Add capability to load tiled geojsons, eventually as overpass-cache

This commit is contained in:
pietervdvn 2021-04-22 03:30:46 +02:00
parent 475cdae19f
commit 2da52501a3
16 changed files with 520 additions and 76 deletions

View File

@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ export default class LayerConfig {
this.source = new SourceConfig({
osmTags: osmTags,
geojsonSource: json.source["geoJson"],
geojsonSourceLevel: json.source["geoJsonZoomLevel"],
overpassScript: json.source["overpassScript"],
} else {
@ -159,7 +160,7 @@ export default class LayerConfig {
if (renderingJson === "questions") {
if (readOnly) {
throw `A tagrendering has a question, but asking a question does not make sense here: is it a title icon or a geojson-layer? ${context}`
throw `A tagrendering has a question, but asking a question does not make sense here: is it a title icon or a geojson-layer? ${context}. The offending tagrendering is ${JSON.stringify(renderingJson)}`
return new TagRenderingConfig("questions", undefined)
@ -176,7 +177,7 @@ export default class LayerConfig {
this.tagRenderings = trs(json.tagRenderings, this.source.geojsonSource !== undefined);
this.tagRenderings = trs(json.tagRenderings, false);
const titleIcons = [];

View File

@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ export interface LayerConfigJson {
* There are some options:
* source: {osmTags: "key=value"} will fetch all objects with given tags from OSM. Currently, this will create a query to overpass and fetch the data - in the future this might fetch from the OSM API
* source: {geoJsonSource: ""} to fetch a geojson from a third party source
* source: {geoJson: ""} to fetch a geojson from a third party source
* source: {geoJson: "{z}-{x}-{y}.geojson", geoJsonZoomLevel: 14} to use a tiled geojson source. The web server must offer multiple geojsons. {z}, {x} and {y} are substituted
* source: {overpassScript: "<custom overpass tags>"} when you want to do special things. _This should be really rare_.
* This means that the data will be pulled from overpass with this script, and will ignore the osmTags for the query
@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ export interface LayerConfigJson {
* While still supported, this is considered deprecated
source: { osmTags: AndOrTagConfigJson | string } |
{ osmTags: AndOrTagConfigJson | string, geoJson: string } |
{ osmTags: AndOrTagConfigJson | string, geoJson: string, geoJsonZoomLevel?: number } |
{ osmTags: AndOrTagConfigJson | string, overpassScript: string }

View File

@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ export default class LayoutConfig {
throw "Unkown fixed layer " + name;
// @ts-ignore
layer = Utils.Merge(layer.override, shared);
layer = Utils.Merge(layer.override, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(shared))); // We make a deep copy of the shared layer, in order to protect it from changes
// @ts-ignore

View File

@ -5,11 +5,13 @@ export default class SourceConfig {
osmTags?: TagsFilter;
overpassScript?: string;
geojsonSource?: string;
geojsonZoomLevel?: number;
constructor(params: {
osmTags?: TagsFilter,
overpassScript?: string,
geojsonSource?: string
geojsonSource?: string,
geojsonSourceLevel?: number
}) {
let defined = 0;
@ -28,5 +30,6 @@ export default class SourceConfig {
this.osmTags = params.osmTags;
this.overpassScript = params.overpassScript;
this.geojsonSource = params.geojsonSource;
this.geojsonZoomLevel = params.geojsonSourceLevel;

View File

@ -33,15 +33,10 @@ export default class FeaturePipeline implements FeatureSource {
)), layout));
const geojsonSources: GeoJsonSource [] = []
for (const flayer of {
const sourceUrl = flayer.layerDef.source.geojsonSource
if (sourceUrl !== undefined) {
geojsonSources.push(new RegisteringFeatureSource(new FeatureDuplicatorPerLayer(flayers,
new GeoJsonSource(, sourceUrl))))
const geojsonSources: FeatureSource [] = GeoJsonSource
.ConstructMultiSource(, locationControl)
.map(geojsonSource => new RegisteringFeatureSource(new FeatureDuplicatorPerLayer(flayers, geojsonSource)));
const amendedLocalStorageSource =
new RememberingSource(new RegisteringFeatureSource(new FeatureDuplicatorPerLayer(flayers, new LocalStorageSource(layout))

View File

@ -1,51 +1,195 @@
import FeatureSource from "./FeatureSource";
import {UIEventSource} from "../UIEventSource";
import * as $ from "jquery";
import {control} from "leaflet";
import zoom = control.zoom;
import Loc from "../../Models/Loc";
import State from "../../State";
import {Utils} from "../../Utils";
import LayerConfig from "../../Customizations/JSON/LayerConfig";
* Fetches a geojson file somewhere and passes it along
export default class GeoJsonSource implements FeatureSource {
features: UIEventSource<{ feature: any; freshness: Date }[]>;
constructor(layerId: string, url: string, onFail: ((errorMsg: any) => void) = undefined) {
if (onFail === undefined) {
onFail = errorMsg => {
console.warn(`Could not load geojson layer from`, url, "due to", errorMsg)
private readonly onFail: ((errorMsg: any, url: string) => void) = undefined;
private readonly layerId: string;
private readonly seenids: Set<string> = new Set<string>()
constructor(locationControl: UIEventSource<Loc>,
flayer: { isDisplayed: UIEventSource<boolean>, layerDef: LayerConfig },
onFail?: ((errorMsg: any) => void)) {
this.layerId =;
let url = flayer.layerDef.source.geojsonSource;
const zoomLevel = flayer.layerDef.source.geojsonZoomLevel;
this.features = new UIEventSource<{ feature: any; freshness: Date }[]>([])
if (zoomLevel === undefined) {
// This is a classic, static geojson layer
if (onFail === undefined) {
onFail = errorMsg => {
console.warn(`Could not load geojson layer from`, url, "due to", errorMsg)
this.onFail = onFail;
} else {
// This is a dynamic template with a fixed zoom level
url = url.replace("{z}", "" + zoomLevel)
const loadedTiles = new Set<string>();
const self = this;
this.onFail = (msg, url) => {
console.warn(`Could not load geojson layer from`, url, "due to", msg)
const neededTiles =
location => {
if (! {
return undefined;
// Yup, this is cheating to just get the bounds here
const bounds =
const tileRange = Utils.TileRangeBetween(zoomLevel, bounds.getNorth(), bounds.getEast(), bounds.getSouth(), bounds.getWest())
const needed = new Set<string>();
for (let x = tileRange.xstart; x <= tileRange.xend; x++) {
for (let y = tileRange.ystart; y <= tileRange.yend; y++) {
let neededUrl = url.replace("{x}", "" + x).replace("{y}", "" + y);
return needed;
neededTiles.stabilized(250).addCallback((needed: Set<string>) => {
if (needed === undefined) {
needed.forEach(neededTile => {
if (loadedTiles.has(neededTile)) {
this.features = new UIEventSource<{ feature: any; freshness: Date }[]>(undefined)
* Merges together the layers which have the same source
* @param flayers
* @param locationControl
* @constructor
public static ConstructMultiSource(flayers: { isDisplayed: UIEventSource<boolean>, layerDef: LayerConfig }[], locationControl: UIEventSource<Loc>): GeoJsonSource[] {
const flayersPerSource = new Map<string, { isDisplayed: UIEventSource<boolean>, layerDef: LayerConfig }[]>();
for (const flayer of flayers) {
const url = flayer.layerDef.source.geojsonSource
if (url === undefined) {
if (!flayersPerSource.has(url)) {
flayersPerSource.set(url, [])
console.log("SOURCES", flayersPerSource)
const sources: GeoJsonSource[] = []
flayersPerSource.forEach((flayers, key) => {
if (flayers.length == 1) {
sources.push(new GeoJsonSource(locationControl, flayers[0]));
const zoomlevels = Utils.Dedup( => "" + (flayer.layerDef.source.geojsonZoomLevel ?? "")))
if (zoomlevels.length > 1) {
throw "Multiple zoomlevels defined for same geojson source " + key
let isShown = new UIEventSource<boolean>(true, "IsShown for multiple layers: or of multiple values");
for (const flayer of flayers) {
flayer.isDisplayed.addCallbackAndRun(() => {
let value = false;
for (const flayer of flayers) {
value = || value;
const source = new GeoJsonSource(locationControl, {
isDisplayed: isShown,
layerDef: flayers[0].layerDef // We only care about the source info here
return sources;
private LoadJSONFrom(url: string) {
const eventSource = this.features;
const self = this;
$.getJSON(url, function (json, status) {
if (status !== "success") {
console.log("Fetching geojson failed failed")
self.onFail(status, url);
if (json.elements === [] && json.remarks.indexOf("runtime error") > 0) {
console.log("Timeout or other runtime error");
onFail("Runtime error (timeout)")
self.onFail("Runtime error (timeout)", url)
const time = new Date();
const features: { feature: any, freshness: Date } [] = []
const newFeatures: { feature: any, freshness: Date } [] = []
let i = 0;
let skipped = 0;
for (const feature of json.features) {
if ( === undefined) { = url + "/" + i; = url + "/" + i;
feature._matching_layer_id = layerId;
features.push({feature: feature, freshness: time})
if (self.seenids.has( {
newFeatures.push({feature: feature, freshness: time})
console.log("Loaded features are", features)
console.log("Downloaded "+newFeatures.length+" new features and "+skipped+" already seen features from "+ url);
if(newFeatures.length == 0){
}).fail(msg => self.onFail(msg, url))

View File

@ -20,9 +20,15 @@ export default class ExtractRelations {
console.log("Assigned memberships: ", memberships)
private static GetRelationElements(overpassJson: any): Relation[] {
const relations = overpassJson.elements.filter(element => element.type === "relation")
* Gets an overview of the relations - except for multipolygons. We don't care about those
* @param overpassJson
* @constructor
public static GetRelationElements(overpassJson: any): Relation[] {
const relations = overpassJson.elements
.filter(element => element.type === "relation" && element.tags.type !== "multipolygon")
for (const relation of relations) { = relation.tags

View File

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ export class Overpass {
private buildQuery(bbox: string): string {
buildQuery(bbox: string): string {
const filters = this._filter.asOverpass()
let filter = ""
for (const filterOr of filters) {

View File

@ -156,8 +156,6 @@ export class Utils {
static Merge(source: any, target: any) {
target = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(target));
source = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(source));
for (const key in source) {
const sourceV = source[key];
const targetV = target[key]
@ -203,6 +201,26 @@ export class Utils {
static embedded_tile(lat: number, lon: number, z: number): { x: number, y: number, z: number } {
return {x: Utils.lon2tile(lon, z), y: Utils.lat2tile(lat, z), z: z}
static TileRangeBetween(zoomlevel: number, lat0: number, lon0: number, lat1:number, lon1: number) : TileRange{
const t0 = Utils.embedded_tile(lat0, lon0, zoomlevel)
const t1 = Utils.embedded_tile(lat1, lon1, zoomlevel)
const xstart = Math.min(t0.x, t1.x)
const xend = Math.max(t0.x, t1.x)
const ystart = Math.min(t0.y, t1.y)
const yend = Math.max(t0.y, t1.y)
const total = (1 + xend - xstart) * (1 + yend - ystart)
return {
xstart: xstart,
xend: xend,
ystart: ystart,
yend: yend,
total: total,
zoomlevel: zoomlevel
public static MinifyJSON(stringified: string): string {
stringified = stringified.replace(/\|/g, "||");
@ -257,3 +275,13 @@ export class Utils {
return (Math.floor((1 - Math.log(Math.tan(lat * Math.PI / 180) + 1 / Math.cos(lat * Math.PI / 180)) / Math.PI) / 2 * Math.pow(2, zoom)));
export interface TileRange{
xstart: number,
ystart: number,
xend: number,
yend: number,
total: number,
zoomlevel: number

View File

@ -24,19 +24,64 @@
"socialImage": "",
"defaultBackgroundId": "CartoDB.Positron",
"layers": [
"builtin": "play_forest",
"override": {
"source": {
"geoJson": "{z}_{x}_{y}.geojson",
"geoJsonZoomLevel": 14
"builtin": "playground",
"override": {
"source": {
"geoJson": "{z}_{x}_{y}.geojson",
"geoJsonZoomLevel": 14
"builtin": "sport_pitch",
"override": {
"minzoom": 15,
"source": {
"geoJson": "{z}_{x}_{y}.geojson",
"geoJsonZoomLevel": 14
"builtin": "slow_roads",
"override": {
"source": {
"geoJson": "{z}_{x}_{y}.geojson",
"geoJsonZoomLevel": 14
"calculatedTags": [
"_part_of_walking_routes=feat.memberships().map(r => \"<a href='#relation/\"\"'>\" + + \"</a>\").join(', ')"
"builtin": "grass_in_parks",
"override": {
"source": {
"geoJson": "{z}_{x}_{y}.geojson",
"geoJsonZoomLevel": 14
"builtin": "village_green",
"override": {
"source": {
"geoJson": "{z}_{x}_{y}.geojson",
"geoJsonZoomLevel": 14
"id": "walking_routes",
"name": {
@ -50,7 +95,9 @@
"operator=provincie Antwerpen"
"geoJson": "{z}_{x}_{y}.geojson",
"geoJsonZoomLevel": 14
"title": {
"render": "Wandeling <i>{name}</i>",
@ -141,17 +188,6 @@
"width": {
"render": "3"
"id": "speelplekken-cache",
"name": "",
"source": {
"osmTags": {
"or": []
"geoJson": ""
"passAllFeatures": true
"roamingRenderings": [

View File

@ -9,12 +9,13 @@
"scripts": {
"increase-memory": "export NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=4096",
"start": "ts-node scripts/generateLayerOverview.ts --no-fail && npm run increase-memory && parcel *.html UI/** Logic/** assets/** assets/**/** assets/**/**/** vendor/* vendor/*/*",
"test": "ts-node test/Tag.spec.ts && ts-node test/TagQuestion.spec.ts && ts-node test/ImageSearcher.spec.ts && ts-node test/ImageAttribution.spec.ts",
"test": "ts-node test/Tag.spec.ts && ts-node test/TagQuestion.spec.ts && ts-node test/ImageSearcher.spec.ts && ts-node test/ImageAttribution.spec.ts && ts-node test/Theme.spec.ts",
"generate:editor-layer-index": "cd assets/ && wget --output-document=editor-layer-index.json",
"generate:images": "ts-node scripts/generateIncludedImages.ts",
"generate:translations": "ts-node scripts/generateTranslations.ts",
"generate:layouts": "ts-node scripts/generateLayouts.ts",
"generate:docs": "ts-node scripts/generateDocs.ts && ts-node scripts/generateTaginfoProjectFiles.ts",
"generate:cache:speelplekken": "ts-node scripts/generateCache.ts speelplekken 14 ./cache/speelplekken 51.2003 4.3925 51.1058 4.5087",
"generate:layeroverview": "ts-node scripts/generateLayerOverview.ts --no-fail",
"generate:licenses": "ts-node scripts/generateLicenseInfo.ts --no-fail",
"validate:layeroverview": "ts-node scripts/generateLayerOverview.ts --report",

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import {lstatSync, readdirSync} from "fs";
import * as https from "https";
export default class ScriptUtils {
public static readDirRecSync(path): string[] {
@ -16,5 +17,30 @@ export default class ScriptUtils {
return result;
public static DownloadJSON(url, continuation : (parts : string []) => void){
https.get(url, (res) => {
console.log("Got response!")
const parts : string[] = []
res.on('data', function (chunk) {
// @ts-ignore
res.addListener('end', function () {
public static sleep(ms) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
console.debug("Sleeping for", ms)
setTimeout(resolve, ms);

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
// Loads a geojson file downloaded from overpass, renames "@id" to "id" and deletes "@relations"
import {readFileSync, writeFileSync} from "fs";
const source = process.argv[2] ?? "~/Downloads/export.json"
console.log("Fixing up ", source)
const contents = readFileSync(source, "UTF8");
const f = JSON.parse(contents);
let i = 0
for (const feature of f.features) {
if( == undefined){
}["id"] =["@id"]["@id"] = undefined["@relations"] = undefined
writeFileSync(source+".fixed", JSON.stringify(f, null, " "))

scripts/generateCache.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
* Generates a collection of geojson files based on an overpass query for a given theme
import {TileRange, Utils} from "../Utils";
Utils.runningFromConsole = true
import {Overpass} from "../Logic/Osm/Overpass";
import {writeFileSync, existsSync, readFileSync} from "fs";
import {TagsFilter} from "../Logic/Tags/TagsFilter";
import {Or} from "../Logic/Tags/Or";
import LayoutConfig from "../Customizations/JSON/LayoutConfig";
import {AllKnownLayouts} from "../Customizations/AllKnownLayouts";
import ScriptUtils from "./ScriptUtils";
import ExtractRelations from "../Logic/Osm/ExtractRelations";
import * as OsmToGeoJson from "osmtogeojson";
import {Script} from "vm";
function createOverpassObject(theme: LayoutConfig) {
let filters: TagsFilter[] = [];
let extraScripts: string[] = [];
for (const layer of theme.layers) {
if (typeof (layer) === "string") {
throw "A layer was not expanded!"
if (layer.doNotDownload) {
if (layer.source.geojsonSource !== undefined) {
// Not our responsibility to download this layer!
// Check if data for this layer has already been loaded
if (layer.source.overpassScript !== undefined) {
} else {
filters = Utils.NoNull(filters)
extraScripts = Utils.NoNull(extraScripts)
if (filters.length + extraScripts.length === 0) {
throw "Nothing to download! The theme doesn't declare anything to download"
return new Overpass(new Or(filters), extraScripts);
function saveResponse(chunks: string[], targetDir: string) {
const contents = chunks.join("")
if (contents.startsWith("<?xml")) {
// THis is an error message
console.error("Failed to create ", targetDir, "probably over quota")
writeFileSync(targetDir, contents)
function rawJsonName(targetDir: string, x: number, y: number, z: number): string {
return targetDir + "_" + z + "_" + x + "_" + y + ".json"
function geoJsonName(targetDir: string, x: number, y: number, z: number): string {
return targetDir + "_" + z + "_" + x + "_" + y + ".geojson"
function metaJsonName(targetDir: string, x: number, y: number, z: number): string {
return targetDir + "_" + z + "_" + x + "_" + y + ".meta.json"
async function downloadRaw(targetdir: string, r: TileRange, overpass: Overpass) {
let downloaded = 0
for (let x = r.xstart; x <= r.xend; x++) {
for (let y = r.ystart; y <= r.yend; y++) {
console.log("x:", (x - r.xstart), "/", (r.xend - r.xstart), "; y:", (y - r.ystart), "/", (r.yend - r.ystart), "; total: ", downloaded, "/",
const filename = rawJsonName(targetdir, x, y, r.zoomlevel)
if (existsSync(filename)) {
console.log("Already exists: ", filename)
const boundsArr = Utils.tile_bounds(r.zoomlevel, x, y)
const bounds = {
north: Math.max(boundsArr[0][0], boundsArr[1][0]),
south: Math.min(boundsArr[0][0], boundsArr[1][0]),
east: Math.max(boundsArr[0][1], boundsArr[1][1]),
west: Math.min(boundsArr[0][1], boundsArr[1][1])
console.log("Downloading tile", r.zoomlevel, x, y, "with bounds", bounds)
const url = overpass.buildQuery("[bbox:" + bounds.south + "," + bounds.west + "," + bounds.north + "," + bounds.east + "]")
chunks => {
saveResponse(chunks, filename)
await ScriptUtils.sleep(10000)
console.debug("Waking up")
async function postProcess(targetdir: string, r: TileRange) {
let processed = 0;
for (let x = r.xstart; x <= r.xend; x++) {
for (let y = r.ystart; y <= r.yend; y++) {
const filename = rawJsonName(targetdir, x, y, r.zoomlevel)
console.log(" Post processing", processed, "/",r. total, filename)
if (!existsSync(filename)) {
throw "Not found - and not downloaded. Run this script again!: " + filename
// We read the raw OSM-file and convert it to a geojson
const rawOsm = JSON.parse(readFileSync(filename, "UTF8"))
// Create and save the geojson file - which is the main chunk of the data
const geojson = OsmToGeoJson.default(rawOsm);
writeFileSync(geoJsonName(targetdir, x, y, r.zoomlevel), JSON.stringify(geojson))
// Extract the relationship information
const relations = ExtractRelations.GetRelationElements(rawOsm)
const osmTime = new Date(rawOsm.osm3s.timestamp_osm_base);
const meta = {
freshness: osmTime,
relations: relations
metaJsonName(targetdir, x, y, r.zoomlevel),
async function main(args: string[]) {
if (args.length == 0) {
console.error("Expected arguments are: theme zoomlevel targetdirectory lat0 lon0 lat1 lon1")
const themeName = args[0]
const zoomlevel = Number(args[1])
const targetdir = args[2]
const lat0 = Number(args[3])
const lon0 = Number(args[4])
const lat1 = Number(args[5])
const lon1 = Number(args[6])
const tileRange = Utils.TileRangeBetween(zoomlevel, lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1)
const theme = AllKnownLayouts.allKnownLayouts.get(themeName)
if (theme === undefined) {
const keys = []
AllKnownLayouts.allKnownLayouts.forEach((_, key) => {
console.error("The theme " + theme + " was not found; try one of ", keys);
const overpass = createOverpassObject(theme)
await downloadRaw(targetdir, tileRange, overpass)
await postProcess(targetdir, tileRange)
let args = [...process.argv]
args.splice(0, 2)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
export default class T {
constructor(testsuite: string, tests: [string, () => void ][]) {
let failures : string []= [];
for (const [name, test] of tests) {

test/Theme.spec.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
import T from "./TestHelper";
import {Utils} from "../Utils";
Utils.runningFromConsole = true;
import TagRenderingQuestion from "../UI/Popup/TagRenderingQuestion";
import {UIEventSource} from "../Logic/UIEventSource";
import TagRenderingConfig from "../Customizations/JSON/TagRenderingConfig";
import LayoutConfig from "../Customizations/JSON/LayoutConfig";
import {LayoutConfigJson} from "../Customizations/JSON/LayoutConfigJson";
import * as assert from "assert";
new T("Theme tests",
["Nested overrides work", () => {
const themeConfigJson : LayoutConfigJson = {
description: "Descr",
icon: "",
language: ["en"],
layers: [
builtin: "public_bookcase",
override: {
geoJson: "xyz"
maintainer: "",
startLat: 0,
startLon: 0,
startZoom: 0,
title: {
en: "Title"
version: "",
id: "test"
const themeConfig = new LayoutConfig(themeConfigJson);
assert.equal("xyz", themeConfig.layers[0].source.geojsonSource)