add facade gardens

This commit is contained in:
Joost 2021-03-25 19:17:28 +01:00
parent 830f34b183
commit 38a1ea6c41
12 changed files with 841 additions and 1 deletions

View file

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import * as play_forests from "../assets/themes/play_forests/play_forests.json"
import * as speelplekken from "../assets/themes/speelplekken/speelplekken.json"
import * as sport_pitches from "../assets/themes/sport_pitches/sport_pitches.json"
import * as grb from "../assets/themes/grb.json"
import * as facadegardens from "../assets/themes/facadegardens/facadegardens.json"
import LayerConfig from "./JSON/LayerConfig";
import LayoutConfig from "./JSON/LayoutConfig";
import AllKnownLayers from "./AllKnownLayers";
@ -61,7 +62,8 @@ export class AllKnownLayouts {
new LayoutConfig(play_forests),
new LayoutConfig(speelplekken),
new LayoutConfig(sport_pitches),
new LayoutConfig(grb)
new LayoutConfig(grb),
new LayoutConfig(facadegardens)
public static allSets: Map<string, LayoutConfig> = AllKnownLayouts.AllLayouts();

View file

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178 17 41 72 125 120 180 43 51 59 45 56 -23z m-618 -215 c23 -11 67 -44 99
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15 c0 -15 -45 -93 -69 -118 -31 -34 -91 -67 -123 -67 -13 0 -54 -14 -93 -30
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69 65 113 84 198 85 39 0 72 -2 72 -5z m-556 -194 c-6 -6 -11 1 -18 29 l-7 25
15 -25 c8 -14 12 -27 10 -29z m62 2 c-11 -11 -17 4 -9 23 7 18 8 18 11 1 2
-10 1 -21 -2 -24z m72 -13 c-13 -21 -28 -27 -28 -10 0 5 8 14 18 19 23 14 24
14 10 -9z m-201 2 c7 -4 9 -13 5 -19 -6 -9 -11 -6 -20 7 -13 21 -6 26 15 12z
m-162 -40 c68 -35 59 -38 -52 -17 -86 17 -120 19 -109 8 4 -5 44 -15 89 -24
l82 -17 -122 -1 c-168 -1 -164 -21 5 -22 l127 -1 -87 -17 c-47 -9 -90 -19 -94
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13 41 22 1 37 -18 6 -39 21 -45 32 -11 17 -10 20 10 25 66 17 130 23 202 21
67 -2 90 -8 140 -34z m828 18 c20 -6 37 -15 37 -19 0 -12 -32 -38 -57 -45 -32
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1 -169 29 -35 16 -59 31 -53 33 6 2 47 -4 92 -12 87 -17 138 -20 127 -9 -4 3
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87 17 c86 16 123 31 77 31 -20 0 -116 -16 -209 -35 -23 -5 -23 -4 5 12 98 55
136 64 240 59 55 -3 117 -11 138 -16z m-512 -19 c39 -40 39 -82 0 -122 -50
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c0 -2 -7 -6 -15 -10 -8 -3 -15 -1 -15 4 0 6 7 10 15 10 8 0 15 -2 15 -4z
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24 30 15 69 25 98 25 l48 1 -16 -30z m415 0 c126 -44 170 -70 205 -124 19 -28
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81 -21 13 -47 40 -58 59 l-20 35 52 -5 c29 -2 82 -15 118 -27z m-378 -2 c-7
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
"id": "facadegardens",
"title": {
"nl": "Straatgeveltuintjes",
"en": "Facade gardens"
"shortDescription": {
"nl": "Deze kaart toont geveltuintjes met foto's en bruikbare info over oriëntatie, zonlicht en planttypes.",
"en": "This map shows facade gardens with pictures and useful info about orientation, sunshine and plant types."
"description": {
"nl": "Ontharde voortuintjes, groene gevels en bomen ín de stad brengen naast rust ook een mooiere stad, een grotere biodiversiteit, een verkoelend effect en een betere luchtkwaliteit. <br/> Klimaan VZW en 'Mechelen Klimaatneutraal' willen met het project Klim(t)aan je Gevel bestaande en nieuwe geveltuintjes in kaart brengen als voorbeeld voor mensen zelf een tuintje willen aanleggen of voor stadwandelaars die houden van de natuur. <br/>Meer info over het project op <a href='' target=_blank></a>.",
"en": "<a href='' target=_blank>Facade gardens</a>, green facades and trees in the city not only bring peace and quiet, but also a more beautiful city, greater biodiversity, a cooling effect and better air quality. <br/> Klimaan VZW and Mechelen Klimaatneutraal want to map existing and new facade gardens as an example for people who want to build their own garden or for city walkers who love nature.<br/>More info about the project at <a href='' target=_blank></a>."
"language": [
"maintainer": "joost schouppe; stla",
"icon": "./assets/themes/facadegardens/geveltuin.svg",
"version": "0",
"startLat": 51.02768,
"startLon": 4.480705,
"startZoom": 15,
"widenFactor": 0.05,
"socialImage": "",
"layers": [
"id": "facadegardens",
"name": {
"nl": "Geveltuintjes",
"en": "Facade gardens"
"minzoom": 12,
"overpassTags": {
"and": [
"title": {
"render": {
"nl": "Geveltuintje",
"en": "Facade garden"
"description": {
"nl": "Geveltuintjes",
"en": "Facade gardens"
"iconOverlays": [
"if": "plant~.*vine.*",
"then": "circle:white;./assets/themes/facadegardens/klimplant.svg",
"badge": true
"if": "plant~.*groundcover.*",
"then": "circle:white;./assets/themes/facadegardens/bodembedekker.svg",
"badge": true
"if": "edible=true",
"then": "circle:white;./assets/themes/facadegardens/eetbaar.svg",
"badge": true
"if": "rain_barel=yes",
"then": "circle:white;./assets/themes/facadegardens/gevelton.svg",
"badge": true
"if": "plant~.*shrub.*",
"then": "circle:white;./assets/themes/facadegardens/struik.svg",
"badge": true
"if": "plant~.*flower.*",
"then": "circle:white;./assets/themes/facadegardens/bloei.svg",
"badge": true
"tagRenderings": [
"render": {
"nl": "Oriëntatie: {direction} (waarbij 0=N en 90=O)",
"en": "Orientation: {direction} (where 0=N and 90=O)"
"question": {
"nl": "Hoe is de tuin georiënteerd?",
"en": "What is the orientation of the garden?"
"freeform": {
"type": "direction",
"key": "direction"
"mappings": [
"if": {
"and": [
"then": {
"nl": "Het is een volle zon tuintje",
"en": "The garden is in full sun"
"if": {
"and": [
"then": {
"nl": "Het is een halfschaduw tuintje",
"en": "The garden is in partial shade"
"if": {
"and": [
"then": {
"nl": "Het is een schaduw tuintje",
"en": "The sun is in the shade"
"question": {
"nl": "Ligt de tuin in zon/half schaduw of schaduw?",
"en": "Is the garden shaded or sunny?"
"question": {
"nl": "Is er een regenton voorzien bij het tuintje?",
"en": "Is there a water barrel installed for the garden?"
"mappings": [
"if": {
"and": [
"then": {
"nl": "Er is een regenton",
"en": "There is a rain barrel"
"if": {
"and": [
"then": {
"nl": "Er is geen regenton",
"en": "There is no rain barrel"
"render": {
"nl": "Aanlegdatum van de tuin: {start_date}",
"en": "Construction date of the garden: {start_date}"
"question": {
"nl": "Wanneer werd de tuin aangelegd? (vul gewoon een jaartal in)",
"en": "When was the garden constructed? (a year is sufficient)"
"freeform": {
"key": "start_date",
"type": "text"
"mappings": [
"if": {
"and": [
"then": {
"nl": "Er staan eetbare planten",
"en": "There are edible plants"
"if": {
"and": [
"then": {
"nl": "Er staan geen eetbare planten",
"en": "There are no edible plants"
"question": {
"nl": "Staan er eetbare planten?",
"en": "Are there any edible plants?"
"question": {
"nl": "Wat voor planten staan hier?",
"en": "What kinds of plants grow here?"
"mappings": [
"if": "plant=vine",
"then": {
"nl": "Er staat een klimplant",
"en": "There are vines"
"if": "plant=flower",
"then": {
"nl": "Er staan bloeiende planten",
"en": "There are flowering plants"
"if": "plant=shrub",
"then": {
"nl": "Er staan struiken",
"en": "There are shrubs"
"if": "plant=groundcover",
"then": {
"nl": "Er staan bodembedekkers",
"en": "There are groundcovering plants"
"multiAnswer": true
"render": {
"nl": "Meer details: {description}",
"en": "More details: {description}"
"question": {
"nl": "Aanvullende omschrijving van de tuin (indien nodig, en voor zover nog niet omschreven hierboven)",
"en": "Extra describing info about the garden (if needed and not yet described above)"
"freeform": {
"key": "description",
"type": "text"
"hideUnderlayingFeaturesMinPercentage": 0,
"icon": {
"render": "circle:white;./assets/themes/facadegardens/geveltuin.svg",
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"and": [
"then": "circle:white;./assets/themes/facadegardens/zon.svg"
"if": {
"and": [
"then": "circle:white;./assets/themes/facadegardens/halfzon.svg"
"if": {
"and": [
"then": "circle:white;./assets/themes/facadegardens/schaduw.svg"
"width": {
"render": "8"
"iconSize": {
"render": "50,50,center"
"color": {
"render": "#00f"
"presets": [
"tags": [
"title": {
"nl": "geveltuintje",
"en": "facade garden"
"description": {
"nl": "Voeg geveltuintje toe",
"en": "Add a facade garden"
"wayHandling": 1
"roamingRenderings": []

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