import ScriptUtils from "./ScriptUtils" import { readFileSync, writeFileSync } from "fs" import { JsonSchema } from "../UI/Studio/jsonSchema" function WalkScheme( onEach: (schemePart: JsonSchema) => T, scheme: JsonSchema, fullScheme: JsonSchema & { definitions?: any } = undefined, path: string[] = [], isHandlingReference = [] ): { path: string[]; t: T }[] { const results: { path: string[]; t: T }[] = [] if (scheme === undefined) { return [] } if (scheme["$ref"] !== undefined) { const ref = scheme["$ref"] const prefix = "#/definitions/" if (!ref.startsWith(prefix)) { throw "References is not relative!" } const definitionName = ref.substr(prefix.length) if (isHandlingReference.indexOf(definitionName) >= 0) { return [] } const loadedScheme = fullScheme.definitions[definitionName] return WalkScheme(onEach, loadedScheme, fullScheme, path, [ ...isHandlingReference, definitionName, ]) } fullScheme = fullScheme ?? scheme let t = onEach(scheme) if (t !== undefined) { results.push({ path, t, }) } function walk(v: JsonSchema) { if (v === undefined) { return } results.push(...WalkScheme(onEach, v, fullScheme, path, isHandlingReference)) } function walkEach(scheme: JsonSchema[]) { if (scheme === undefined) { return } scheme.forEach((v) => walk(v)) } { walkEach(scheme.enum) walkEach(scheme.anyOf) walkEach(scheme.allOf) if (Array.isArray(scheme.items)) { walkEach(scheme.items) } else { walk(scheme.items) } for (const key in { const prop =[key] results.push( ...WalkScheme(onEach, prop, fullScheme, [...path, key], isHandlingReference) ) } } return results } function addMetafields(fieldnames: string[], fullSchema: JsonSchema) { return WalkScheme((schemePart) => { if (schemePart.description === undefined) { return } const type = schemePart.items?.anyOf ?? schemePart.type ?? schemePart.anyOf const hints = {} let description = schemePart.description.split("\n") for (const fieldname of fieldnames) { const hintIndex = description.findIndex((line) => line .trim() .toLocaleLowerCase() .startsWith(fieldname + ":") ) if (hintIndex < 0) { continue } const hintLine = description[hintIndex].substring((fieldname + ":").length).trim() description.splice(hintIndex, 1) if (fieldname === "type") { hints["typehint"] = hintLine } else { hints[fieldname] = hintLine } } return { hints, type, description: description.join("\n") } }, fullSchema) } function extractMeta(typename: string, path: string) { let themeSchema: JsonSchema = JSON.parse( readFileSync("./Docs/Schemas/" + typename + ".schema.json", { encoding: "utf8" }) ) const metakeys = ["type", "group", "question", "ifunset"] const hints = addMetafields(metakeys, themeSchema) const paths ={ path, t }) => ({ path, ...t })) themeSchema.required?.forEach((req) => { paths.filter((p) => === req).forEach((meta) => (meta["required"] = true)) }) writeFileSync("./assets/" + path + ".json", JSON.stringify(paths, null, " ")) console.log("Written meta to ./assets/" + path) } function main() { const allSchemas = ScriptUtils.readDirRecSync("./Docs/Schemas").filter((pth) => pth.endsWith("JSC.ts") ) for (const path of allSchemas) { const dir = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf("/")) const name = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf("/"), path.length - "JSC.ts".length) let content = readFileSync(path, { encoding: "utf8" }) content = content.substring("export default ".length) let parsed = JSON.parse(content) parsed["additionalProperties"] = false for (const key in parsed.definitions) { const def = parsed.definitions[key] if (def.type === "object") { def["additionalProperties"] = false } } writeFileSync(dir + "/" + name + ".schema.json", JSON.stringify(parsed, null, " "), { encoding: "utf8", }) } extractMeta("LayerConfigJson", "layerconfigmeta") extractMeta("LayoutConfigJson", "layoutconfigmeta") extractMeta("TagRenderingConfigJson", "tagrenderingconfigmeta") extractMeta("QuestionableTagRenderingConfigJson", "questionabletagrenderingconfigmeta") } main()