#! /usr/bin/env bash echo "Starting build" # The build script; we build the application step by step as building everything at once takes too much RAM # Should be run from the repository root # This is the main deployment script # sanity check if [[ -f "bookcases.html" ]] then echo "Bookcases exists" else echo "Bookcases.html does not exist - aborting" exit 1 fi export NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=16000 which vite vite --version vite build --sourcemap || { echo 'Vite build failed' ; exit 1; } # Copy the layer files, as these might contain assets (e.g. svgs) cp -r assets/layers/ dist/assets/layers/ cp -r assets/themes/ dist/assets/themes/ cp -r assets/svg/ dist/assets/svg/ mkdir dist/assets/langs mkdir dist/assets/langs/layers cp -r langs/layers/ dist/assets/langs/ ls dist/assets/langs/layers/ export NODE_OPTIONS=""