import {TagRenderingOptions} from "../../TagRendering"; import {Tag} from "../../../Logic/TagsFilter"; import Translations from "../../../UI/i18n/Translations"; import Combine from "../../../UI/Base/Combine"; class ParkingTypeHelper { static GenerateMappings() { const images = { stands: "", wall_loops: "", handlebar_holder: "", shed: "", rack: "", "two-tier": "" }; const toImg = (url) => `` const mappings = []; const to = Translations.t.cyclofix.parking.type for (const imagesKey in images) { const mapping = { k: new Tag("bicycle_parking", imagesKey), txt: new Combine([ to[imagesKey],, toImg(images[imagesKey]) ]) }; mappings.push(mapping); } return mappings; } } export default class ParkingType extends TagRenderingOptions { constructor() { const to = Translations.t.cyclofix.parking.type super({ priority: 5, question: to.question, freeform: { key: "bicycle_parking", extraTags: new Tag("fixme", "Freeform bicycle_parking= tag used: possibly a wrong value"), template: to.template.txt, renderTemplate: to.render.txt, placeholder: Translations.t.cyclofix.freeFormPlaceholder, }, mappings: ParkingTypeHelper.GenerateMappings() }); } }