"id": "grb",
"title": {
"nl": "GRB import helper"
"shortDescription": {
"nl": "Grb import helper tool"
"description": {
"nl": "Dit thema helpt het GRB importeren.",
"en": "This theme is an attempt to help automating the GRB import."
"language": [
"maintainer": "",
"icon": "./assets/svg/bug.svg",
"version": "0",
"startLat": 51.0249,
"startLon": 4.026489,
"startZoom": 9,
"widenFactor": 2,
"socialImage": "",
"clustering": {
"maxZoom": 15
"overrideAll": {
"minzoom": 19
"layers": [
"builtin": "current_view",
"override": {
"+mapRendering": [
"location": [
"icon": {
"render": "./assets/themes/grb_import/robot.svg"
"iconSize": "15,15,center"
"calculatedTags": [
"_embedded_crab_addresses= Number(feat.properties.zoom) >= 18 ? feat.overlapWith('crab_address').length : undefined"
"minZoom": 18,
"tagRenderings": [
"id": "hw",
"render": "There are {_embedded_crab_addresses} adresses in view",
"mappings": [
"if": "zoom<18",
"then": "Zoom in more..."
"if": "_embedded_crab_addresses=",
"then": "Loading..."
"if": "_embedded_crab_addresses=0",
"then": "No CRAB addresses in view. Zoom in more to see them"
"builtin": "type_node",
"override": {
"calculatedTags": [
"_is_part_of_building=feat.get('parent_ways')?.some(p => p.building !== undefined && p.building !== '') ?? false",
"_is_part_of_grb_building=feat.get('parent_ways')?.some(p => p['source:geometry:ref'] !== undefined) ?? false",
"_is_part_of_building_passage=feat.get('parent_ways')?.some(p => p.tunnel === 'building_passage') ?? false",
"_is_part_of_highway=!feat.get('is_part_of_building_passage') && (feat.get('parent_ways')?.some(p => p.highway !== undefined && p.highway !== '') ?? false)",
"_is_part_of_landuse=feat.get('parent_ways')?.some(p => (p.landuse !== undefined && p.landuse !== '') || (p.natural !== undefined && p.natural !== '')) ?? false",
"_moveable=feat.get('_is_part_of_building') && !feat.get('_is_part_of_grb_building')"
"mapRendering": [
"icon": "square:#cc0",
"iconSize": "5,5,center",
"location": [
"passAllFeatures": true
"id": "OSM-buildings",
"name": "All OSM-buildings",
"source": {
"osmTags": "building~*",
"maxCacheAge": 0
"calculatedTags": [
"mapRendering": [
"width": {
"render": "2",
"mappings": [
"if": "fixme~*",
"then": "5"
"color": {
"render": "#00c",
"mappings": [
"if": "fixme~*",
"then": "#ff00ff"
"if": "building=house",
"then": "#a00"
"if": "building=shed",
"then": "#563e02"
"if": {
"or": [
"then": "#f9bfbb"
"if": "building=yes",
"then": "#0774f2"
"title": "OSM-gebouw",
"tagRenderings": [
"id": "building type",
"freeform": {
"key": "building"
"render": "The building type is {building}",
"question": {
"en": "What kind of building is this?"
"mappings": [
"if": "building=house",
"then": "A normal house"
"if": "building=detached",
"then": "A house detached from other building"
"if": "building=semidetached_house",
"then": "A house sharing only one wall with another house"
"if": "building=apartments",
"then": "An apartment building - highrise for living"
"if": "building=office",
"then": "An office building - highrise for work"
"if": "building=apartments",
"then": "An apartment building"
"if": "building=shed",
"then": "A small shed, e.g. in a garden"
"if": "building=garage",
"then": "A single garage to park a car"
"if": "building=garages",
"then": "A building containing only garages; typically they are all identical"
"if": "building=yes",
"then": "A building - no specification"
"id": "grb-housenumber",
"render": {
"nl": "Het huisnummer is {addr:housenumber}"
"question": {
"nl": "Wat is het huisnummer?"
"freeform": {
"key": "addr:housenumber"
"mappings": [
"if": {
"and": [
"then": {
"nl": "Geen huisnummer"
"id": "grb-unit",
"question": "Wat is de wooneenheid-aanduiding?",
"render": {
"nl": "De wooneenheid-aanduiding is {addr:unit} "
"freeform": {
"key": "addr:unit"
"mappings": [
"if": "addr:unit=",
"then": "Geen wooneenheid-nummer"
"id": "grb-street",
"render": {
"nl": "De straat is {addr:street}"
"freeform": {
"key": "addr:street"
"question": {
"nl": "Wat is de straat?"
"id": "grb-fixme",
"render": {
"nl": "De fixme is {fixme}"
"question": {
"nl": "Wat zegt de fixme?"
"freeform": {
"key": "fixme"
"mappings": [
"if": {
"and": [
"then": {
"nl": "Geen fixme"
"id": "grb-min-level",
"render": {
"nl": "Dit gebouw begint maar op de {building:min_level} verdieping"
"question": {
"nl": "Hoeveel verdiepingen ontbreken?"
"freeform": {
"key": "building:min_level",
"type": "pnat"
"filter": [
"id": "has-fixme",
"options": [
"osmTags": "fixme~*",
"question": "Heeft een FIXME"
"id": "generic_osm_object",
"name": "All OSM Objects",
"source": {
"osmTags": {
"and": [
"or": [
"or": [
"maxCacheAge": 0
"mapRendering": [
"color": {
"render": "#ccc"
"width": {
"render": "1"
"fill": "no"
"title": {
"render": {
"*": "Other OSM-Object"
"tagRenderings": [
"builtin": "crab_address",
"override": {
"calculatedTags+": [
"_embedded_in=feat.overlapWith('OSM-buildings').filter(b => /* Do not match newly created objects */ b.feat.properties.id.indexOf('-') < 0)[0]?.feat?.properties ?? {}",
"_embedding_nr=feat.get('_embedded_in')['addr:housenumber']+(feat.get('_embedded_in')['addr:unit'] ?? '')",
"_closeby_addresses=feat.closestn('address',10,undefined,50).map(f => f.feat).filter(addr => addr.properties['addr:street'] == feat.properties['STRAATNM'] && feat.properties['HNRLABEL'] == addr.properties['addr:housenumber'] + (addr.properties['addr:unit']??'') ).length",
"_has_identical_closeby_address=feat.get('_closeby_addresses') >= 1 ? 'yes' : 'no'",
"_embedded_in_grb=feat.overlapWith('GRB')[0]?.feat?.properties ?? {}",
"filter": [
"id": "show_matched_addresses",
"options": [
"question": "Show all CRAB-addresses (including already matched ones)"
"question": "Only show unmatched addresses",
"osmTags": {
"and": [
"#": "Matches the embedding OSM object",
"or": [
"#": "Matches the embedding GRB object",
"or": [
"tagRenderings+": [
"id": "render_embedded",
"render": "Dit CRAB-adres ligt in OSM-gebouw {_embedding_id}"
"id": "embedded_address",
"render": "Het omliggende OSM-gebouw heeft geen volledig address",
"mappings": [
"if": {
"and": [
"then": "Het omliggende object met addres heeft {_embedding_street} {_embedding_nr}"
"condition": "_embedding_id~*"
"id": "apply-button",
"render": "{tag_apply(addr:street=$STRAATNM; addr:housenumber=$_HNRLABEL,Apply this address on the OSM-building,,_embedding_id)}",
"condition": {
"and": [
"or": [
"id": "import-button",
"render": "{import_button(address, addr:street=$STRAATNM; addr:housenumber=$_HNRLABEL,Voeg dit adres als een nieuw adrespunt toe,,OSM-buildings,5)}",
"condition": {
"and": [
"or": [
"id": "GRB",
"description": "Geometry which comes from GRB with tools to import them",
"source": {
"osmTags": "HUISNR~*",
"geoJson": "https://betadata.grbosm.site/grb?bbox={x_min},{y_min},{x_max},{y_max}",
"geoJsonZoomLevel": 18,
"mercatorCrs": true,
"maxCacheAge": 0
"name": "GRB geometries",
"title": "GRB outline",
"calculatedTags": [
"_overlap_with=feat.get('_overlaps_with_buildings').filter(f => f.overlap > 1 && (feat.get('_surface') < 20 || f.overlap / feat.get('_surface')) > 0.5)[0] ?? ''",
"_overlap_percentage=Math.round(100 * feat.get('_overlap_absolute') / feat.get('_surface')) ",
"_osm_obj:source:date=feat.get('_overlaps_with')?.feat?.properties['source:geometry:date'].replace(/\\//g, '-')",
"_osm_obj:addr:street=(feat.get('_overlaps_with')?.feat?.properties ?? {})['addr:street']",
"_osm_obj:addr:housenumber=(feat.get('_overlaps_with')?.feat?.properties ?? {})['addr:housenumber']",
"_grb_ref=feat.properties['source:geometry:entity'] + '/' + feat.properties['source:geometry:oidn']",
"_imported_osm_object_found= feat.properties['_osm_obj:source:ref'] == feat.properties._grb_ref",
"_imported_osm_still_fresh= feat.properties['_osm_obj:source:date'] == feat.properties._grb_date",
"_target_building_type=feat.properties['_osm_obj:building'] === 'yes' ? feat.properties.building : (feat.properties['_osm_obj:building'] ?? feat.properties.building)",
"_building:min_level= feat.properties['fixme']?.startsWith('verdieping, correct the building tag, add building:level and building:min_level before upload in JOSM!') ? '1' : ''",
"_overlaps_with_other_features=feat.overlapWith('generic_osm_object').map(f => \"\" + f.feat.properties.id + \"\").join(', ')"
"tagRenderings": [
"id": "Import-button",
"render": "{import_way_button(OSM-buildings,building=$building;man_made=$man_made; source:geometry:date=$_grb_date; source:geometry:ref=$_grb_ref; addr:street=$addr:street; addr:housenumber=$addr:housenumber; building:min_level=$_building:min_level, Upload this building to OpenStreetMap,,_is_part_of_building=true,1,_moveable=true)}",
"mappings": [
"if": "_overlaps_with_other_features~*",
"then": "This GRB building overlaps with the following features: {_overlaps_with_other_features}.
Fix the overlap and try again"
"if": {
"and": [
"then": "{conflate_button(OSM-buildings,building=$_target_building_type; source:geometry:date=$_grb_date; source:geometry:ref=$_grb_ref; addr:street=$addr:street; addr:housenumber=$addr:housenumber, Replace the geometry in OpenStreetMap and add the address,,_osm_obj:id)}"
"if": "_overlaps_with!=",
"then": "{conflate_button(OSM-buildings,building=$_target_building_type; source:geometry:date=$_grb_date; source:geometry:ref=$_grb_ref, Replace the geometry in OpenStreetMap,,_osm_obj:id)}"
"id": "Building info",
"render": "This is a {building} detected by {detection_method}"
"id": "overlapping building address",
"render": "The overlapping openstreetmap-building has no address information at all",
"mappings": [
"if": {
"and": [
"then": "The overlapping openstreetmap-building has address {_osm_obj:addr:street} {_osm_obj:addr:housenumber}"
"if": "_osm_obj:addr:street~*",
"then": "The overlapping building only has a street known: {_osm_obj:addr:street}"
"if": "_osm_obj:addr:housenumber~*",
"then": "The overlapping building only has a housenumber known: {_osm_obj:addr:housenumber}"
"if": "_osm_obj:id=",
"then": "No overlapping OpenStreetMap-building found"
"id": "grb_address_diff",
"render": "