Chore: translation sync

This commit is contained in:
Pieter Vander Vennet 2024-06-06 03:18:17 +02:00
parent 2aacc0df6b
commit adae31313e
16 changed files with 645 additions and 847 deletions

View file

@ -1046,90 +1046,6 @@
"render": "Lloguer de bicicletes"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine": {
"description": "Una capa que mostra màquines expenedores per a tubs de bicicleta (ja siguin màquines expenedores de tubs de bicicleta o màquines expenedores clàssiques amb tubs de bicicleta i opcionalment objectes addicionals relacionats amb la bicicleta com ara llums, guants, panys, ...)",
"name": "Màquina expenedora de tubs de bicicleta",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "una màquina expenedora de tubs de bicicleta"
"tagRenderings": {
"Still in use?": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Aquesta màquina expenedora funciona"
"1": {
"then": "Aquesta màquina expenedora està trencada"
"2": {
"then": "Aquesta màquina expenedora està tancada"
"question": "Aquesta màquina expenedora encara funciona?",
"render": "L'estat operatiu és <i>{operational_status}</i>"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine-brand": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Aquí es venen cambres d'aire Continental"
"1": {
"then": "Aquí es venen cambres d'aire Schwalbe"
"question": "Quines marques de cambres d'aire es venen aquí?",
"render": "Aquí es venen cambres d'aire {brand}"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine-charge": {
"question": "Quant costa una cambra d'aire de bicicleta?",
"render": "Una cambra d'aire de bicicleta costa {charge}"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine-operator": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Mantés per Schwalbe"
"1": {
"then": "Mantés per Continental"
"question": "Qui manté aquesta màquina expenedora?"
"other-items-vending": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Aquí es venen cambres d'aire de bicicletes"
"1": {
"then": "Aquí es venen llums per a bicicletes"
"2": {
"then": "Aquí es venen guants"
"3": {
"then": "Aquí es venen kits de reparació de bicicletes"
"4": {
"then": "Aquí es venen bombes de bicicletes"
"5": {
"then": "Aquí es venen cadenats per a bicicletes"
"question": "Es venen altres accessoris per a bicicletes aquí?"
"title": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Màquina expenedora de cambres d'aire de bicicletes {name}"
"render": "Màquina expenedora de tubs de bicicleta"
"bike_cafe": {
"description": "Un cafè ciclista és un cafè enfocat a ciclistes, per exemple, amb serveis com una manxa, amb molta decoració relacionada amb el ciclisme, …",
"name": "Cafeteria per a bicicletes",
@ -8825,6 +8741,33 @@
"tagRenderings": {
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine-brand": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Aquí es venen cambres d'aire Continental"
"1": {
"then": "Aquí es venen cambres d'aire Schwalbe"
"question": "Quines marques de cambres d'aire es venen aquí?",
"render": "Aquí es venen cambres d'aire {brand}"
"charge_cost_rewritten": {
"renderings": {
"0": {
"question": "Quant costa {product_name}?",
"render": "{product_name} costa {charge:{product_key}}"
"rewrite": {
"into": {
"0": {
"1": "una cambra d'aire de bicicleta"
"indoor": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
@ -8839,6 +8782,23 @@
"question": "Aquesta màquina expenedora està a l'exterior?"
"operational_status": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Aquesta màquina expenedora funciona"
"1": {
"then": "Aquesta màquina expenedora està trencada"
"2": {
"then": "Aquesta màquina expenedora està tancada"
"3": {
"then": "L'estat operatiu és <i>{operational_status}</i>"
"question": "Aquesta màquina expenedora encara funciona?"
"operator": {
"freeform": {
"placeholder": "Nom de l'operadora"

View file

@ -1011,90 +1011,6 @@
"render": "Půjčovna kol"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine": {
"description": "Vrstva zobrazující automaty na cyklistické duše (buď speciální automaty na cyklistické duše, nebo klasické automaty s cyklistickými dušemi a případně dalšími předměty souvisejícími s jízdními koly, jako jsou světla, rukavice, zámky, ...)",
"name": "Automat na cyklistické duše",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "automat na cyklistické duše"
"tagRenderings": {
"Still in use?": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Tento prodejní automat funguje"
"1": {
"then": "Tento prodejní automat je rozbitý"
"2": {
"then": "Tento prodejní automat je uzavřen"
"question": "Je tento automat stále v provozu?",
"render": "Provozní stav je <i>{operational_status}</i>"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine-brand": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Continental duše jsou zde prodávány"
"1": {
"then": "Schwalbe duše jsou zde prodávány"
"question": "Jaká značka duší je zde prodávána?",
"render": "{brand} duše jsou zde prodávány"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine-charge": {
"question": "Kolik stojí duše na kolo?",
"render": "Cena jedné duše {charge}"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine-operator": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Udržuje Schwalbe"
"1": {
"then": "Udržuje Continental"
"question": "Kdo se stará o tento automat?"
"other-items-vending": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Zde se prodávají cyklistické duše"
"1": {
"then": "Zde se prodávají světla na jízdní kola"
"2": {
"then": "Prodávají se zde rukavice"
"3": {
"then": "Zde se prodávají sady na opravu jízdních kol"
"4": {
"then": "Prodávají se zde pumpy na kolo"
"5": {
"then": "Prodávají se zde zámky na kola"
"question": "Prodávají se zde další doplňky na kolo?"
"title": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Automat na cyklistické pláště{name}"
"render": "Automat na cyklistické duše"
"bike_cafe": {
"description": "Cyklokavárna je kavárna zaměřená na cyklisty, například se službami, jako je pumpa, se spoustou výzdoby související s jízdními koly, …",
"name": "Cyklokavárna",
@ -9081,6 +8997,33 @@
"tagRenderings": {
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine-brand": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Continental duše jsou zde prodávány"
"1": {
"then": "Schwalbe duše jsou zde prodávány"
"question": "Jaká značka duší je zde prodávána?",
"render": "{brand} duše jsou zde prodávány"
"charge_cost_rewritten": {
"renderings": {
"0": {
"question": "Kolik stojí {product_name}?",
"render": "{product_name} {charge:{product_key}}"
"rewrite": {
"into": {
"0": {
"1": "duše na kolo"
"indoor": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
@ -9095,6 +9038,23 @@
"question": "Je tento automat uvnitř?"
"operational_status": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Tento prodejní automat funguje"
"1": {
"then": "Tento prodejní automat je rozbitý"
"2": {
"then": "Tento prodejní automat je uzavřen"
"3": {
"then": "Provozní stav je <i>{operational_status}</i>"
"question": "Je tento automat stále v provozu?"
"operator": {
"freeform": {
"placeholder": "Jméno provozovatele"

View file

@ -532,35 +532,6 @@
"render": "Cykeludlejning"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine": {
"description": "Et lag med automater til cykelslanger (enten specialbyggede cykelslangeautomater eller klassiske automater med cykelslanger og eventuelt andre cykelrelaterede genstande som f.eks. lys, handsker, låse, o.s.v)",
"name": "Automat til salg af cykelslanger",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "en automat til salg af cykelslanger"
"tagRenderings": {
"Still in use?": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Denne salgsautomat virker"
"1": {
"then": "Denne salgsautomat er i stykker"
"2": {
"then": "Denne salgsautomat er lukket"
"question": "Er denne salgsautomat stadig i drift?",
"render": "Driftsstatus er <i>{operational_status}</i>"
"title": {
"render": "Automat til salg af cykelslanger"
"bike_cafe": {
"description": "En cykelcafé er en café rettet mod cyklister, for eksempel med tjenester som en pumpe, med masser af cykelrelateret dekoration, o.s.v",
"name": "Cykelcafé",
@ -2464,6 +2435,27 @@
"render": "Indstillinger"
"vending_machine": {
"tagRenderings": {
"operational_status": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Denne salgsautomat virker"
"1": {
"then": "Denne salgsautomat er i stykker"
"2": {
"then": "Denne salgsautomat er lukket"
"3": {
"then": "Driftsstatus er <i>{operational_status}</i>"
"question": "Er denne salgsautomat stadig i drift?"
"veterinary": {
"name": "dyrlæge",
"presets": {

View file

@ -1191,90 +1191,6 @@
"render": "Fahrradverleih"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine": {
"description": "Eine Ebene mit Automaten für Fahrradschläuche (entweder spezielle Fahrradschlauch-Automaten oder klassische Automaten mit Fahrradschläuchen und optional zusätzlichen fahrradbezogenen Gegenständen wie Lampen, Handschuhe, Schlösser, …)",
"name": "Automat für Fahrradschläuche",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "einen Fahrradschlauch-Automaten"
"tagRenderings": {
"Still in use?": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Dieser Automat ist in Betrieb"
"1": {
"then": "Dieser Automat ist kaputt"
"2": {
"then": "Dieser Automat ist geschlossen"
"question": "Ist dieser Automat in Betrieb?",
"render": "Der Betriebszustand ist <i>{operational_status}</i>"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine-brand": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Hier werden Fahrradschläuche von Continental verkauft"
"1": {
"then": "Hier werden Fahrradschläuche von Schwalbe verkauft"
"question": "Welche Fahrradschläuche werden hier verkauft?",
"render": "Hier werden Fahrradschläuche von {brand} verkauft"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine-charge": {
"question": "Wie viel kostet ein Fahrradschlauch?",
"render": "Ein Fahrradschlauch kostet {charge}"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine-operator": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Betrieben von Schwalbe"
"1": {
"then": "Betrieben von Continental"
"question": "Wer betreibt den Automaten?"
"other-items-vending": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Hier werden Fahrradschläuche verkauft"
"1": {
"then": "Hier werden Fahrradlampen verkauft"
"2": {
"then": "Hier werden Fahrradhandschuhe verkauft"
"3": {
"then": "Hier werden Fahrrad-Reparatursets verkauft"
"4": {
"then": "Hier werden Fahrradpumpen verkauft"
"5": {
"then": "Hier werden Fahrradschlösser verkauft"
"question": "Wird weiteres Fahrradzubehör verkauft?"
"title": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "{name} Fahrradschlauch-Automat"
"render": "Fahrradschlauch-Automat"
"bike_cafe": {
"description": "Ein Fahrradcafé ist ein Café, das auf Radfahrer ausgerichtet ist, zum Beispiel mit Dienstleistungen wie einer Pumpe, mit viel fahrradbezogener Dekoration, …",
"name": "Fahrrad-Cafés",
@ -11071,6 +10987,33 @@
"tagRenderings": {
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine-brand": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Hier werden Fahrradschläuche von Continental verkauft"
"1": {
"then": "Hier werden Fahrradschläuche von Schwalbe verkauft"
"question": "Welche Fahrradschläuche werden hier verkauft?",
"render": "Hier werden Fahrradschläuche von {brand} verkauft"
"charge_cost_rewritten": {
"renderings": {
"0": {
"question": "Wie viel kostet {product_name}?",
"render": "{product_name} kostet {charge:{product_key}}"
"rewrite": {
"into": {
"0": {
"1": "ein Fahrradschlauch"
"indoor": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
@ -11085,6 +11028,23 @@
"question": "Ist der Automat in einem Gebäude untergebracht?"
"operational_status": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Dieser Automat ist in Betrieb"
"1": {
"then": "Dieser Automat ist kaputt"
"2": {
"then": "Dieser Automat ist geschlossen"
"3": {
"then": "Der Betriebszustand ist <i>{operational_status}</i>"
"question": "Ist dieser Automat in Betrieb?"
"operator": {
"freeform": {
"placeholder": "Name des Betreibers"

View file

@ -1191,90 +1191,6 @@
"render": "Bicycle rental"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine": {
"description": "A layer showing vending machines for bicycle tubes (either purpose-built bicycle tube vending machines or classical vending machines with bicycle tubes and optionally additional bicycle related objects such as lights, gloves, locks, …)",
"name": "Bicycle tube vending machine",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "a bicycle tube vending machine"
"tagRenderings": {
"Still in use?": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "This vending machine works"
"1": {
"then": "This vending machine is broken"
"2": {
"then": "This vending machine is closed"
"question": "Is this vending machine still operational?",
"render": "The operational status is <i>{operational_status}</i>"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine-brand": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Continental tubes are sold here"
"1": {
"then": "Schwalbe tubes are sold here"
"question": "Which brand of tubes are sold here?",
"render": "{brand} tubes are sold here"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine-charge": {
"question": "How much does a bicycle tube cost?",
"render": "A bicycle tube costs {charge}"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine-operator": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Maintained by Schwalbe"
"1": {
"then": "Maintained by Continental"
"question": "Who maintains this vending machine?"
"other-items-vending": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Bicycle inner tubes are sold here"
"1": {
"then": "Bicycle lights are sold here"
"2": {
"then": "Gloves are sold here"
"3": {
"then": "Bicycle repair kits are sold here"
"4": {
"then": "Bicycle pumps are sold here"
"5": {
"then": "Bicycle locks are sold here"
"question": "Are other biycle accessories sold here?"
"title": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Bicycle tube vending machine {name}"
"render": "Bicycle tube vending machine"
"bike_cafe": {
"description": "A bike café is a café geared towards cyclists, for example with services such as a pump, with lots of bicycle-related decoration, …",
"name": "Bike cafe",
@ -5306,6 +5222,44 @@
"render": "Your travelled path"
"grave": {
"description": "Tombstones (and graves) indicate where a person was buried. On this map, those can be recorded and a link to Wikipedia can be made",
"filter": {
"0": {
"options": {
"0": {
"question": "With or without wikidata"
"1": {
"question": "Has a link to Wikidata"
"2": {
"question": "Has no link to Wikidata"
"name": "Gravestones",
"presets": {
"0": {
"description": "A tombstone is a physical object which indicates that one or more persons are buried here. It generally has the name, birth date and death date of the person or persons as inscription.",
"title": "a tombstone"
"tagRenderings": {
"buried:wikidata": {
"question": "What is the Wikipedia page of the person buried here?",
"render": "{wikipedia(buried:wikidata)}"
"name": {
"question": "What is the name of the person buried here?",
"render": "<b>{name}</b> is buried here"
"title": {
"render": "Tombstone"
"guidepost": {
"description": "Guideposts (also known as fingerposts or finger posts) are often found along official hiking/cycling/riding/skiing routes to indicate the directions to different destinations",
"name": "Guideposts",
@ -5969,6 +5923,28 @@
"lighthouse": {
"name": "lighthouse",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "a lighthouse"
"tagRenderings": {
"lighthouse-height": {
"question": "What is the height of this lighthouse, in metres?",
"render": "The height of this lighthouse is {height} metres."
"title": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "{name}"
"render": "lighthouse"
"love_hotel": {
"description": "A love hotel is a type of short-stay hotel found around the world operated primarily for the purpose of allowing guests privacy for sexual activities",
"name": "Love hotels",
@ -6269,6 +6245,7 @@
"name": "Memorials",
"presets": {
"0": {
"description": "A memorial is a physical object which remembers a person or event.",
"title": "a memorial"
@ -6325,6 +6302,9 @@
"13": {
"then": "This is a memorial tree"
"14": {
"then": "This is a gravestone; the person is buried here"
"question": "What type of memorial is this?",
@ -11087,6 +11067,39 @@
"tagRenderings": {
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine-brand": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Continental tubes are sold here"
"1": {
"then": "Schwalbe tubes are sold here"
"question": "Which brand of tubes are sold here?",
"render": "{brand} tubes are sold here"
"charge_cost_rewritten": {
"renderings": {
"0": {
"question": "How much does a {product_name} cost?",
"render": "{product_name} costs {charge:{product_key}}"
"rewrite": {
"into": {
"0": {
"1": "a bicycle tube"
"1": {
"1": "bicycle light"
"2": {
"1": "a condom"
"indoor": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
@ -11101,6 +11114,23 @@
"question": "Is this vending machine indoors?"
"operational_status": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "This vending machine works"
"1": {
"then": "This vending machine is broken"
"2": {
"then": "This vending machine is closed"
"3": {
"then": "The operational status is <i>{operational_status}</i>"
"question": "Is this vending machine still operational?"
"operator": {
"freeform": {
"placeholder": "Name of operator"

View file

@ -1048,89 +1048,6 @@
"render": "Alquiler de bicicletas"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine": {
"description": "Una capa que muestra máquinas expendedoras de cámaras de bicicleta (ya sean máquinas expendedoras de cámaras de bicicleta especialmente diseñadas o máquinas expendedoras clásicas con cámaras de bicicleta y, opcionalmente, objetos adicionales relacionados con la bicicleta, como luces, guantes, candados, etc.)",
"name": "Máquina expendedora de tubos de bicicleta",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "una máquina expendedora de tubos de bicicleta"
"tagRenderings": {
"Still in use?": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Esta máquina expendedora funciona"
"1": {
"then": "Esta máquina exprendedora está rota"
"2": {
"then": "Esta máquina exprendedora está cerrada"
"question": "¿Todavía funciona esta máquina expendedora?",
"render": "El estado operacional es <i>{operational_status}</i>"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine-brand": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Las cámaras Continental se venden aquí"
"1": {
"then": "Las cámaras Schwalbe se venden aquí"
"question": "¿Qué cámaras se venden aquí?",
"render": "Las cámaras {brand} se venden aquí"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine-charge": {
"question": "¿Cuánto cuesta una cámara para la bicicleta?",
"render": "Una cámara para bicicletas cuesta {charge}"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine-operator": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Mantenido por Schwalbe"
"1": {
"then": "Mantenido por Continental"
"question": "¿Quién mantiene esta máquina expendedora?"
"other-items-vending": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Aquí se venden cámaras de aire para bicicletas"
"1": {
"then": "Las luces para bicicletas se venden aquí"
"2": {
"then": "Los guantes se venden aquí"
"3": {
"then": "Los kits de reparación de bicicletas se venden aquí"
"4": {
"then": "Las bombas para bicicletas se venden aquí"
"5": {
"then": "Aquí se venden candados para bicicletas"
"question": "¿Se venden aquí otros accesorios para bicicletas?"
"title": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Máquina expendedora de cámaras de bicicleta {name}"
"bike_cafe": {
"tagRenderings": {
"bike_cafe-repair-tools": {
@ -4802,6 +4719,76 @@
"vending_machine": {
"tagRenderings": {
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine-brand": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Las cámaras Continental se venden aquí"
"1": {
"then": "Las cámaras Schwalbe se venden aquí"
"question": "¿Qué cámaras se venden aquí?",
"render": "Las cámaras {brand} se venden aquí"
"charge_cost_rewritten": {
"renderings": {
"0": {
"question": "¿Cuánto cuesta {product_name}?",
"render": "{product_name} cuesta {charge:{product_key}}"
"rewrite": {
"into": {
"0": {
"1": "una cámara para la bicicleta"
"operational_status": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Esta máquina expendedora funciona"
"1": {
"then": "Esta máquina exprendedora está rota"
"2": {
"then": "Esta máquina exprendedora está cerrada"
"3": {
"then": "El estado operacional es <i>{operational_status}</i>"
"question": "¿Todavía funciona esta máquina expendedora?"
"vending": {
"mappings": {
"8": {
"then": "Aquí se venden cámaras de aire para bicicletas"
"22": {
"then": "Las luces para bicicletas se venden aquí"
"23": {
"then": "Los guantes se venden aquí"
"24": {
"then": "Los kits de reparación de bicicletas se venden aquí"
"25": {
"then": "Las bombas para bicicletas se venden aquí"
"26": {
"then": "Aquí se venden candados para bicicletas"
"veterinary": {
"name": "veterinario",
"presets": {

View file

@ -955,35 +955,6 @@
"render": "Location de vélo"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine": {
"description": "Une couche affichant des distributeurs automatiques de chambre à air (que ce soit des distributeurs conçus spécifiquement pour les chambres à air ou des distributeurs classiques incluant des chambres à air ainsi des objets apparentés tels que de l'éclairage pour vélo, des gants, des cadenas, ...)",
"name": "Distributeur automatique de chambre à air de vélo",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "une distributeur automatique de chambre à air de vélo"
"tagRenderings": {
"Still in use?": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Le distributeur automatique fonctionne"
"1": {
"then": "Le distributeur automatique est en panne"
"2": {
"then": "Le distributeur automatique est fermé"
"question": "Cette machine est-elle encore opérationelle ?",
"render": "L'état opérationnel est <i>{operational_status}</i>"
"title": {
"render": "Distributeur automatique de chambre à air de vélo"
"bike_cafe": {
"description": "Un vélo café est un café à destination des cyclistes avec, par exemple, des services tels quune pompe, et de nombreuses décorations liées aux vélos, etc.",
"name": "Café vélo",
@ -6901,6 +6872,23 @@
"question": "Est-ce que ce distributeur est en intérieur ?"
"operational_status": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Le distributeur automatique fonctionne"
"1": {
"then": "Le distributeur automatique est en panne"
"2": {
"then": "Le distributeur automatique est fermé"
"3": {
"then": "L'état opérationnel est <i>{operational_status}</i>"
"question": "Cette machine est-elle encore opérationelle ?"
"operator": {
"freeform": {
"placeholder": "Nom de l'exploitant"

View file

@ -364,23 +364,6 @@
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine": {
"tagRenderings": {
"Still in use?": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Ez az automata működik"
"1": {
"then": "Ez az automata elromlott"
"2": {
"then": "Ez az automata zárva van"
"bike_parking": {
"name": "Kerékpártároló",
"presets": {
@ -932,6 +915,23 @@
"vending_machine": {
"tagRenderings": {
"operational_status": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Ez az automata működik"
"1": {
"then": "Ez az automata elromlott"
"2": {
"then": "Ez az automata zárva van"
"waste_basket": {
"description": "Ez egy nyilvános szemétkosár vagy kuka, ahová kidobhatod a szemetedet."

View file

@ -505,34 +505,6 @@
"bicycle_rental": {
"description": "Stazione noleggio biciclette"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine": {
"name": "Distributore automatico di camere daria per bici",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "una distributore automatico di camere daria per bici"
"tagRenderings": {
"Still in use?": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Il distributore automatico funziona"
"1": {
"then": "Il distributore automatico è guasto"
"2": {
"then": "Il distributore automatico è spento"
"question": "Questo distributore automatico funziona ancora?",
"render": "Lo stato operativo è <i>{operational_status}</i>"
"title": {
"render": "Distributore automatico di camere daria per bici"
"bike_cafe": {
"name": "Cafè per ciclisti",
"presets": {
@ -2946,6 +2918,27 @@
"vending_machine": {
"tagRenderings": {
"operational_status": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Il distributore automatico funziona"
"1": {
"then": "Il distributore automatico è guasto"
"2": {
"then": "Il distributore automatico è spento"
"3": {
"then": "Lo stato operativo è <i>{operational_status}</i>"
"question": "Questo distributore automatico funziona ancora?"
"viewpoint": {
"description": "Un punto panoramico che offre una bella vista. L'ideale è aggiungere un'immagine, se nessun'altra categoria è appropriata",
"name": "Punto panoramico",

View file

@ -907,90 +907,6 @@
"render": "Fietsverhuur"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine": {
"description": "Een laag met verkoopsautomaten met binnenbanden voor fietsen (dit kan een automaat zijn met énkel fietsbanden, of een gewone automaat met fietsbanden en andere fietsaccessoires zoals lichten, handschoenen, sloten,...)",
"name": "Fietsbanden-verkoopsautomaat",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "een fietsbanden-verkoopsautomaat"
"tagRenderings": {
"Still in use?": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Deze verkoopsautomaat werkt"
"1": {
"then": "Deze verkoopsautomaat is kapot"
"2": {
"then": "Deze verkoopsautomaat is uitgeschakeld"
"question": "Is deze verkoopsautomaat nog steeds werkende?",
"render": "Deze verkoopsautomaat is <i>{operational_status}</i>"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine-brand": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Continental banden worden hier verkocht"
"1": {
"then": "Schwalbe banden worden hier verkocht"
"question": "Welk merk banden wordt hier verkocht?",
"render": "{brand} banden worden hier verkocht"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine-charge": {
"question": "Hoeveel kost een fietsband?",
"render": "Een fietsband kost {charge}"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine-operator": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Onderhouden door Schwalbe"
"1": {
"then": "Onderhouden door Continental"
"question": "Wie onderhoudt deze verkoopautomaat?"
"other-items-vending": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Fietsbinnenbanden worden hier verkocht"
"1": {
"then": "Fietslampjes worden hier verkocht"
"2": {
"then": "Handschoenen worden hier verkocht"
"3": {
"then": "Fietsreparatiesets worden hier verkocht"
"4": {
"then": "Fietspompen worden hier verkocht"
"5": {
"then": "Fietssloten worden hier verkocht"
"question": "Worden hier andere fietsaccessoires verkocht?"
"title": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Fietsbanden-verkoopautomaat {name}"
"render": "Fietsbanden-verkoopautomaat"
"bike_cafe": {
"description": "Een fietscafé is een café dat gericht is op fietsers, bijvoorbeeld omdat het een fietspomp heeft, fietsgerelateerde decoratie heeft enzovoorts.",
"name": "Fietscafé",
@ -9095,6 +9011,39 @@
"tagRenderings": {
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine-brand": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Continental banden worden hier verkocht"
"1": {
"then": "Schwalbe banden worden hier verkocht"
"question": "Welk merk banden wordt hier verkocht?",
"render": "{brand} banden worden hier verkocht"
"charge_cost_rewritten": {
"renderings": {
"0": {
"question": "Hoeveel kost {product_name}?",
"render": "{product_name} kost {charge:{product_key}}"
"rewrite": {
"into": {
"0": {
"1": "een fietsband"
"1": {
"1": "een fietslichtje"
"2": {
"1": "een condoom"
"indoor": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
@ -9109,6 +9058,23 @@
"question": "Is deze verkoopautomaat binnen?"
"operational_status": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Deze verkoopsautomaat werkt"
"1": {
"then": "Deze verkoopsautomaat is kapot"
"2": {
"then": "Deze verkoopsautomaat is uitgeschakeld"
"3": {
"then": "Deze verkoopsautomaat is <i>{operational_status}</i>"
"question": "Is deze verkoopsautomaat nog steeds werkende?"
"operator": {
"freeform": {
"placeholder": "Naam van beheerder"

View file

@ -1021,90 +1021,6 @@
"render": "Aluguel de bicicleta"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine": {
"description": "Uma camada que mostra máquinas de venda de câmaras de ar de bicicleta (sejam máquinas de venda de câmaras de ar de bicicleta específicas ou máquinas de venda clássicas com câmaras de ar de bicicleta e opcionalmente objetos relacionados a bicicletas, como luzes, luvas, travas, ...)",
"name": "Máquina de venda automática de tubos de bicicleta",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "uma máquina de venda automática de tubos de bicicleta"
"tagRenderings": {
"Still in use?": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Esta máquina de venda automática funciona"
"1": {
"then": "Esta máquina de venda automática está quebrada"
"2": {
"then": "Esta máquina de venda automática está fechada"
"question": "Esta máquina de venda automática ainda está operacional?",
"render": "O estado operacional é: <i>{operational_status}</i>"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine-brand": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Câmaras de ar Continental são vendidas aqui"
"1": {
"then": "Câmaras de ar Schwalbe são vendidas aqui"
"question": "Quais marcas de câmara de ar são vendidas aqui?",
"render": "câmaras de ar {brand} são vendidas aqui"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine-charge": {
"question": "Quanto custa uma câmara de ar para bicicleta?",
"render": "Uma câmara de ar para bicicleta custa {charge}"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine-operator": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Mantido pela Schwalbe"
"1": {
"then": "Mantido pela Continental"
"question": "Quem mantém esta máquina de venda?"
"other-items-vending": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Câmaras de ar para bicicletas são vendidas aqui"
"1": {
"then": "Luzes para bicicleta são vendidas aqui"
"2": {
"then": "Luvas são vendidas aqui"
"3": {
"then": "Kits para reparo de bicicleta são vendidos aqui"
"4": {
"then": "Bombas de ar para bicicleta são vendidas aqui"
"5": {
"then": "Cadeados para bicicleta são vendidos aqui"
"question": "Outros acessórios para bicicleta são vendidos aqui?"
"title": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Máquina de venda de câmara de ar para bicicleta {name}"
"render": "Máquina de venda automática de tubos de bicicleta"
"bike_cafe": {
"description": "Um café para ciclistas é um café direcionado aos ciclistas, por exemplo, com serviços como uma bomba de ar, muita decoração relacionada a bicicletas, …",
"name": "Café de bicicletas",
@ -1916,6 +1832,76 @@
"vending_machine": {
"tagRenderings": {
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine-brand": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Câmaras de ar Continental são vendidas aqui"
"1": {
"then": "Câmaras de ar Schwalbe são vendidas aqui"
"question": "Quais marcas de câmara de ar são vendidas aqui?",
"render": "câmaras de ar {brand} são vendidas aqui"
"charge_cost_rewritten": {
"renderings": {
"0": {
"question": "Quanto custa {product_name}?",
"render": "{product_name} custa {charge:{product_key}}"
"rewrite": {
"into": {
"0": {
"1": "uma câmara de ar para bicicleta"
"operational_status": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Esta máquina de venda automática funciona"
"1": {
"then": "Esta máquina de venda automática está quebrada"
"2": {
"then": "Esta máquina de venda automática está fechada"
"3": {
"then": "O estado operacional é: <i>{operational_status}</i>"
"question": "Esta máquina de venda automática ainda está operacional?"
"vending": {
"mappings": {
"8": {
"then": "Câmaras de ar para bicicletas são vendidas aqui"
"22": {
"then": "Luzes para bicicleta são vendidas aqui"
"23": {
"then": "Luvas são vendidas aqui"
"24": {
"then": "Kits para reparo de bicicleta são vendidos aqui"
"25": {
"then": "Bombas de ar para bicicleta são vendidas aqui"
"26": {
"then": "Cadeados para bicicleta são vendidos aqui"
"windturbine": {
"title": {
"mappings": {

View file

@ -1011,90 +1011,6 @@
"render": "Aluguel de bicicleta"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine": {
"description": "Uma camada que mostra máquinas de venda de câmaras de ar de bicicleta (sejam máquinas de venda de câmaras de ar de bicicleta específicas ou máquinas de venda clássicas com câmaras de ar de bicicleta e opcionalmente objetos relacionados a bicicletas, como luzes, luvas, travas, ...)",
"name": "Máquina de venda automática de tubos de bicicleta",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "uma máquina de venda automática de tubos de bicicleta"
"tagRenderings": {
"Still in use?": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Esta máquina de venda automática funciona"
"1": {
"then": "Esta máquina de venda automática está quebrada"
"2": {
"then": "Esta máquina de venda automática está fechada"
"question": "Esta máquina de venda automática ainda está operacional?",
"render": "O estado operacional é: <i>{operational_status}</i>"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine-brand": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Câmaras de ar Continental são vendidas aqui"
"1": {
"then": "Câmaras de ar Schwalbe são vendidas aqui"
"question": "Quais marcas de câmara de ar são vendidas aqui?",
"render": "câmaras de ar {brand} são vendidas aqui"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine-charge": {
"question": "Quanto custa uma câmara de ar para bicicleta?",
"render": "Uma câmara de ar para bicicleta custa {charge}"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine-operator": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Mantido pela Schwalbe"
"1": {
"then": "Mantido pela Continental"
"question": "Quem mantém essa máquina de venda?"
"other-items-vending": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Câmaras de ar para bicicletas são vendidas aqui"
"1": {
"then": "Luzes para bicicleta são vendidas aqui"
"2": {
"then": "Luvas são vendidas aqui"
"3": {
"then": "Kits para reparo de bicicleta são vendidos aqui"
"4": {
"then": "Bombas de ar para bicicleta são vendidas aqui"
"5": {
"then": "Cadeados para bicicleta são vendidos aqui"
"question": "Outros acessórios para bicicleta são vendidos aqui?"
"title": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Máquina de venda de câmara de ar para bicicleta {name}"
"render": "Máquina de venda automática de tubos de bicicleta"
"bike_cafe": {
"description": "Um café para ciclistas é um café direcionado aos ciclistas, por exemplo, com serviços como uma bomba de ar, muita decoração relacionada a bicicletas, …",
"name": "Café de bicicletas",
@ -1588,5 +1504,75 @@
"question": "Que espécie é esta árvore?"
"vending_machine": {
"tagRenderings": {
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine-brand": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Câmaras de ar Continental são vendidas aqui"
"1": {
"then": "Câmaras de ar Schwalbe são vendidas aqui"
"question": "Quais marcas de câmara de ar são vendidas aqui?",
"render": "câmaras de ar {brand} são vendidas aqui"
"charge_cost_rewritten": {
"renderings": {
"0": {
"question": "Quanto custa {product_name}?",
"render": "{product_name} custa {charge:{product_key}}"
"rewrite": {
"into": {
"0": {
"1": "uma câmara de ar para bicicleta"
"operational_status": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Esta máquina de venda automática funciona"
"1": {
"then": "Esta máquina de venda automática está quebrada"
"2": {
"then": "Esta máquina de venda automática está fechada"
"3": {
"then": "O estado operacional é: <i>{operational_status}</i>"
"question": "Esta máquina de venda automática ainda está operacional?"
"vending": {
"mappings": {
"8": {
"then": "Câmaras de ar para bicicletas são vendidas aqui"
"22": {
"then": "Luzes para bicicleta são vendidas aqui"
"23": {
"then": "Luvas são vendidas aqui"
"24": {
"then": "Kits para reparo de bicicleta são vendidos aqui"
"25": {
"then": "Bombas de ar para bicicleta são vendidas aqui"
"26": {
"then": "Cadeados para bicicleta são vendidos aqui"

View file

@ -324,34 +324,6 @@
"render": "Велосипедная библиотека"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine": {
"name": "Торговый автомат для велосипедистов",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "Торговый автомат для велосипедистов"
"tagRenderings": {
"Still in use?": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Этот торговый автомат работает"
"1": {
"then": "Этот торговый автомат сломан"
"2": {
"then": "Этот торговый автомат закрыт"
"question": "Этот торговый автомат все еще работает?",
"render": "Рабочий статус: <i> {operational_status}</i>"
"title": {
"render": "Торговый автомат для велосипедистов"
"bike_cafe": {
"name": "Велосипедное кафе",
"presets": {
@ -1933,6 +1905,27 @@
"vending_machine": {
"tagRenderings": {
"operational_status": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Этот торговый автомат работает"
"1": {
"then": "Этот торговый автомат сломан"
"2": {
"then": "Этот торговый автомат закрыт"
"3": {
"then": "Рабочий статус: <i> {operational_status}</i>"
"question": "Этот торговый автомат все еще работает?"
"viewpoint": {
"name": "Смотровая площадка",
"presets": {

View file

@ -482,23 +482,6 @@
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine": {
"tagRenderings": {
"Still in use?": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "这个借还机正常工作"
"1": {
"then": "这个借还机已经损坏"
"2": {
"then": "这个借还机被关闭了"
"bike_cafe": {
"name": "自行车咖啡",
"presets": {
@ -626,5 +609,22 @@
"question": "在Wikidata上对应的实体是什么"
"vending_machine": {
"tagRenderings": {
"operational_status": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "这个借还机正常工作"
"1": {
"then": "这个借还机已经损坏"
"2": {
"then": "这个借还机被关闭了"

View file

@ -279,34 +279,6 @@
"render": "單車圖書館"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine": {
"name": "自行車內胎自動售貨機",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "自行車內胎自動售貨機"
"tagRenderings": {
"Still in use?": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "這個自動販賣機仍運作"
"1": {
"then": "這個自動販賣機沒有運作了"
"2": {
"then": "這個自動販賣機已經關閉了"
"question": "這個自動販賣機仍有運作嗎?",
"render": "運作狀態是 <i>{operational_status}</i>"
"title": {
"render": "自行車內胎自動售貨機"
"bike_cafe": {
"name": "單車咖啡廳",
"presets": {
@ -815,6 +787,27 @@
"render": "設定"
"vending_machine": {
"tagRenderings": {
"operational_status": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "這個自動販賣機仍運作"
"1": {
"then": "這個自動販賣機沒有運作了"
"2": {
"then": "這個自動販賣機已經關閉了"
"3": {
"then": "運作狀態是 <i>{operational_status}</i>"
"question": "這個自動販賣機仍有運作嗎?"
"walls_and_buildings": {
"description": "特殊的內建圖層顯示所有牆壁與建築。這個圖層對於規畫要靠牆的東西 (例如 AED、郵筒、入口、地址、監視器等) 相當實用。這個圖層預設顯示而且無法由使用者開關。"

View file

@ -975,6 +975,10 @@
"title": "Kerbs and crossings"
"lighthouses": {
"description": "Lighthouses are tall buildings with a light on top to guide marine traffic.",
"title": "Lighthouses"
"mapcomplete-changes": {
"description": "This maps shows all the changes made with MapComplete",
"layers": {