import * as editorlayerindex from "../assets/editor-layer-index.json" import {UIEventSource} from "./UIEventSource"; import {GeoOperations} from "./GeoOperations"; import {State} from "../State"; import {Basemap} from "./Leaflet/Basemap"; import {QueryParameters} from "./Web/QueryParameters"; import {BaseLayer} from "./BaseLayer"; /** * Calculates which layers are available at the current location */ export default class AvailableBaseLayers { public static layerOverview = AvailableBaseLayers.LoadRasterIndex().concat(AvailableBaseLayers.LoadProviderIndex()); public availableEditorLayers: UIEventSource; constructor(state: State) { const self = this; this.availableEditorLayers = (currentLocation) => { const currentLayers = self.availableEditorLayers?.data; const newLayers = AvailableBaseLayers.AvailableLayersAt(currentLocation?.lon, currentLocation?.lat); if (currentLayers === undefined) { return newLayers; } if (newLayers.length !== currentLayers.length) { return newLayers; } for (let i = 0; i < newLayers.length; i++) { if (newLayers[i].name !== currentLayers[i].name) { return newLayers; } } return currentLayers; }); this.availableEditorLayers.addCallbackAndRun(availableLayers => { const layerControl = ( as Basemap).CurrentLayer; const currentLayer =; for (const availableLayer of availableLayers) { if ( === currentLayer) { if (availableLayer.max_zoom < { break; } if (availableLayer.min_zoom > { break; } return; // All good! } } // Oops, we panned out of range for this layer! console.log("AvailableBaseLayers-actor: detected that the current bounds aren't sufficient anymore - reverting to OSM standard") layerControl.setData(Basemap.osmCarto); }); } public static AvailableLayersAt(lon: number, lat: number): BaseLayer[] { const availableLayers = [Basemap.osmCarto] const globalLayers = []; for (const i in AvailableBaseLayers.layerOverview) { const layer = AvailableBaseLayers.layerOverview[i]; if (layer.feature?.geometry === undefined || layer.feature?.geometry === null) { globalLayers.push(layer); continue; } if (lon === undefined || lat === undefined) { continue; } if (GeoOperations.inside([lon, lat], layer.feature)) { availableLayers.push(layer); } } return availableLayers.concat(globalLayers); } private static LoadRasterIndex(): BaseLayer[] { const layers: BaseLayer[] = [] // @ts-ignore const features = editorlayerindex.features; for (const i in features) { const layer = features[i]; const props =; if ( === "Bing") { // Doesnt work continue; } if ( === "MAPNIK") { // Already added by default continue; } if (props.overlay) { continue; } if (props.url.toLowerCase().indexOf("apikey") > 0) { continue; } if(props.max_zoom < 19){ // We want users to zoom to level 19 when adding a point // If they are on a layer which hasn't enough precision, they can not zoom far enough. This is confusing, so we don't use this layer continue; } if( === undefined){ console.warn("Editor layer index: name not defined on ", props) continue } const leafletLayer = Basemap.CreateBackgroundLayer(,, props.url,, props.license_url, props.max_zoom, props.type.toLowerCase() === "wms", props.type.toLowerCase() === "wmts" ) // Note: if layer.geometry is null, there is global coverage for this layer layers.push({ id:, max_zoom: props.max_zoom ?? 25, min_zoom: props.min_zoom ?? 1, name:, layer: leafletLayer, feature: layer }); } return layers; } private static LoadProviderIndex(): BaseLayer[] { function l(id: string, name: string){ const layer = Basemap.ProvidedLayer(id); return { feature: null, id: id, name: name, layer: layer, min_zoom: layer.minzoom, max_zoom: layer.maxzoom } } return [ l("Stamen.TonerLite", "Toner Lite (by Stamen)"), l("Stamen.TonerBackground", "Toner Background - no labels (by Stamen)"), l("Stamen.Watercolor", "Watercolor (by Stamen)"), l("Stadia.AlidadeSmooth", "Alidade Smooth (by Stadia)"), l("Stadia.AlidadeSmoothDark", "Alidade Smooth Dark (by Stadia)"), l("Stadia.OSMBright", "Osm Bright (by Stadia)"), l("CartoDB.Positron", "Positron (by CartoDB)"), l("CartoDB.PositronNoLabels", "Positron - no labels (by CartoDB)"), l("CartoDB.Voyager", "Voyager (by CartoDB)"), l("CartoDB.VoyagerNoLabels", "Voyager - no labels (by CartoDB)"), ]; } }