import {GeoOperations} from "./GeoOperations"; import State from "../State"; import opening_hours from "opening_hours"; import {And, Or, Tag} from "./Tags"; import {Utils} from "../Utils"; import CountryCoder from "latlon2country" import {UIElement} from "../UI/UIElement"; import Combine from "../UI/Base/Combine"; class SimpleMetaTagger { public readonly keys: string[]; public readonly doc: string; private readonly _f: (feature: any, index: number, freshness: Date) => void; constructor(keys: string[], doc: string, f: ((feature: any, index: number, freshness: Date) => void)) { this.keys = keys; this.doc = doc; this._f = f; for (const key of keys) { if (!key.startsWith('_')) { throw `Incorrect metakey ${key}: it should start with underscore (_)` } } } addMetaTags(features: { feature: any, freshness: Date }[]) { for (let i = 0; i < features.length; i++) { let feature = features[i]; this._f(feature.feature, i, feature.freshness); } } } /** * Metatagging adds various tags to the elements, e.g. lat, lon, surface area, ... * * All metatags start with an underscore */ export default class MetaTagging { private static latlon = new SimpleMetaTagger(["_lat", "_lon"], "The latitude and longitude of the point (or centerpoint in the case of a way/area)", (feature => { const centerPoint = GeoOperations.centerpoint(feature); const lat = centerPoint.geometry.coordinates[1]; const lon = centerPoint.geometry.coordinates[0];["_lat"] = "" + lat;["_lon"] = "" + lon; }) ); private static surfaceArea = new SimpleMetaTagger( ["_surface", "_surface:ha"], "The surface area of the feature, in square meters and in hectare. Not set on points and ways", (feature => { const sqMeters = GeoOperations.surfaceAreaInSqMeters(feature);["_surface"] = "" + sqMeters;["_surface:ha"] = "" + Math.floor(sqMeters / 1000) / 10; }) ); private static country = new SimpleMetaTagger( ["_country"], "The country code of the property (with latlon2country)", feature => { const coder = new CountryCoder(""); let centerPoint: any = GeoOperations.centerpoint(feature); const lat = centerPoint.geometry.coordinates[1]; const lon = centerPoint.geometry.coordinates[0]; coder.GetCountryCodeFor(lon, lat, (countries) => { try {["_country"] = countries[0].trim().toLowerCase(); const tagsSource = State.state.allElements.getEventSourceFor(feature);; } catch (e) { console.warn(e) } }); } ) private static isOpen = new SimpleMetaTagger( ["_isOpen", "_isOpen:description"], "If 'opening_hours' is present, it will add the current state of the feature (being 'yes' or 'no')", (feature => { const tagsSource = State.state.allElements.getEventSourceFor(feature); tagsSource.addCallbackAndRun(tags => { if (tags.opening_hours === undefined || tags._country === undefined) { return; } try { const oh = new opening_hours(tags["opening_hours"], { lat: tags._lat, lon: tags._lon, address: { country_code: tags._country.toLowerCase() } }, {tag_key: "opening_hours"}); // AUtomatically triggered on the next change const updateTags = () => { const oldValueIsOpen = tags["_isOpen"]; const oldNextChange = tags["_isOpen:nextTrigger"] ?? 0; if (oldNextChange > (new Date()).getTime() && tags["_isOpen:oldvalue"] === tags["opening_hours"]) { // Already calculated and should not yet be triggered return; } tags["_isOpen"] = oh.getState() ? "yes" : "no"; const comment = oh.getComment(); if (comment) { tags["_isOpen:description"] = comment; } if (oldValueIsOpen !== tags._isOpen) {; } const nextChange = oh.getNextChange(); if (nextChange !== undefined) { const timeout = nextChange.getTime() - (new Date()).getTime(); tags["_isOpen:nextTrigger"] = nextChange.getTime(); tags["_isOpen:oldvalue"] = tags.opening_hours window.setTimeout( () => { console.log("Updating the _isOpen tag for ",, ", it's timer expired after", timeout); updateTags(); }, timeout ) } } updateTags(); } catch (e) { console.warn("Error while parsing opening hours of ",, e); tags["_isOpen"] = "parse_error"; } }) }) ) private static directionSimplified = new SimpleMetaTagger( ["_direction:simplified", "_direction:leftright"], "_direction:simplified turns 'camera:direction' and 'direction' into either 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270 or 315, whichever is closest. _direction:leftright is either 'left' or 'right', which is left-looking on the map or 'right-looking' on the map", (feature => { const tags =; const direction = tags["camera:direction"] ?? tags["direction"]; if (direction === undefined) { return; } let n = Number(direction); if (isNaN(n)) { return; } // [22.5 -> 67.5] is sector 1 // [67.5 -> ] is sector 1 n = (n + 22.5) % 360; n = Math.floor(n / 45); tags["_direction:simplified"] = n; tags["_direction:leftright"] = n <= 3 ? "right" : "left"; }) ) private static carriageWayWidth = new SimpleMetaTagger( ["_width:needed", "_width:needed:no_pedestrians", "_width:difference"], "Legacy for a specific project calculating the needed width for safe traffic on a road. Only activated if 'width:carriageway' is present", (feature: any, index: number) => { const properties =; if (properties["width:carriageway"] === undefined) { return; } const carWidth = 2; const cyclistWidth = 1.5; const pedestrianWidth = 0.75; const _leftSideParking = new And([new Tag("parking:lane:left", "parallel"), new Tag("parking:lane:right", "no_parking")]); const _rightSideParking = new And([new Tag("parking:lane:right", "parallel"), new Tag("parking:lane:left", "no_parking")]); const _bothSideParking = new Tag("parking:lane:both", "parallel"); const _noSideParking = new Tag("parking:lane:both", "no_parking"); const _otherParkingMode = new Or([ new Tag("parking:lane:both", "perpendicular"), new Tag("parking:lane:left", "perpendicular"), new Tag("parking:lane:right", "perpendicular"), new Tag("parking:lane:both", "diagonal"), new Tag("parking:lane:left", "diagonal"), new Tag("parking:lane:right", "diagonal"), ]) const _sidewalkBoth = new Tag("sidewalk", "both"); const _sidewalkLeft = new Tag("sidewalk", "left"); const _sidewalkRight = new Tag("sidewalk", "right"); const _sidewalkNone = new Tag("sidewalk", "none"); let parallelParkingCount = 0; const _oneSideParking = new Or([_leftSideParking, _rightSideParking]); if (_oneSideParking.matchesProperties(properties)) { parallelParkingCount = 1; } else if (_bothSideParking.matchesProperties(properties)) { parallelParkingCount = 2; } else if (_noSideParking.matchesProperties(properties)) { parallelParkingCount = 0; } else if (_otherParkingMode.matchesProperties(properties)) { parallelParkingCount = 0; } else { console.log("No parking data for ",,, properties) } let pedestrianFlowNeeded; if (_sidewalkBoth.matchesProperties(properties)) { pedestrianFlowNeeded = 0; } else if (_sidewalkNone.matchesProperties(properties)) { pedestrianFlowNeeded = 2; } else if (_sidewalkLeft.matchesProperties(properties) || _sidewalkRight.matchesProperties(properties)) { pedestrianFlowNeeded = 1; } else { pedestrianFlowNeeded = -1; } let onewayCar = properties.oneway === "yes"; let onewayBike = properties["oneway:bicycle"] === "yes" || (onewayCar && properties["oneway:bicycle"] === undefined) let cyclingAllowed = !(properties.bicycle === "use_sidepath" || properties.bicycle === "no"); let carWidthUsed = (onewayCar ? 1 : 2) * carWidth; properties["_width:needed:cars"] = Utils.Round(carWidthUsed); properties["_width:needed:parking"] = Utils.Round(parallelParkingCount * carWidth) let cyclistWidthUsed = 0; if (cyclingAllowed) { cyclistWidthUsed = (onewayBike ? 1 : 2) * cyclistWidth; } properties["_width:needed:cyclists"] = Utils.Round(cyclistWidthUsed) const width = parseFloat(properties["width:carriageway"]); const targetWidthIgnoringPedestrians = carWidthUsed + cyclistWidthUsed + parallelParkingCount * carWidthUsed; properties["_width:needed:no_pedestrians"] = Utils.Round(targetWidthIgnoringPedestrians); const pedestriansNeed = Math.max(0, pedestrianFlowNeeded) * pedestrianWidth; const targetWidth = targetWidthIgnoringPedestrians + pedestriansNeed; properties["_width:needed"] = Utils.Round(targetWidth); properties["_width:needed:pedestrians"] = Utils.Round(pedestriansNeed) properties["_width:difference"] = Utils.Round(targetWidth - width); properties["_width:difference:no_pedestrians"] = Utils.Round(targetWidthIgnoringPedestrians - width); } ); private static currentTime = new SimpleMetaTagger( ["_now:date", "_now:datetime", "_loaded:date", "_loaded:_datetime"], "Adds the time that the data got loaded - pretty much the time of downloading from overpass. The format is YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm, aka 'sortable' aka ISO-8601-but-not-entirely", (feature, _, freshness) => { const now = new Date(); if(typeof freshness === "string" ){ freshness = new Date(freshness) } function date(d: Date) { return d.toISOString().slice(0, 10); } function datetime(d: Date) { return d.toISOString().slice(0, -5).replace("T", " "); }["_now:date"] = date(now);["_now:datetime"] = datetime(now);["_loaded:date"] = date(freshness);["_loaded:datetime"] = datetime(freshness); } ) private static metatags = [ MetaTagging.latlon, MetaTagging.surfaceArea,, MetaTagging.isOpen, MetaTagging.carriageWayWidth, MetaTagging.directionSimplified, MetaTagging.currentTime ]; /** * An actor which adds metatags on every feature in the given object * The features are a list of geojson-features, with a "properties"-field and geometry */ static addMetatags(features: {feature: any, freshness: Date}[]) { for (const metatag of MetaTagging.metatags) { try { metatag.addMetaTags(features); } catch (e) { console.error("Could not calculate metatag for ", metatag.keys.join(","), ":", e) } } } static HelpText() : UIElement{ const subElements: UIElement[] = []; for (const metatag of MetaTagging.metatags) { subElements.push( new Combine([ "

", metatag.keys.join(", "), "

", metatag.doc] ) ) } return new Combine(subElements) } }