import {Layout} from "./Customizations/Layout"; import Locale from "./UI/i18n/Locale"; import Translations from "./UI/i18n/Translations"; import {TabbedComponent} from "./UI/Base/TabbedComponent"; import {ShareScreen} from "./UI/ShareScreen"; import {FixedUiElement} from "./UI/Base/FixedUiElement"; import {CheckBox} from "./UI/Input/CheckBox"; import Combine from "./UI/Base/Combine"; import {UIElement} from "./UI/UIElement"; import {MoreScreen} from "./UI/MoreScreen"; import {Tag} from "./Logic/TagsFilter"; import {FilteredLayer} from "./Logic/FilteredLayer"; import {FeatureInfoBox} from "./UI/FeatureInfoBox"; import {ElementStorage} from "./Logic/ElementStorage"; import {Changes} from "./Logic/Osm/Changes"; import {OsmConnection} from "./Logic/Osm/OsmConnection"; import {BaseLayers, Basemap} from "./Logic/Leaflet/Basemap"; import {State} from "./State"; import {WelcomeMessage} from "./UI/WelcomeMessage"; import {Img} from "./UI/Img"; import {DropDown} from "./UI/Input/DropDown"; import {LayerSelection} from "./UI/LayerSelection"; import {Preset} from "./Customizations/LayerDefinition"; import {VariableUiElement} from "./UI/Base/VariableUIElement"; import {LayerUpdater} from "./Logic/LayerUpdater"; import {UIEventSource} from "./Logic/UIEventSource"; import {QueryParameters} from "./Logic/Web/QueryParameters"; import {PersonalLayout} from "./Logic/PersonalLayout"; import {PersonalLayersPanel} from "./Logic/PersonalLayersPanel"; export class InitUiElements { static OnlyIf(featureSwitch: UIEventSource, callback: () => void) { featureSwitch.addCallback(() => { if ( { callback(); } }); if ( { callback(); } } private static CreateWelcomePane() { const layoutToUse =; let welcome: UIElement = new WelcomeMessage(); if ( === PersonalLayout.NAME) { welcome = new PersonalLayersPanel(); } const tabs = [ {header: Img.AsImageElement(layoutToUse.icon), content: welcome}, {header: ``, content: Translations.t.general.openStreetMapIntro}, ] if ( { tabs.push({header: ``, content: new ShareScreen()}); } if ({ tabs.push({ header: `` , content: new MoreScreen() }); } const fullOptions = new TabbedComponent(tabs); return fullOptions; } static InitWelcomeMessage() { const fullOptions = this.CreateWelcomePane(); const help = new FixedUiElement(`
`); const close = new FixedUiElement(`
`); const checkbox = new CheckBox( new Combine([ "", close, "", "", fullOptions.onClick(() => { }), ""]), new Combine(["", help, ""]) , true ).AttachTo("messagesbox"); let dontCloseYet = true; const openedTime = new Date().getTime(); State.state.locationControl.addCallback(() => { if (new Date().getTime() - openedTime < 15 * 1000) { // Don't autoclose the first 15 secs return; } checkbox.isEnabled.setData(false); }) const fullOptions2 = this.CreateWelcomePane(); State.state.fullScreenMessage.setData(fullOptions2) new FixedUiElement(`
`).onClick(() => { State.state.fullScreenMessage.setData(fullOptions2) }).AttachTo("help-button-mobile"); } static InitLayerSelection() { const closedFilterButton = ``; const openFilterButton = ``; let baseLayerOptions = => { return {value: layer, shown:} }); const backgroundMapPicker = new Combine([new DropDown(`Background map`, baseLayerOptions,, openFilterButton]); const layerSelection = new Combine([`


`, new LayerSelection()]); let layerControl = backgroundMapPicker; if ( > 1) { layerControl = new Combine([layerSelection, backgroundMapPicker]); } InitUiElements.OnlyIf(State.state.featureSwitchLayers, () => { const checkbox = new CheckBox(layerControl, closedFilterButton, QueryParameters.GetQueryParameter("layer-control-toggle", "false") .map((str) => str !== "false", [], b => "" + b) ); checkbox.AttachTo("filter__selection"); => { checkbox.isEnabled.setData(false); }); }); } static InitBaseMap(){ const bm = new Basemap("leafletDiv", State.state.locationControl, new VariableUiElement( => { const mapComplete = `Mapcomplete ${State.vNumber} Report bug`; let editHere = ""; if (location !== undefined) { editHere = " | " + "" + "edit here" + "" } return mapComplete + editHere; }) )); = bm; State.state.layerUpdater = new LayerUpdater(State.state); const queryParam = QueryParameters.GetQueryParameter("background",; const queryParamMapped: UIEventSource<{ id: string, name: string, layer: any }> =<{ id: string, name: string, layer: any }>((id) => { for (const layer of BaseLayers.baseLayers) { if ( === id) { return layer; } } return undefined; }, [], (layerInfo) => { return }); queryParamMapped.syncWith(bm.CurrentLayer); } static InitLayers() { const flayers: FilteredLayer[] = [] const presets: Preset[] = []; let minZoom = 0; const state = State.state; for (const layer of { const generateInfo = (tagsES, feature) => { return new FeatureInfoBox( feature, tagsES, layer.title, layer.elementsToShow, ) }; minZoom = Math.max(minZoom, layer.minzoom); for (const preset of layer.presets ?? []) { if (preset.icon === undefined) { const tags = {}; for (const tag of preset.tags) { const k = tag.key; if (typeof (k) === "string") { tags[k] = tag.value; } } preset.icon =; } presets.push(preset); } const flayer: FilteredLayer = FilteredLayer.fromDefinition(layer, generateInfo); flayers.push(flayer); QueryParameters.GetQueryParameter("layer-" +, "true") .map((str) => str !== "false", [], (b) => b.toString()) .syncWith( flayer.isDisplayed ) } State.state.filteredLayers.setData(flayers); State.state.presets.setData(presets); } }