Various theme, icon and language fixes

This commit is contained in:
pietervdvn 2022-02-08 18:29:21 +01:00
parent 8016ac2f81
commit 688dcae3b0
17 changed files with 228 additions and 78 deletions

View file

@ -119,9 +119,9 @@ export default class MoreScreen extends Combine {
]).SetClass("flex flex-col border border-gray-300 p-2 rounded-lg")
private static createButtonFor(state: UserRelatedState, id: string): BaseUIElement {
private static createUnofficialButtonFor(state: UserRelatedState, id: string): BaseUIElement {
const allPreferences =;
const length = Number(allPreferences[id + "-combined-length"])
const length = Number(allPreferences[id + "-length"])
let str = "";
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
str += allPreferences[id + "-" + i]
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ export default class MoreScreen extends Combine {
return MoreScreen.createLinkButton(state, value, true)
} catch (e) {
console.debug("Could not parse unofficial theme information for " + id, e)
console.debug("Could not parse unofficial theme information for " + id, "The json is: ", str, e)
return undefined
@ -157,13 +157,18 @@ export default class MoreScreen extends Combine {
return ids
currentIds.addCallback(ids => {
console.log("Current special ids are:", ids)
var stableIds = UIEventSource.ListStabilized<string>(currentIds)
currentIds.addCallback(ids => {
console.log("Stabilized special ids are:", ids)
return new VariableUiElement( => {
const allThemes: BaseUIElement[] = []
for (const id of ids) {
const link = this.createButtonFor(state, id)
const link = this.createUnofficialButtonFor(state, id)
if (link !== undefined) {

View file

@ -27,20 +27,6 @@
"path": "broken_pump_2.svg",
"license": "CC-BY-SA",
"authors": [
"Pieter Fiers",
"Thibault Declercq",
"Pierre Barban",
"Joost Schouppe",
"Pieter Vander Vennet"
"sources": [
"path": "pump.svg",
"license": "CC-BY-SA",

View file

@ -1,15 +1,86 @@
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d="m 77.988281,48.621094 v 10.4375 h -8.292969 c -5.191406,0 -8.898437,0.574218 -11.125,1.722656 -2.222656,1.152344 -3.339843,2.839844 -3.339843,5.070312 0,1.824219 1.015625,3.308594 3.035156,4.457032 2.023437,1.148437 5.429687,1.726562 10.214844,1.726562 4.117187,0 7.957031,-0.441406 11.527343,-1.320312 3.578126,-0.878906 6.507813,-1.859375 8.796876,-2.941406 v 12.0625 c -2.488282,1.144531 -5.558594,2.09375 -9.199219,2.835937 -3.640625,0.675781 -7.71875,1.011719 -12.234375,1.011719 -9.507813,0 -16.386719,-1.480469 -20.632813,-4.457032 -4.246093,-2.972656 -6.371093,-6.925781 -6.371093,-11.855468 0,-4.054688 1.214843,-7.09375 3.640624,-9.121094 2.496094,-2.027344 5.765626,-3.414062 9.8125,-4.152344 v -0.507812 c -3.503906,-0.8125 -6.136718,-2.300782 -7.886718,-4.460938 -1.753906,-2.230468 -2.632813,-5 -2.632813,-8.3125 0,-3.511718 1.078125,-6.316406 3.238281,-8.410156 2.15625,-2.160156 5.054688,-3.71875 8.691407,-4.660156 3.640625,-0.949219 7.691406,-1.417969 12.140625,-1.417969 3.839844,0 7.683594,0.371094 11.527344,1.113281 3.839843,0.746094 7.175781,1.753906 10.011718,3.039063 l -4.65625,10.945312 C 81.828125,40.414062 79.300781,39.5 76.671875,38.691406 c -2.558594,-0.8125 -5.527344,-1.21875 -8.898437,-1.21875 -7.347657,0 -11.023438,1.726563 -11.023438,5.171875 0,2.160157 1.082031,3.714844 3.234375,4.65625 2.230469,0.882813 5.699219,1.320313 10.421875,1.320313 z m 0,0"
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"nl": "Fietsverhuur"
"shortDescription": {
"en": "A map with biyccle rental stations and bicycle rental shops",
"en": "A map with bicycle rental stations and bicycle rental shops",
"nl": "Een kaart met fietsverhuurpunten en fietsverhuurzaken"
"description": {
"en": "On this map, you'll find the many biycle rental stations as they are known by OpenStreetMap",
"en": "On this map, you'll find the many bicycle rental stations as they are known by OpenStreetMap",
"nl": "Op deze kaart vind je verschillende fietsverhuurpunten en fietsverhuurzaken"
"maintainer": "",

View file

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View file

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"en": "A note is a pin on the map with some text to indicate something wrong.<br/><br/>Make sure to checkout the <a href='#filters'>filter view</a> to search for users and text.",
"hu": "A jegyzet egy gombostű a térképen egy szöveggel, amely azt jelzi, hogy valami nem stimmel.<br/><br/>Felhasználók vagy szövegek kereséséhez nézd meg a <a href='#filters'>szűrő nézetet</a>."
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View file

@ -73,6 +73,28 @@
"path": "cycle_repair.svg",
"license": "CC0",
"authors": [
"Toerisme Vlaanderen"
"sources": [
"path": "cycle_repair_and_pump.svg",
"license": "CC0",
"authors": [
"Toerisme Vlaanderen"
"sources": [
"path": "logo.png",
"license": "Logo (all rights reserved)",

View file

@ -2,9 +2,8 @@
"id": "toerisme_vlaanderen",
"credits": "Commissioned theme for <a href=''>Toerisme Vlaandere</a>",
"maintainer": "MapComplete",
"version": "0.0.2",
"version": "0.0.3",
"customCss": "./assets/themes/toerisme_vlaanderen/custom.css",
"defaultBackgroundId": "CartoDB.Voyager",
"mustHaveLanguage": [
@ -109,7 +108,21 @@
"icon": {
"render": "./assets/themes/toerisme_vlaanderen/cycle_pump.svg"
"render": "./assets/themes/toerisme_vlaanderen/cycle_pump.svg",
"if": {"and":
"then": "./assets/themes/toerisme_vlaanderen/cycle_repair_and_pump.svg"
"if": {"and":
"then": "./assets/themes/toerisme_vlaanderen/cycle_repair.svg"
"badges": [

View file

@ -3448,29 +3448,29 @@
"picnic_table": {
"description": "Deze laag toont picknicktafels",
"name": "Picknicktafels",
"description": "Deze laag toont picnictafels",
"name": "Picnictafels",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "picknicktafel"
"title": "picnic-tafel"
"tagRenderings": {
"picnic_table-material": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Deze picknicktafel is gemaakt uit hout"
"then": "Deze picnictafel is gemaakt uit hout"
"1": {
"then": "Deze picknicktafel is gemaakt uit beton"
"then": "Deze picnictafel is gemaakt uit beton"
"question": "Van welk materiaal is deze picknicktafel gemaakt?",
"render": "Deze picknicktafel is gemaakt van {material}"
"question": "Van welk materiaal is deze picnictafel gemaakt?",
"render": "Deze picnictafel is gemaakt van {material}"
"title": {
"render": "Picknicktafel"
"render": "Picnictafel"
"play_forest": {

View file

@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
"title": "Benches"
"bicycle_rental": {
"description": "On this map, you'll find the many biycle rental stations as they are known by OpenStreetMap",
"shortDescription": "A map with biyccle rental stations and bicycle rental shops",
"description": "On this map, you'll find the many bicycle rental stations as they are known by OpenStreetMap",
"shortDescription": "A map with bicycle rental stations and bicycle rental shops",
"title": "Bicycle rental"
"bicyclelib": {

View file

@ -70,16 +70,6 @@ async function createManifest(layout: LayoutConfig, alreadyWritten: string[]) {
const height: string = svg.$.height;
if(width !== height){
console.warn("WARNING: the icon for theme "" is not square. Please square the icon at "+icon+"\n Width = "+width, "height =", height)
/* const process = exec("inkscape " + icon, ((error, stdout, stderr) => {
console.log("Inkscape: ", stdout)
if (error !== null) {
if (stderr !== "") {
const builder = new xml2js.Builder();