{ "id": "kindergarten_childcare", "name": { "en": "Kindergartens and childcare" }, "description": "Shows kindergartens and preschools. Both are grouped in one layer, as they are regularly confused with each other", "minzoom": 12, "source": { "osmTags": { "or": [ "amenity=childcare", "amenity=kindergarten", "isced:level:2011=early_childhood" ] } }, "title": { "mappings": [ { "if": "amenity=kindergarten", "then": { "en": "Kindergarten {name}" } }, { "if": "amenity=childcare", "then": { "en": "Childcare {name}" } } ] }, "tagRenderings": [ { "id": "childcare-type", "question": { "en": "What type of facility is this?" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "amenity=kindergarten", "then": { "en": "This is a kindergarten (also known as preschool) where small kids receive early education." }, "addExtraTags": [ "isced:level=0", "isced:2011:level=early_childhood" ] }, { "if": "amenity=childcare", "then": { "en": "This is a childcare facility, such as a nursery or daycare where small kids are looked after. They do not offer an education and are ofter run as private businesses" }, "addExtraTags": [ "isced:level=", "isced:2011:level=" ] } ] }, { "id": "name", "question": "What is the name of this facility?", "render": "This facility is named {name}", "freeform": { "key": "name" } }, "website", "email", "phone", { "builtin": "opening_hours", "override": { "question": { "en": "When is this childcare opened?" }, "condition": "amenity=childcare" } }, { "id": "capacity", "question": { "en": "How much kids (at most) can be enrolled here?" }, "render": { "en": "This facility has room for {capacity} kids" }, "freeform": { "key": "capacity", "type": "pnat" } } ], "presets": [ { "title": { "en": "a kindergarten" }, "description": "A kindergarten (also known as preschool) is a school where small kids receive early education.", "tags": [ "amenity=kindergarten", "isced:level=0", "isced:2011:level=early_childhood" ] }, { "title": { "en": "a childcare" }, "description": "A childcare (also known as a nursery or daycare) is a facility which looks after small kids, but does not offer them an education program.", "tags": [ "amenity=kindergarten" ] } ], "mapRendering": [ { "location": [ "point", "centroid" ], "label": { "mappings": [ { "if": "name~*", "then": "