia_svg() { return new FixedUiElement(Svg.wikipedia);}
public static wikipedia_ui() { return new FixedUiElement(Svg.wikipedia_img);} public static wikipedia_ui() { return new FixedUiElement(Svg.wikipedia_img);}
public static All = {"add.svg": Svg.add,"addSmall.svg": Svg.addSmall,"ampersand.svg": Svg.ampersand,"arrow-left-smooth.svg": Svg.arrow_left_smooth,"arrow-right-smooth.svg": Svg.arrow_right_smooth,"bug.svg": Svg.bug,"camera-plus.svg": Svg.camera_plus,"checkmark.svg": Svg.checkmark,"close.svg": Svg.close,"compass.svg": Svg.compass,"crosshair-blue-center.svg": Svg.crosshair_blue_center,"crosshair-blue.svg": Svg.crosshair_blue,"crosshair.svg": Svg.crosshair,"delete_icon.svg": Svg.delete_icon,"direction.svg": Svg.direction,"direction_gradient.svg": Svg.direction_gradient,"down.svg": Svg.down,"envelope.svg": Svg.envelope,"floppy.svg": Svg.floppy,"gear.svg": Svg.gear,"help.svg":,"home.svg": Svg.home,"home_white_bg.svg": Svg.home_white_bg,"josm_logo.svg": Svg.josm_logo,"layers.svg": Svg.layers,"layersAdd.svg": Svg.layersAdd,"logo.svg": Svg.logo,"logout.svg": Svg.logout,"mapillary.svg": Svg.mapillary,"no_checkmark.svg": Svg.no_checkmark,"or.svg": Svg.or,"osm-logo-us.svg": Svg.osm_logo_us,"osm-logo.svg": Svg.osm_logo,"pencil.svg": Svg.pencil,"pop-out.svg": Svg.pop_out,"reload.svg": Svg.reload,"search.svg":,"share.svg": Svg.share,"star.svg":,"statistics.svg": Svg.statistics,"up.svg": Svg.up,"wikimedia-commons-white.svg": Svg.wikimedia_commons_white,"wikipedia.svg": Svg.wikipedia};} public static All = {"add.svg": Svg.add,"addSmall.svg": Svg.addSmall,"ampersand.svg": Svg.ampersand,"arrow-left-smooth.svg": Svg.arrow_left_smooth,"arrow-right-smooth.svg": Svg.arrow_right_smooth,"bug.svg": Svg.bug,"camera-plus.svg": Svg.camera_plus,"checkmark.svg": Svg.checkmark,"close.svg": Svg.close,"compass.svg": Svg.compass,"crosshair-blue-center.svg": Svg.crosshair_blue_center,"crosshair-blue.svg": Svg.crosshair_blue,"crosshair.svg": Svg.crosshair,"delete_icon.svg": Svg.delete_icon,"direction.svg": Svg.direction,"direction_gradient.svg": Svg.direction_gradient,"down.svg": Svg.down,"envelope.svg": Svg.envelope,"floppy.svg": Svg.floppy,"gear.svg": Svg.gear,"help.svg":,"home.svg": Svg.home,"home_white_bg.svg": Svg.home_white_bg,"josm_logo.svg": Svg.josm_logo,"layers.svg": Svg.layers,"layersAdd.svg": Svg.layersAdd,"logo.svg": Svg.logo,"logout.svg": Svg.logout,"mapillary.svg": Svg.mapillary,"no_checkmark.svg": Svg.no_checkmark,"or.svg": Svg.or,"osm-logo-us.svg": Svg.osm_logo_us,"osm-logo.svg": Svg.osm_logo,"pencil.svg": Svg.pencil,"phone.svg":,"pop-out.svg": Svg.pop_out,"reload.svg": Svg.reload,"search.svg":,"share.svg": Svg.share,"star.svg":,"statistics.svg": Svg.statistics,"up.svg": Svg.up,"wikimedia-commons-white.svg": Svg.wikimedia_commons_white,"wikipedia.svg": Svg.wikipedia};}

View file

@ -16,26 +16,15 @@ export class FullScreenMessageBox extends UIElement {
this.HideOnEmpty(true); this.HideOnEmpty(true);
this.returnToTheMap = this.returnToTheMap =
new Combine([Translations.t.general.returnToTheMap.Clone().SetStyle("font-size:xx-large")]) new Combine([
.SetStyle("background:var(--catch-detail-color);" + // Wrapped another time to prevent the value of 'em' to fluctuate
"position: fixed;" + Translations.t.general.returnToTheMap.Clone()
"z-index: 10000;" + ])
"bottom: 0;" +
"left: 0;" +
`height: var(--return-to-the-map-height);` +
"width: 100vw;" +
"color: var(--catch-detail-color-contrast);" +
"font-weight: bold;" +
"pointer-events: all;" +
"cursor: pointer;" +
"padding-top: 1.2em;" +
"text-align: center;" +
"padding-bottom: 1.2em;" +
.onClick(() => { .onClick(() => {
State.state.fullScreenMessage.setData(undefined); State.state.fullScreenMessage.setData(undefined);
onClear(); onClear();
}); })
} }
@ -45,22 +34,18 @@ export class FullScreenMessageBox extends UIElement {
return ""; return "";
} }
this._content =; this._content =;
const uielement = new Combine([this._content]).SetStyle( const innerWrap = new Combine([this._content]).SetClass("fullscreenmessage-content")
"display:block;" +
"padding: 1em;" + return new Combine([innerWrap, this.returnToTheMap])
"padding-bottom:6em;" + .SetStyle("display:block; height: 100%;")
`margin-bottom: var(--return-to-the-map-height);` +
"box-sizing:border-box;" +
`height:calc(100vh - var(--return-to-the-map-height));` +
"overflow-y: auto;" +
"max-width:100vw;" +
"overflow-x:hidden;" +
"background:var(--background-color);" +
"color: var(--foreground-color);"
return new Combine([uielement, this.returnToTheMap])
.Render(); .Render();
} }
protected InnerUpdate(htmlElement: HTMLElement) {
const height = htmlElement.getElementsByClassName("featureinfobox-titlebar")[0]?.clientHeight ?? 0;"--variable-title-height", height+"px")
} }

View file

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ export default class EditableTagRendering extends UIElement {
this.dumbMode = false; this.dumbMode = false;
if (this._configuration.question !== undefined) { if (this._configuration.question !== undefined) {
if ( { if (State.state?.featureSwitchUserbadge?.data) {
// 2.3em total width // 2.3em total width
const self = this; const self = this;
this._editButton = this._editButton =

View file

@ -44,9 +44,14 @@ export class FeatureInfoBox extends UIElement {
return new Combine([ return new Combine([
new Combine([this._title, this._titleIcons]) new Combine([this._title, this._titleIcons])
.SetClass("featureinfobox-titlebar"), .SetClass("featureinfobox-titlebar"),
new Combine([
...this._renderings, ...this._renderings,
this._questionBox, this._questionBox
]).Render(); ]
} }
} }

UI/ShareButton.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
import {UIElement} from "./UIElement";
export default class ShareButton extends UIElement{
private _embedded: UIElement;
private _shareData: { text: string; title: string; url: string };
constructor(embedded: UIElement, shareData: {
text: string,
title: string,
url: string
}) {
this._embedded = embedded;
this._shareData = shareData;
if(this._shareData.url.indexOf("#")> 0){
this._shareData.url = this._shareData.url.replace("#","&hash_content=");
InnerRender(): string {
return `<button type="button" class="share-button" id="${}">${this._embedded.Render()}</button>`
protected InnerUpdate(htmlElement: HTMLElement) {
const self= this;
htmlElement.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (navigator.share) {
navigator.share(self._shareData).then(() => {
console.log('Thanks for sharing!');
.catch(err => {
console.log(`Couldn't share because of`, err.message);
} else {
console.log('web share not supported');

View file

@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ import {FixedUiElement} from "./Base/FixedUiElement";
import Locale from "../UI/i18n/Locale"; import Locale from "../UI/i18n/Locale";
import {ImageUploadFlow} from "./Image/ImageUploadFlow"; import {ImageUploadFlow} from "./Image/ImageUploadFlow";
import {Translation} from "./i18n/Translation"; import {Translation} from "./i18n/Translation";
import State from "../State";
import ShareButton from "./ShareButton";
import Svg from "../Svg";
export class SubstitutedTranslation extends UIElement { export class SubstitutedTranslation extends UIElement {
private readonly tags: UIEventSource<any>; private readonly tags: UIEventSource<any>;
@ -183,7 +186,36 @@ export default class SpecialVisualizations {
return new VariableUiElement( => data[neededValue] ?? "Loading...")); return new VariableUiElement( => data[neededValue] ?? "Loading..."));
} }
}, },
funcName: "share_link",
docs: "Creates a link that (attempts to) open the native 'share'-screen",
example: "{share_link()} to share the current page, {share_link(<some_url>)} to share the given url",
args: [
name: "url",
doc: "The url to share (defualt: current URL)",
constr: (tagSource: UIEventSource<any>, args) => {
if (window.navigator.share) {
const title =;
let name =;
name = `${name} (${title})`
name = title;
return new ShareButton(Svg.share_svg(), {
title: name,
url: args[0] ?? window.location.href,
} else {
return new FixedUiElement("")
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static HelpMessage: UIElement = SpecialVisualizations.GenHelpMessage(); static HelpMessage: UIElement = SpecialVisualizations.GenHelpMessage();

View file

@ -89,6 +89,14 @@
} }
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}, },
"titleIcons": [
"render": "<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='./assets/themes/cyclofix/fietsambassade_gent_logo_small.svg'/></a>",
"condition": "operator=De Fietsambassade Gent"
"tagRenderings": [ "tagRenderings": [
"images", "images",
{ {

View file

@ -12,6 +12,13 @@
"#": "We select all bicycle shops, sport shops (but we try to weed out non-bicycle related shops), and any shop with a bicycle related tag", "#": "We select all bicycle shops, sport shops (but we try to weed out non-bicycle related shops), and any shop with a bicycle related tag",
"or": [ "or": [
"shop=bicycle", "shop=bicycle",
"#": "A bicycle rental with a network is something such as villo, bluebike, ... We don't want them",
"and": [
{ {
"#": "if sport is defined and is not bicycle, it is retrackted; if bicycle retail/repair is marked as 'no', it is retracted too.", "#": "if sport is defined and is not bicycle, it is retrackted; if bicycle retail/repair is marked as 'no', it is retracted too.",
"##": "There will be a few false-positives with this. They will get filtered out by people marking both 'not selling bikes' and 'not repairing bikes'. Furthermore, the OSMers will add a sports-subcategory on it", "##": "There will be a few false-positives with this. They will get filtered out by people marking both 'not selling bikes' and 'not repairing bikes'. Furthermore, the OSMers will add a sports-subcategory on it",
@ -68,7 +75,12 @@
} }
}, },
{ {
"if": "shop!~bicycle", "if": {
"and": [
"then": "Other shop" "then": "Other shop"
}, },
{ {
@ -127,6 +139,23 @@
"de": "Fahrradgeschäft" "de": "Fahrradgeschäft"
} }
}, },
"if": {
"and": [
"or": [
"then": {
"nl": "Fietsverhuur <i>{name}</i>",
"en": "Bicycle rental <i>{name}</i>"
{ {
"if": "name~*", "if": "name~*",
"then": { "then": {
@ -141,37 +170,35 @@
}, },
"titleIcons": [ "titleIcons": [
{ {
"mappings": [ "render": "<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='./assets/themes/cyclofix/fietsambassade_gent_logo_small.svg'/></a>",
{ "condition": "operator=De Fietsambassade Gent"
"if": "service:bicycle:pump=yes",
"then": "<img src='./assets/layers/bike_shop/pump.svg'>"
}, },
{ {
"mappings": [ "condition": {
{ "or": [
"if": "service:bicycle:diy=yes", "service:bicycle:pump=yes",
"then": "<img src='./assets/layers/bike_shop/tools.svg'>" "service:bicycle:pump=seperate"
] ]
}, },
"render": "<img src='./assets/layers/bike_shop/pump.svg'/>"
{ {
"mappings": [ "condition": "service:bicycle:diy=yes",
"render": "<img src='./assets/layers/bike_shop/tools.svg'/>"
{ {
"if": { "condition": {
"or": [ "or": [
"service:bicycle:cleaning=yes", "service:bicycle:cleaning=yes",
"service:bicycle:cleaning=diy" "service:bicycle:cleaning=diy"
] ]
}, },
"then": "<img src='./assets/layers/bike_shop/bike_cleaning.svg'>" "render": "<img src='./assets/layers/bike_shop/bike_cleaning.svg'/>"
}, },
"wikipedialink", "wikipedialink",
"osmlink" "osmlink",
], ],
"description": { "description": {
"en": "A shop specifically selling bicycles or related items", "en": "A shop specifically selling bicycles or related items",
@ -182,6 +209,7 @@
{ {
"condition": { "condition": {
"and": [ "and": [
"shop!~bicycle", "shop!~bicycle",
"shop!~sports" "shop!~sports"
] ]
@ -257,6 +285,13 @@
"type": "opening_hours" "type": "opening_hours"
} }
}, },
"render": "Enkel voor {access}",
"freeform": {
"key": "access"
{ {
"question": { "question": {
"en": "Does this shop sell bikes?", "en": "Does this shop sell bikes?",
@ -439,6 +474,13 @@
"gl": "Esta tenda non ofrece unha bomba de ar para uso de calquera persoa", "gl": "Esta tenda non ofrece unha bomba de ar para uso de calquera persoa",
"de": "Dieses Geschäft bietet für niemanden eine Fahrradpumpe an" "de": "Dieses Geschäft bietet für niemanden eine Fahrradpumpe an"
} }
"if": "service:bicycle:pump=seperate",
"then": {
"en": "There is bicycle pump, it is shown as a seperate point ",
"nl": "Er is een fietspomp, deze is apart aangeduid"
} }
] ]
}, },
@ -470,6 +512,13 @@
"gl": "Non hai ferramentas aquí para arranxar a túa propia bicicleta", "gl": "Non hai ferramentas aquí para arranxar a túa propia bicicleta",
"de": "Dieses Geschäft bietet keine Werkzeuge für Heimwerkerreparaturen an" "de": "Dieses Geschäft bietet keine Werkzeuge für Heimwerkerreparaturen an"
} }
"if": "service:bicycle:diy=only_sold",
"then": {
"en": "Tools for DIY repair are only available if you bought/hire the bike in the shop",
"nl": "Het gereedschap aan om je fiets zelf te herstellen is enkel voor als je de fiets er kocht of huurt"
} }
] ]
}, },
@ -521,6 +570,10 @@
"icon": { "icon": {
"render": "./assets/layers/bike_shop/repair_shop.svg", "render": "./assets/layers/bike_shop/repair_shop.svg",
"mappings": [ "mappings": [
"if": "operator=De Fietsambassade Gent",
"then": "./assets/themes/cyclofix/fietsambassade_gent_logo_small.svg"
{ {
"if": "service:bicycle:retail=yes", "if": "service:bicycle:retail=yes",
"then": "./assets/layers/bike_shop/shop.svg" "then": "./assets/layers/bike_shop/shop.svg"

View file


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 8 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 8 KiB

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
"de": "Mit Fahrrad zusammenhängendes Objekt" "de": "Mit Fahrrad zusammenhängendes Objekt"
}, },
"minzoom": 13, "minzoom": 13,
"overpassTags": "theme~cycling|bicycle", "overpassTags": {"or": ["theme~cycling|bicycle", "sport=cycling"]},
"title": { "title": {
"render": { "render": {
"en": "Bike related object", "en": "Bike related object",
@ -18,12 +18,13 @@
"mappings": [ "mappings": [
{ {
"if": "name~*", "if": "name~*",
"if": "leisure=track",
"then": { "then": {
"en": "<i>{name}</i>", "nl": "Wielerpiste",
"nl": "<i>{name}</i>", "en": "Cycle track"
"fr": "<i>{name}</i>",
"gl": "<i>{name}</i>",
"de": "<i>{name}</i>"
} }
} }
] ]

View file

@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
"id": "toilets",
"name": {
"en": "Toilets",
"de": "Toiletten",
"fr": "Toilettes"
"overpassTags": "amenity=toilets",
"title": {
"render": {
"en": "Toilet",
"de": "Toilette",
"fr": "Toilettes"
"icon": {
"render": "./assets/layers/toilets/toilets.svg",
"mappings": [
"if": "wheelchair=yes",
"then": "./assets/layers/toilets/wheelchair.svg"
"if": "toilets:position=urinals",
"then": "./assets/layers/toilets/urinal.svg"
"color": {
"render": "#0000ff"
"minzoom": 12,
"wayHandling": 2,
"presets": [
"title": {
"en": "Toilet",
"de": "Toilette",
"fr": "Toilettes"
"tags": [
"description": {
"en": "A publicly accessible toilet or restroom",
"de": "Eine öffentlich zugängliche Toilette",
"fr": "Des toilettes"
"title": {
"en": "Toilets with wheelchair accessible toilet",
"de": "Toiletten mit rollstuhlgerechter Toilette",
"fr": "Toilettes accessible aux personnes à mobilité réduite"
"tags": [
"description": {
"en": "A restroom which has at least one wheelchair-accessible toilet",
"de": "Eine Toilettenanlage mit mindestens einer rollstuhlgerechten Toilette",
"fr": "Toilettes avec au moins un WC accessible aux personnes à mobilité réduite"
"tagRenderings": [
"question": {
"en": "Are these toilets publicly accessible?",
"de": "Sind diese Toiletten öffentlich zugänglich?",
"fr": "Ces toilettes sont-elles accessibles publiquement ?"
"render": {
"en": "Access is {access}",
"de": "Zugang ist {access}",
"fr": "L'accès est {access}"
"freeform": {
"key": "access",
"addExtraTags": [
"fixme=the tag access was filled out by the user and might need refinement"
"mappings": [
"if": "access=yes",
"then": {
"en": "Public access",
"de": "Öffentlicher Zugang",
"fr": "Accès publique"
"if": "access=customers",
"then": {
"en": "Only access to customers",
"de": "Nur Zugang für Kunden",
"fr": "Accès réservé aux clients"
"if": "access=no",
"then": {
"en": "Not accessible",
"de": "Nicht zugänglich",
"fr": "WC privés"
"if": "access=key",
"then": {
"en": "Accessible, but one has to ask a key to enter",
"de": "Zugänglich, aber man muss einen Schlüssel für die Eingabe verlangen",
"fr": "Accessible, mais vous devez demander la clé"
"question": {
"en": "Are these toilets free to use?",
"de": "Können diese Toiletten kostenlos benutzt werden?",
"fr": "Ces toilettes sont-elles payantes"
"mappings": [
"then": {
"en": "These are paid toilets",
"de": "Dies sind bezahlte Toiletten",
"fr": "Toilettes payantes"
"if": "fee=yes"
"if": "fee=no",
"then": {
"en": "Free to use",
"de": "Kostenlose Nutzung",
"fr": "Toilettes gratuites"
"question": {
"en": "How much does one have to pay for these toilets?",
"de": "Wie viel muss man für diese Toiletten bezahlen?",
"fr": "Quel est le prix d'accès de ces toilettes ?"
"render": {
"en": "The fee is {charge}",
"de": "Die Gebühr beträgt {charge}",
"fr": "Le prix est {charge}"
"condition": "fee=yes",
"freeform": {
"key": "charge",
"type": "string"
"question": {
"en": "Is there a dedicated toilet for wheelchair users",
"de": "Gibt es eine Toilette für Rollstuhlfahrer?",
"fr": "Un WC réservé aux personnes à mobilité réduite est-il présent ?"
"mappings": [
"then": {
"en": "There is a dedicated toilet for wheelchair users",
"de": "Es gibt eine Toilette für Rollstuhlfahrer",
"fr": "Il y a un WC réservé pour les personnes à mobilité réduite"
"if": "wheelchair=yes"
"if": "wheelchair=no",
"then": {
"en": "No wheelchair access",
"de": "Kein Zugang für Rollstuhlfahrer",
"fr": "Non accessible aux personnes à mobilité réduite"
"question": {
"en": "Which kind of toilets are this?",
"de": "Welche Art von Toiletten sind das?",
"fr": "De quel type sont ces toilettes ?"
"mappings": [
"if": "toilets:position=seated",
"then": {
"en": "There are only seated toilets",
"de": "Es gibt nur Sitztoiletten",
"fr": "Il y a uniquement des WC assis"
"if": "toilets:position=urinals",
"then": {
"en": "There are only urinals here",
"de": "Hier gibt es nur Pissoirs",
"fr": "Il y a uniquement des urinoirs"
"if": "toilets:position=squat",
"then": {
"en": "There are only squat toilets here",
"de": "Es gibt hier nur Hocktoiletten.",
"fr": "Il y a uniquement des WC turques"
"if": "toilets:position=seated;urinals",
"then": {
"en": "Both seated toilets and urinals are available here",
"de": "Sowohl Sitztoiletten als auch Pissoirs sind hier verfügbar",
"fr": "Il y a des WC assis et des urinoirs"
"question": {
"en": "Is a changing table (to change diapers) available?",
"de": "Ist ein Wickeltisch (zum Wechseln der Windeln) vorhanden?",
"fr": "Ces WC disposent-ils d'une table à langer ?"
"mappings": [
"then": {
"en": "A changing table is available",
"de": "Ein Wickeltisch ist verfügbar",
"fr": "Une table à langer est disponible"
"if": "changing_table=yes"
"if": "changing_table=no",
"then": {
"en": "No changing table is available",
"de": "Es ist kein Wickeltisch verfügbar",
"fr": "Aucune table à langer"
"question": {
"en": "Where is the changing table located?",
"de": "Wo befindet sich der Wickeltisch?",
"fr": "Où se situe la table à langer ?"
"render": {
"en": "The changing table is located at {changing_table:location}",
"de": "Die Wickeltabelle befindet sich in {changing_table:location}",
"fr": "Emplacement de la table à langer : {changing_table:location}"
"condition": "changing_table=yes",
"freeform": {
"key": "changing_table:location"
"mappings": [
"then": {
"en": "The changing table is in the toilet for women. ",
"de": "Der Wickeltisch befindet sich in der Damentoilette. ",
"fr": "La table à langer se situe dans les WC pour femmes. "
"if": "changing_table:location=female_toilet"
"then": {
"en": "The changing table is in the toilet for men. ",
"de": "Der Wickeltisch befindet sich in der Herrentoilette. ",
"fr": "La table à langer se situe dans les WC pour hommes. "
"if": "changing_table:location=male_toilet"
"if": "changing_table:location=wheelchair_toilet",
"then": {
"en": "The changing table is in the toilet for wheelchair users. ",
"de": "Der Wickeltisch befindet sich in der Toilette für Rollstuhlfahrer. ",
"fr": "La table à langer se situe dans les WC pour personnes à mobilité réduite. "
"if": "changing_table:location=dedicated_room",
"then": {
"en": "The changing table is in a dedicated room. ",
"de": "Der Wickeltisch befindet sich in einem eigenen Raum. ",
"fr": "La table à langer se situe dans un espace dédié. "

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"fr": "Carte des cartes" "fr": "Carte des cartes"
}, },
"shortDescription": { "shortDescription": {
"en": "On this map, all the maps known by OpenStreetMap are shown", "en": "This theme shows all (touristic) maps that OpenStreetMap knows of",
"nl": "Een kaart met alle kaarten die OpenStreetMap kent", "nl": "Een kaart met alle kaarten die OpenStreetMap kent",
"fr": "Cette carte affiche toutes les cartes (plans) mappés dans OpenStreetMap" "fr": "Cette carte affiche toutes les cartes (plans) mappés dans OpenStreetMap"
}, },
"description": { "description": {
"en": "On this map you can find all maps OpenStreetMap knows.<br/><br/>If a map is missing, you can easily map this map on OpenStreetMap.", "en": "On this map you can find all maps OpenStreetMap knows - typically a big map on an information board showing the area, city or region, e.g. a tourist map on the back of a billboard, a map of a nature reserve, a map of cycling networks in the region, ...) <br/><br/>If a map is missing, you can easily map this map on OpenStreetMap.",
"nl": "Op deze kaart kan je alle kaarten zien die OpenStreetMap kent.<br/><br/>Ontbreekt er een kaart, dan kan je die kaart hier ook gemakelijk aan deze kaart toevoegen.", "nl": "Op deze kaart kan je alle kaarten zien die OpenStreetMap kent.<br/><br/>Ontbreekt er een kaart, dan kan je die kaart hier ook gemakelijk aan deze kaart toevoegen.",
"fr": "Sur cette carte sont affichées les cartes (plans) mappées dans OpenStreetMap.<br/><br/>Si une carte est manquante, vous pouvez l'ajouer facilement avec un compte OpenStreetMap." "fr": "Sur cette carte sont affichées les cartes (plans) mappées dans OpenStreetMap.<br/><br/>Si une carte est manquante, vous pouvez l'ajouer facilement avec un compte OpenStreetMap."
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View file

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"name": {
"en": "Toilets",
"de": "Toiletten",
"fr": "Toilettes"
"overpassTags": "amenity=toilets",
"title": {
"render": {
"en": "Toilet",
"de": "Toilette",
"fr": "Toilettes"
"icon": {
"render": "./assets/themes/toilets/toilets.svg",
"mappings": [
"if": "wheelchair=yes",
"then": "./assets/themes/toilets/wheelchair.svg"
"color": {
"render": "#0000ff"
"minzoom": 12,
"wayHandling": 2,
"presets": [
"title": {
"en": "Toilet",
"de": "Toilette",
"fr": "Toilettes"
"tags": [
"description": {
"en": "A publicly accessible toilet or restroom",
"de": "Eine öffentlich zugängliche Toilette",
"fr": "Des toilettes"
"title": {
"en": "Toilets with wheelchair accessible toilet",
"de": "Toiletten mit rollstuhlgerechter Toilette",
"fr": "Toilettes accessible aux personnes à mobilité réduite"
"tags": [
"description": {
"en": "A restroom which has at least one wheelchair-accessible toilet",
"de": "Eine Toilettenanlage mit mindestens einer rollstuhlgerechten Toilette",
"fr": "Toilettes avec au moins un WC accessible aux personnes à mobilité réduite"
"tagRenderings": [
"question": {
"en": "Are these toilets publicly accessible?",
"de": "Sind diese Toiletten öffentlich zugänglich?",
"fr": "Ces toilettes sont-elles accessibles publiquement ?"
"render": {
"en": "Access is {access}",
"de": "Zugang ist {access}",
"fr": "L'accès est {access}"
"freeform": {
"key": "access",
"addExtraTags": [
"fixme=the tag access was filled out by the user and might need refinement"
"mappings": [
"if": "access=yes",
"then": {
"en": "Public access",
"de": "Öffentlicher Zugang",
"fr": "Accès publique"
"if": "access=customers",
"then": {
"en": "Only access to customers",
"de": "Nur Zugang für Kunden",
"fr": "Accès réservé aux clients"
"if": "access=no",
"then": {
"en": "Not accessible",
"de": "Nicht zugänglich",
"fr": "WC privés"
"if": "access=key",
"then": {
"en": "Accessible, but one has to ask a key to enter",
"de": "Zugänglich, aber man muss einen Schlüssel für die Eingabe verlangen",
"fr": "Accessible, mais vous devez demander la clé"
"question": {
"en": "Are these toilets free to use?",
"de": "Können diese Toiletten kostenlos benutzt werden?",
"fr": "Ces toilettes sont-elles payantes"
"mappings": [
"then": {
"en": "These are paid toilets",
"de": "Dies sind bezahlte Toiletten",
"fr": "Toilettes payantes"
"if": "fee=yes"
"if": "fee=no",
"then": {
"en": "Free to use",
"de": "Kostenlose Nutzung",
"fr": "Toilettes gratuites"
"question": {
"en": "How much does one have to pay for these toilets?",
"de": "Wie viel muss man für diese Toiletten bezahlen?",
"fr": "Quel est le prix d'accès de ces toilettes ?"
"render": {
"en": "The fee is {charge}",
"de": "Die Gebühr beträgt {charge}",
"fr": "Le prix est {charge}"
"condition": "fee=yes",
"freeform": {
"key": "charge",
"type": "string"
"question": {
"en": "Is there a dedicated toilet for wheelchair users",
"de": "Gibt es eine Toilette für Rollstuhlfahrer?",
"fr": "Un WC réservé aux personnes à mobilité réduite est-il présent ?"
"mappings": [
"then": {
"en": "There is a dedicated toilet for wheelchair users",
"de": "Es gibt eine Toilette für Rollstuhlfahrer",
"fr": "Il y a un WC réservé pour les personnes à mobilité réduite"
"if": "wheelchair=yes"
"if": "wheelchair=no",
"then": {
"en": "No wheelchair access",
"de": "Kein Zugang für Rollstuhlfahrer",
"fr": "Non accessible aux personnes à mobilité réduite"
"question": {
"en": "Which kind of toilets are this?",
"de": "Welche Art von Toiletten sind das?",
"fr": "De quel type sont ces toilettes ?"
"mappings": [
"if": "toilets:position=seated",
"then": {
"en": "There are only seated toilets",
"de": "Es gibt nur Sitztoiletten",
"fr": "Il y a uniquement des WC assis"
"if": "toilets:position=urinals",
"then": {
"en": "There are only urinals here",
"de": "Hier gibt es nur Pissoirs",
"fr": "Il y a uniquement des urinoirs"
"if": "toilets:position=squat",
"then": {
"en": "There are only squat toilets here",
"de": "Es gibt hier nur Hocktoiletten.",
"fr": "Il y a uniquement des WC turques"
"if": "toilets:position=seated;urinals",
"then": {
"en": "Both seated toilets and urinals are available here",
"de": "Sowohl Sitztoiletten als auch Pissoirs sind hier verfügbar",
"fr": "Il y a des WC assis et des urinoirs"
"question": {
"en": "Is a changing table (to change diapers) available?",
"de": "Ist ein Wickeltisch (zum Wechseln der Windeln) vorhanden?",
"fr": "Ces WC disposent-ils d'une table à langer ?"
"mappings": [
"then": {
"en": "A changing table is available",
"de": "Ein Wickeltisch ist verfügbar",
"fr": "Une table à langer est disponible"
"if": "changing_table=yes"
"if": "changing_table=no",
"then": {
"en": "No changing table is available",
"de": "Es ist kein Wickeltisch verfügbar",
"fr": "Aucune table à langer"
"question": {
"en": "Where is the changing table located?",
"de": "Wo befindet sich der Wickeltisch?",
"fr": "Où se situe la table à langer ?"
"render": {
"en": "The changing table is located at {changing_table:location}",
"de": "Die Wickeltabelle befindet sich in {changing_table:location}",
"fr": "Emplacement de la table à langer : {changing_table:location}"
"condition": "changing_table=yes",
"freeform": {
"key": "changing_table:location"
"mappings": [
"then": {
"en": "The changing table is in the toilet for women. ",
"de": "Der Wickeltisch befindet sich in der Damentoilette. ",
"fr": "La table à langer se situe dans les WC pour femmes. "
"if": "changing_table:location=female_toilet"
"then": {
"en": "The changing table is in the toilet for men. ",
"de": "Der Wickeltisch befindet sich in der Herrentoilette. ",
"fr": "La table à langer se situe dans les WC pour hommes. "
"if": "changing_table:location=male_toilet"
"if": "changing_table:location=wheelchair_toilet",
"then": {
"en": "The changing table is in the toilet for wheelchair users. ",
"de": "Der Wickeltisch befindet sich in der Toilette für Rollstuhlfahrer. ",
"fr": "La table à langer se situe dans les WC pour personnes à mobilité réduite. "
"if": "changing_table:location=dedicated_room",
"then": {
"en": "The changing table is in a dedicated room. ",
"de": "Der Wickeltisch befindet sich in einem eigenen Raum. ",
"fr": "La table à langer se situe dans un espace dédié. "
] ]
} }

View file

@ -709,8 +709,8 @@
"de": "<h3>Kundenspezifische Themen</h3>Dies sind zuvor besuchte benutzergenerierte Themen" "de": "<h3>Kundenspezifische Themen</h3>Dies sind zuvor besuchte benutzergenerierte Themen"
}, },
"aboutMapcomplete": { "aboutMapcomplete": {
"en": "<h3>About MapComplete</h3><p>MapComplete is an OpenStreetMap editor that is meant to help everyone to easily add information on a <b>single theme.</b></p><p>Only features relevant to a single theme are shown with a few predefined questions, in order to keep things <b>simple and extremly user-friendly</b>.The theme maintainer can also choose a language for the interface, choose to disable elements or even to embed it into a different website without any UI-element at all.</p><p>However, another important part of MapComplete is to always <b>offer the next step</b> to learn more about OpenStreetMap:<ul><li>An iframe without UI-elements will link to a full-screen version</li><li>The fullscreen version offers information about OpenStreetMap</li><li>If you're not logged in, you're asked to log in</li><li>If you answered a single question, you are allowed to add points</li><li>At a certain point, the actual added tags appear which later get linked to the wiki...</li></ul></p><p>Do you notice an issue with MapComplete? Do you have a feature request? Do you want to help translating? Head over to <a href='' target='_blank'>the source code</a> or <a href='' target='_blank'>issue tracker.</a></p>", "en": "<h3>About MapComplete</h3><p>MapComplete is an OpenStreetMap editor that is meant to help everyone to easily add information on a <b>single theme.</b></p><p>Only features relevant to a single theme are shown with a few predefined questions, in order to keep things <b>simple and extremly user-friendly</b>.The theme maintainer can also choose a language for the interface, choose to disable elements or even to embed it into a different website without any UI-element at all.</p><p>However, another important part of MapComplete is to always <b>offer the next step</b> to learn more about OpenStreetMap:<ul><li>An iframe without UI-elements will link to a full-screen version</li><li>The fullscreen version offers information about OpenStreetMap</li><li>If you're not logged in, you're asked to log in</li><li>If you answered a single question, you are allowed to add points</li><li>At a certain point, the actual added tags appear which later get linked to the wiki...</li></ul></p><p>Do you notice an issue with MapComplete? Do you have a feature request? Do you want to help translating? Head over to <a href='' target='_blank'>the source code</a> or <a href='' target='_blank'>issue tracker.</a> Follow the edit count on <a href='' target='_blank' >OsmCha</a></p>",
"nl": "<h3>Over MapComplete</h3><p>MapComplete is een OpenStreetMap-editor om eenvoudig informatie toe te voegen over <b>één enkel onderwerp</b>.</p><p>Om de editor zo <b>simpel en gebruiksvriendelijk mogelijk</b> te houden, worden enkel objecten relevant voor het thema getoond.Voor deze objecten kunnen dan vragen beantwoord worden, of men kan een nieuw punt van dit thema toevoegen.De maker van het thema kan er ook voor opteren om een aantal elementen van de gebruikersinterface uit te schakelen of de taal ervan in te stellen.</p><p>Een ander belangrijk aspect is om bezoekers stap voor stap meer te leren over OpenStreetMap:<ul><li>Een iframe zonder verdere uitleg linkt naar de volledige versie van MapComplete</li><li>De volledige versie heeft uitleg over OpenStreetMap</li><li>Als je niet aangemeld bent, wordt er je gevraagd dit te doen</li><li>Als je minstens één vraag hebt beantwoord, kan je punten gaan toevoegen.</li><li>Heb je genoeg changesets, dan verschijnen de tags die wat later doorlinken naar de wiki</li></ul></p><p>Merk je een bug of wil je een extra feature? Wil je helpen vertalen? Bezoek dan de <a href='' target='_blank'>broncode</a> en <a href='' target='_blank'>issue tracker</a></p>", "nl": "<h3>Over MapComplete</h3><p>MapComplete is een OpenStreetMap-editor om eenvoudig informatie toe te voegen over <b>één enkel onderwerp</b>.</p><p>Om de editor zo <b>simpel en gebruiksvriendelijk mogelijk</b> te houden, worden enkel objecten relevant voor het thema getoond.Voor deze objecten kunnen dan vragen beantwoord worden, of men kan een nieuw punt van dit thema toevoegen.De maker van het thema kan er ook voor opteren om een aantal elementen van de gebruikersinterface uit te schakelen of de taal ervan in te stellen.</p><p>Een ander belangrijk aspect is om bezoekers stap voor stap meer te leren over OpenStreetMap:<ul><li>Een iframe zonder verdere uitleg linkt naar de volledige versie van MapComplete</li><li>De volledige versie heeft uitleg over OpenStreetMap</li><li>Als je niet aangemeld bent, wordt er je gevraagd dit te doen</li><li>Als je minstens één vraag hebt beantwoord, kan je punten gaan toevoegen.</li><li>Heb je genoeg changesets, dan verschijnen de tags die wat later doorlinken naar de wiki</li></ul></p><p>Merk je een bug of wil je een extra feature? Wil je helpen vertalen? Bezoek dan de <a href='' target='_blank'>broncode</a> en <a href='' target='_blank'>issue tracker</a>. Volg de edits <a href='' target='_blank' >op OsmCha</a></p>",
"de": "<h3>Über MapComplete</h3><p>MapComplete ist ein OpenStreetMap-Editor, der jedem helfen soll, auf einfache Weise Informationen zu einem <b>Einzelthema hinzuzufügen.</b></p><p>Nur Merkmale, die für ein einzelnes Thema relevant sind, werden mit einigen vordefinierten Fragen gezeigt, um die Dinge <b>einfach und extrem benutzerfreundlich</b> zu halten.Der Themen-Betreuer kann auch eine Sprache für die Schnittstelle wählen, Elemente deaktivieren oder sogar in eine andere Website ohne jegliches UI-Element einbetten.</p><p>Ein weiterer wichtiger Teil von MapComplete ist jedoch, immer <b>den nächsten Schritt anzubieten</b>um mehr über OpenStreetMap zu erfahren:<ul><li>Ein iframe ohne UI-Elemente verlinkt zu einer Vollbildversion</li><li>Die Vollbildversion bietet Informationen über OpenStreetMap</li><li>Wenn Sie nicht eingeloggt sind, werden Sie gebeten, sich einzuloggen</li><li>Wenn Sie eine einzige Frage beantwortet haben, dürfen Sie Punkte hinzufügen</li><li>An einem bestimmten Punkt erscheinen die tatsächlich hinzugefügten Tags, die später mit dem Wiki verlinkt werden...</li></ul></p><p>Fällt Ihnen ein Problem mit MapComplete auf? Haben Sie einen Feature-Wunsch? Wollen Sie beim Übersetzen helfen? Gehen Sie <a href='' target='_blank'>zum Quellcode</a> oder <a href='' target='_blank'>zur Problemverfolgung</a>.</p>" "de": "<h3>Über MapComplete</h3><p>MapComplete ist ein OpenStreetMap-Editor, der jedem helfen soll, auf einfache Weise Informationen zu einem <b>Einzelthema hinzuzufügen.</b></p><p>Nur Merkmale, die für ein einzelnes Thema relevant sind, werden mit einigen vordefinierten Fragen gezeigt, um die Dinge <b>einfach und extrem benutzerfreundlich</b> zu halten.Der Themen-Betreuer kann auch eine Sprache für die Schnittstelle wählen, Elemente deaktivieren oder sogar in eine andere Website ohne jegliches UI-Element einbetten.</p><p>Ein weiterer wichtiger Teil von MapComplete ist jedoch, immer <b>den nächsten Schritt anzubieten</b>um mehr über OpenStreetMap zu erfahren:<ul><li>Ein iframe ohne UI-Elemente verlinkt zu einer Vollbildversion</li><li>Die Vollbildversion bietet Informationen über OpenStreetMap</li><li>Wenn Sie nicht eingeloggt sind, werden Sie gebeten, sich einzuloggen</li><li>Wenn Sie eine einzige Frage beantwortet haben, dürfen Sie Punkte hinzufügen</li><li>An einem bestimmten Punkt erscheinen die tatsächlich hinzugefügten Tags, die später mit dem Wiki verlinkt werden...</li></ul></p><p>Fällt Ihnen ein Problem mit MapComplete auf? Haben Sie einen Feature-Wunsch? Wollen Sie beim Übersetzen helfen? Gehen Sie <a href='' target='_blank'>zum Quellcode</a> oder <a href='' target='_blank'>zur Problemverfolgung</a>.</p>"
}, },
"backgroundMap": { "backgroundMap": {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
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box-sizing: border-box;

View file

@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ Contains tweaks for small screens
position: absolute; position: absolute;
z-index: 10000; z-index: 10000;
width: 100vw; width: 100vw;
height: 100vh;
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#welcomeMessage { #welcomeMessage {

View file

@ -1,19 +1,47 @@
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.answer { .answer {
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@ -43,6 +71,12 @@
height: 100%; height: 100%;
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.question a {
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text-decoration: none;
color: var(--subtle-detail-color-contrast)
.question-text { .question-text {
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View file

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
--shadow-color: #00000066; --shadow-color: #00000066;
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html, body { html, body {
@ -408,10 +409,7 @@ a {
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.leaflet-div-icon { .leaflet-div-icon {
@ -420,6 +418,11 @@ a {
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.leaflet-div-icon svg {
width: calc(100%);
height: calc(100%);
/****** ShareScreen *****/ /****** ShareScreen *****/
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@ -499,3 +502,35 @@ a {
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View file

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/openinghourstable.css"/> <link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/openinghourstable.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/tagrendering.css"/> <link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/tagrendering.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/imageUploadFlow.css"/> <link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/imageUploadFlow.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/fullscreenmessagebox.css"/>
<!-- $$$CUSTOM-CSS --> <!-- $$$CUSTOM-CSS -->
<link rel="manifest" href="./manifest.manifest"> <link rel="manifest" href="./manifest.manifest">
<link rel="icon" href="assets/svg/add.svg" sizes="any" type="image/svg+xml"> <link rel="icon" href="assets/svg/add.svg" sizes="any" type="image/svg+xml">
@ -65,7 +66,6 @@
<div id="leafletDiv"></div> <div id="leafletDiv"></div>
<script src="./index.ts"></script> <script src="./index.ts"></script>
<script src="./vendor/Leaflet.AccuratePosition.js"></script>
<script data-goatcounter="" async src="//"></script> <script data-goatcounter="" async src="//"></script>

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"staticPath": [ "staticPath": [
{ {
"staticPath": "tiles/", "staticPath": "tiles/",
"staticOutDir": "./tiles/" "staticOutDir": "tiles/"
} }
] ]
}, },
@ -24,10 +24,8 @@
"build": "rm -rf dist/ && npm run generate && parcel build --public-url ./ *.html assets/** assets/**/** assets/**/**/** vendor/* vendor/*/*", "build": "rm -rf dist/ && npm run generate && parcel build --public-url ./ *.html assets/** assets/**/** assets/**/**/** vendor/* vendor/*/*",
"prepare-deploy": "npm run generate && npm run build && rm -rf .cache", "prepare-deploy": "npm run generate && npm run build && rm -rf .cache",
"deploy:staging": "npm run prepare-deploy && rm -rf /home/pietervdvn/git/* && cp -r dist/* /home/pietervdvn/git/ && cd /home/pietervdvn/git/ && git add * && git commit -m 'New MapComplete Version' && git push && cd - && npm run clean", "deploy:staging": "npm run prepare-deploy && rm -rf /home/pietervdvn/git/* && cp -r dist/* /home/pietervdvn/git/ && cd /home/pietervdvn/git/ && git add * && git commit -m 'New MapComplete Version' && git push && cd - && npm run clean",
"deploy:production": "npm run prepare-deploy && npm run optimize-images && rm -rf /home/pietervdvn/git/* && cp -r dist/* /home/pietervdvn/git/ && cd /home/pietervdvn/git/ && git add * && git commit -m 'New MapComplete Version' && git push && cd - && npm run clean", "deploy:production": "rm -rf ./assets/generated && npm run prepare-deploy && npm run optimize-images && rm -rf /home/pietervdvn/git/* && cp -r dist/* /home/pietervdvn/git/ && cd /home/pietervdvn/git/ && git add * && git commit -m 'New MapComplete Version' && git push && cd - && npm run clean",
"clean": "rm -rf .cache/ && (find *.html | grep -v \"\\(index\\|land\\|test\\|preferences\\|customGenerator\\).html\" | xargs rm) && (find *.webmanifest | xargs rm)" "clean": "rm -rf .cache/ && (find *.html | grep -v \"\\(index\\|land\\|test\\|preferences\\|customGenerator\\).html\" | xargs rm) && (find *.webmanifest | xargs rm)"
}, },
"keywords": [ "keywords": [
"OpenStreetMap", "OpenStreetMap",
@ -40,6 +38,7 @@
"codegrid-js": "git://", "codegrid-js": "git://",
"country-language": "^0.1.7", "country-language": "^0.1.7",
"email-validator": "^2.0.4", "email-validator": "^2.0.4",
"escape-html": "^1.0.3",
"i18next-client": "^1.11.4", "i18next-client": "^1.11.4",
"jquery": "latest", "jquery": "latest",
"leaflet": "^1.7.1", "leaflet": "^1.7.1",

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import {UIEventSource} from "./Logic/UIEventSource";
import {VariableUiElement} from "./UI/Base/VariableUIElement"; import {VariableUiElement} from "./UI/Base/VariableUIElement";
const d = new UIEventSource("90"); const d = new UIEventSource("90");
new Direction(d, [51.21576,3.22001]).AttachTo("maindiv") new Direction(d).AttachTo("maindiv")
new VariableUiElement( => "" + d + "°")).AttachTo("extradiv") new VariableUiElement( => "" + d + "°")).AttachTo("extradiv")
UIEventSource.Chronic(25, () => { UIEventSource.Chronic(25, () => {

View file

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import {UIElement} from "../UI/UIElement"; import {UIElement} from "../UI/UIElement";
UIElement.runningFromConsole = true; UIElement.runningFromConsole = true;
import {Img} from "../UI/Img";
Img.runningFromConsole = true;
import {equal} from "assert"; import {equal} from "assert";
import T from "./TestHelper"; import T from "./TestHelper";
import {FromJSON} from "../Customizations/JSON/FromJSON"; import {FromJSON} from "../Customizations/JSON/FromJSON";
@ -17,7 +18,6 @@ import {Utils} from "../Utils";
import {Translation} from "../UI/i18n/Translation"; import {Translation} from "../UI/i18n/Translation";
new T([ new T([
["Tag replacement works in translation", () => { ["Tag replacement works in translation", () => {
const tr = new Translation({ const tr = new Translation({
@ -35,6 +35,15 @@ new T([
equal((and.and[0] as Tag).key, "key"); equal((and.and[0] as Tag).key, "key");
equal((and.and[1] as Tag).value, "y"); equal((and.and[1] as Tag).value, "y");
const notReg = FromJSON.Tag("x!~y") as And;
equal(notReg.matches([{k:"x",v:"y"}]), false)
equal(notReg.matches([{k:"x",v:"z"}]), true)
equal(notReg.matches([{k:"x",v:""}]), true)
equal(notReg.matches([]), true)
})], })],
["Is equivalent test", (() => { ["Is equivalent test", (() => {