"id": "playground",
"name": {
"nl": "Speeltuinen",
"en": "Playgrounds",
"ru": "Детские площадки",
"de": "Spielplätze",
"it": "Campi da gioco",
"fr": "Aire de jeu"
"minzoom": 13,
"source": {
"osmTags": {
"and": [
"calculatedTags": [
"_size_classification=Number(feat.properties._surface) < 10 ? 'small' : (Number(feat.properties._surface) < 100 ? 'medium' : 'large') "
"description": {
"nl": "Speeltuinen",
"en": "Playgrounds",
"it": "Parchi giochi",
"ru": "Детские площадки",
"de": "Spielplätze",
"fr": "Aire de jeu"
"title": {
"render": {
"nl": "Speeltuin",
"en": "Playground",
"it": "Parco giochi",
"ru": "Детская площадка",
"de": "Spielplatz",
"fr": "Aire de jeu"
"mappings": [
"if": "name~*",
"then": {
"nl": "Speeltuin {name}",
"en": "Playground {name}",
"it": "Parco giochi {name}",
"ru": "Детская площадка {name}",
"de": "Spielplatz {name}",
"fr": "Aire de jeu {name}"
"tagRenderings": [
"question": {
"nl": "Wat is de ondergrond van deze speeltuin?
Indien er verschillende ondergronden zijn, neem de meest voorkomende",
"en": "Which is the surface of this playground?
If there are multiple, select the most occuring one",
"it": "Qual è la superficie di questo parco giochi?
Se ve ne è più di una, seleziona quella predominante",
"de": "Welche Oberfläche hat dieser Spielplatz?
Wenn es mehrere gibt, wähle die am häufigsten vorkommende aus",
"fr": "De quelle matière est la surface de l’aire de jeu ?
Pour plusieurs matières, sélectionner la principale"
"render": {
"nl": "De ondergrond is {surface}",
"en": "The surface is {surface}",
"it": "La superficie è {surface}",
"ru": "Поверхность - {surface}",
"de": "Die Oberfläche ist {surface}",
"fr": "La surface est en {surface}"
"freeform": {
"key": "surface"
"mappings": [
"if": "surface=grass",
"then": {
"nl": "De ondergrond is gras",
"en": "The surface is grass",
"it": "La superficie è prato",
"ru": "Поверхность - трава",
"de": "Die Oberfläche ist Gras",
"fr": "La surface est en gazon"
"if": "surface=sand",
"then": {
"nl": "De ondergrond is zand",
"en": "The surface is sand",
"it": "La superficie è sabbia",
"ru": "Поверхность - песок",
"de": "Die Oberfläche ist Sand",
"fr": "La surface est en sable"
"if": "surface=woodchips",
"then": {
"nl": "De ondergrond bestaat uit houtsnippers",
"en": "The surface consist of woodchips",
"it": "La superficie consiste di trucioli di legno",
"de": "Die Oberfläche besteht aus Holzschnitzeln",
"ru": "Покрытие из щепы",
"fr": "La surface est en copeaux de bois"
"if": "surface=paving_stones",
"then": {
"nl": "De ondergrond bestaat uit stoeptegels",
"en": "The surface is paving stones",
"it": "La superficie è mattonelle regolari",
"ru": "Поверхность - брусчатка",
"de": "Die Oberfläche ist Pflastersteine",
"fr": "La surface est en pavés"
"if": "surface=asphalt",
"then": {
"nl": "De ondergrond is asfalt",
"en": "The surface is asphalt",
"it": "La superficie è asfalto",
"ru": "Поверхность - асфальт",
"de": "Die Oberfläche ist Asphalt",
"fr": "La surface est en bitume"
"if": "surface=concrete",
"then": {
"nl": "De ondergrond is beton",
"en": "The surface is concrete",
"it": "La superficie è cemento",
"ru": "Поверхность - бетон",
"de": "Die Oberfläche ist Beton",
"fr": "La surface est en béton"
"if": "surface=unpaved",
"then": {
"nl": "De ondergrond is onverhard",
"en": "The surface is unpaved",
"it": "La superficie è non pavimentato",
"de": "Die Oberfläche ist unbefestigt",
"fr": "La surface n’a pas de revêtement"
"hideInAnswer": true
"if": "surface=paved",
"then": {
"nl": "De ondergrond is verhard",
"en": "The surface is paved",
"it": "La superficie è pavimentato",
"de": "Die Oberfläche ist befestigt",
"fr": "La surface a un revêtement"
"hideInAnswer": true
"id": "playground-surface"
"labels": [
"id": "playground-lit",
"question": {
"nl": "Is deze speeltuin 's nachts verlicht?",
"en": "Is this playground lit at night?",
"it": "È illuminato di notte questo parco giochi?",
"fr": "Ce terrain de jeux est-il éclairé la nuit ?",
"de": "Ist dieser Spielplatz nachts beleuchtet?",
"ru": "Эта игровая площадка освещается ночью?"
"mappings": [
"if": "lit=yes",
"then": {
"nl": "Deze speeltuin is 's nachts verlicht",
"en": "This playground is lit at night",
"it": "Questo parco giochi è illuminato di notte",
"de": "Dieser Spielplatz ist nachts beleuchtet",
"ru": "Эта детская площадка освещается ночью",
"fr": "L’aire de jeu est éclairée de nuit"
"if": "lit=no",
"then": {
"nl": "Deze speeltuin is 's nachts niet verlicht",
"en": "This playground is not lit at night",
"it": "Questo parco giochi non è illuminato di notte",
"de": "Dieser Spielplatz ist nachts nicht beleuchtet",
"ru": "Эта детская площадка не освещается ночью",
"fr": "L’aire de jeu n’est pas éclairée de nuit"
"labels": [
"render": {
"nl": "Toegankelijk vanaf {min_age} jaar oud",
"en": "Accessible to kids older than {min_age} years",
"it": "Accessibile ai bambini di almeno {min_age} anni",
"ru": "Доступно для детей старше {min_age} лет",
"fr": "Accessible aux enfants de plus de {min_age} ans",
"de": "Zugang nur für Kinder ab {min_age} Jahren"
"question": {
"nl": "Wat is de minimale leeftijd om op deze speeltuin te mogen?",
"en": "What is the minimum age required to access this playground?",
"it": "Qual è l’età minima per accedere a questo parco giochi?",
"fr": "Quel est l'âge minimal requis pour accéder à ce terrain de jeux ?",
"ru": "С какого возраста доступна эта детская площадка?",
"de": "Ab welchem Alter dürfen Kinder auf diesem Spielplatz spielen?"
"freeform": {
"key": "min_age",
"type": "pnat"
"id": "playground-min_age"
"labels": [
"render": {
"nl": "Toegankelijk tot {max_age}",
"en": "Accessible to kids of at most {max_age}",
"it": "Accessibile ai bambini di età inferiore a {max_age}",
"fr": "Accessible aux enfants de {max_age} au maximum",
"ru": "Доступно детям до {max_age}",
"de": "Zugang nur für Kinder bis maximal {max_age}"
"question": {
"nl": "Wat is de maximaal toegestane leeftijd voor deze speeltuin?",
"en": "What is the maximum age allowed to access this playground?",
"it": "Qual è l’età massima per accedere a questo parco giochi?",
"fr": "Quel est l’âge maximum autorisé pour utiliser l’aire de jeu ?",
"de": "Bis zu welchem Alter dürfen Kinder auf diesem Spielplatz spielen?"
"freeform": {
"key": "max_age",
"type": "pnat"
"id": "playground-max_age"
"question": {
"nl": "Wie beheert deze speeltuin?",
"en": "Who operates this playground?",
"it": "Chi è il responsabile di questo parco giochi?",
"de": "Wer betreibt diesen Spielplatz?",
"fr": "Qui est en charge de l’exploitation de l’aire de jeu ?"
"render": {
"nl": "Beheer door {operator}",
"en": "Operated by {operator}",
"it": "Gestito da {operator}",
"fr": "Exploité par {operator}",
"de": "Betrieben von {operator}"
"freeform": {
"key": "operator"
"id": "playground-operator"
"id": "playground-access",
"question": {
"nl": "Is deze speeltuin vrij toegankelijk voor het publiek?",
"en": "Is this playground accessible to the general public?",
"it": "Questo parco giochi è pubblicamente accessibile?",
"de": "Ist dieser Spielplatz für die Allgemeinheit zugänglich?",
"fr": "L’aire de jeu est-elle accessible au public ?"
"mappings": [
"if": "access=yes",
"then": {
"en": "Accessible to the general public",
"nl": "Vrij toegankelijk voor het publiek",
"it": "Accessibile pubblicamente",
"de": "Zugänglich für die Allgemeinheit",
"fr": "Accessible au public"
"addExtraTags": [
"if": {
"and": [
"then": {
"en": "This is a paid