Themes: add various services to hackerspaces and makerspaces, add icons, some fixes to make this work with expandRewrite
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"en": "multimedia studio"
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/************************* BIG CATEGORIES ********************************/
@ -55,12 +55,19 @@ export class ExpandRewrite<T> extends Conversion<T | RewritableConfigJson<T>, T[
for (const key in obj) {
let subtarget = target
if (isTr && target[key] !== undefined) {
if (isTr) {
// The target is a translation AND the current object is a translation
// This means we should recursively replace with the translated value
subtarget = target[key]
if (target[key]) {
// A translation is available!
subtarget = target[key]
} else if (target["en"]) {
subtarget = target["en"]
} else {
// Take the first
subtarget = target[Object.keys(target)[0]]
obj[key] = replaceRecursive(obj[key], subtarget)
return obj
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import { ConfigMeta } from "../../../UI/Studio/configMeta"
import LineRenderingConfigJson from "../Json/LineRenderingConfigJson"
import { ConversionContext } from "./ConversionContext"
import { ExpandRewrite } from "./ExpandRewrite"
import { ALL } from "node:dns"
class ExpandFilter extends DesugaringStep<LayerConfigJson> {
private static readonly predefinedFilters = ExpandFilter.load_filters()
@ -1133,9 +1134,43 @@ export class AutoTitleIcon extends DesugaringStep<LayerConfigJson> {
private createTitleIconsBasedOn(
tr: QuestionableTagRenderingConfigJson
): TagRenderingConfigJson | undefined {
const mappings: { if: TagConfigJson; then: string }[] = tr.mappings
?.filter((m) => m.icon !== undefined)
.map((m) => {
const path: string = typeof m.icon === "string" ? m.icon : m.icon.path
const img = `<img class="m-1 h-6 w-6 low-interaction rounded" src='${path}'/>`
return { if: m.if, then: img }
if (!mappings || mappings.length === 0) {
return undefined
return <TagRenderingConfigJson>{
id: "title_icon_auto_" +,
convert(json: LayerConfigJson, context: ConversionContext): LayerConfigJson {
json = { ...json }
json.titleIcons = [...json.titleIcons]
const allAutoIndex = json.titleIcons.indexOf(<any>"auto:*")
if (allAutoIndex >= 0) {
const generated = Utils.NoNull(
|||| => {
if (typeof tr === "string") {
return undefined
return this.createTitleIconsBasedOn(<any>tr)
json.titleIcons.splice(allAutoIndex, 1, ...generated)
return json
for (let i = 0; i < json.titleIcons.length; i++) {
const titleIcon = json.titleIcons[i]
if (typeof titleIcon !== "string") {
@ -1152,14 +1187,9 @@ export class AutoTitleIcon extends DesugaringStep<LayerConfigJson> {
context.enters("titleIcons", i).err("TagRendering with id " + trId + " not found")
const mappings: { if: TagConfigJson; then: string }[] = tr.mappings
?.filter((m) => m.icon !== undefined)
.map((m) => {
const path: string = typeof m.icon === "string" ? m.icon : m.icon.path
const img = `<img class="m-1 h-6 w-6 low-interaction rounded" src='${path}'/>`
return { if: m.if, then: img }
if (mappings.length === 0) {
const generated = this.createTitleIconsBasedOn(tr)
if (!generated) {
.enters("titleIcons", i)
@ -1169,10 +1199,7 @@ export class AutoTitleIcon extends DesugaringStep<LayerConfigJson> {
json.titleIcons[i] = <TagRenderingConfigJson>{
id: "title_icon_auto_" + trId,
json.titleIcons[i] = generated
return json
@ -236,8 +236,10 @@ export default class TagRenderingConfig {
const commonIconSize =
|||| => (m.icon !== undefined ? m.icon["class"] : undefined))
)[0] ?? "small"
|||| => (!!m.icon ? m.icon["class"] : undefined))
)[0] ??
json["#iconsize"] ??
this.mappings =, i) =>
@ -367,7 +369,7 @@ export default class TagRenderingConfig {
let icon = undefined
let iconClass = commonSize
if (mapping.icon !== undefined) {
if (!!mapping.icon) {
if (typeof mapping.icon === "string" && mapping.icon !== "") {
let stripped = mapping.icon
if (stripped.endsWith(".svg")) {
@ -381,7 +383,7 @@ export default class TagRenderingConfig {
} else {
icon = mapping.icon
} else {
} else if (mapping.icon["path"]) {
icon = mapping.icon["path"]
iconClass = mapping.icon["class"] ?? iconClass
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
<div class="interactive sticky top-0 flex justify-between pt-1 font-bold" style="z-index: 11">
<div class="interactive sticky top-0 justify-between pt-1 font-bold" style="z-index: 11">
<SpecialTranslation t={question} {tags} {state} {layer} feature={selectedElement} />
@ -121,16 +121,6 @@ input[type=text] {
width: 100%;
.debug input, .debug textarea {
border: 6px solid red
.debug label input, .debug label textarea {
border: 1px solid grey;
/************************* BIG CATEGORIES ********************************/