import * as fs from "fs"; import {Utils} from "../Utils"; function genImages() { console.log("Generating images") const dir = fs.readdirSync("./assets/svg") let module = "import {Img} from \"./UI/Img\";\nimport {FixedUiElement} from \"./UI/Base/FixedUiElement\";\n\nexport default class Svg {\n\n\n"; const allNames: string[] = []; for (const path of dir) { if (!path.endsWith(".svg")) { throw "Non-svg file detected in the svg files: " + path; } const svg = fs.readFileSync("./assets/svg/" + path, "utf-8") .replace(/<\?xml.*?>/, "") .replace(/fill: ?none;/g,"fill: none !important;") // This is such a brittle hack... .replace(/\n/g, " ") .replace(/\r/g, "") .replace(/\\/g, "\\") .replace(/"/g, "\\\"") const name = path.substr(0, path.length - 4) .replace(/[ -]/g, "_"); module += ` public static ${name} = "${svg}"\n` module += ` public static ${name}_img = Img.AsImageElement(Svg.${name})\n` module += ` public static ${name}_svg() { return new FixedUiElement(Svg.${name});}\n` module += ` public static ${name}_ui() { return new FixedUiElement(Svg.${name}_img);}\n\n` allNames.push(`"${path}": Svg.${name}`) } module += `public static All = {${allNames.join(",")}};` module += "}\n"; fs.writeFileSync("Svg.ts", module); console.log("Done") } genImages()