import {SpecialVisualization, SpecialVisualizationState} from "../../SpecialVisualization"; import {UIEventSource} from "../../../Logic/UIEventSource"; import {Feature, Geometry, LineString, Polygon} from "geojson"; import LayerConfig from "../../../Models/ThemeConfig/LayerConfig"; import BaseUIElement from "../../BaseUIElement"; import {ImportFlowArguments, ImportFlowUtils} from "./ImportFlow"; import Translations from "../../i18n/Translations"; import {Utils} from "../../../Utils"; import SvelteUIElement from "../../Base/SvelteUIElement"; import WayImportFlow from "./WayImportFlow.svelte"; import ConflateImportFlowState from "./ConflateImportFlowState"; import {AutoAction} from "../AutoApplyButton"; import {IndexedFeatureSource} from "../../../Logic/FeatureSource/FeatureSource"; import {Changes} from "../../../Logic/Osm/Changes"; import LayoutConfig from "../../../Models/ThemeConfig/LayoutConfig"; import {OsmConnection} from "../../../Logic/Osm/OsmConnection"; export interface ConflateFlowArguments extends ImportFlowArguments { way_to_conflate: string point_move_mode?: "move_osm" | undefined; max_snap_distance?: string snap_onto_layers?: string, } export default class ConflateImportButtonViz implements SpecialVisualization, AutoAction { supportsAutoAction: boolean = true; public readonly funcName: string = "conflate_button"; public readonly args: { name: string; defaultValue?: string; doc: string; required?: boolean }[] = [ ...ImportFlowUtils.generalArguments, { name: "way_to_conflate", doc: "The key, of which the corresponding value is the id of the OSM-way that must be conflated; typically a calculatedTag", }, ]; readonly docs: string = "This button will modify the geometry of an existing OSM way to match the specified geometry. This can conflate OSM-ways with LineStrings and Polygons (only simple polygons with one single ring). An attempt is made to move points with special values to a decent new location (e.g. entrances)" + ImportFlowUtils.documentationGeneral public readonly needsNodeDatabase = true async applyActionOn(feature: Feature, state: { osmConnection: OsmConnection, layout: LayoutConfig; changes: Changes; indexedFeatures: IndexedFeatureSource; }, tagSource: UIEventSource, argument: string[]): Promise { { // Small safety check to prevent duplicate imports const id = if (ImportFlowUtils.importedIds.has(id)) { return } ImportFlowUtils.importedIds.add(id) } if (feature.geometry.type !== "LineString" && feature.geometry.type !== "Polygon") { return } const args: ConflateFlowArguments = Utils.ParseVisArgs(this.args, argument) const tagsToApply = ImportFlowUtils.getTagsToApply(tagSource, args) const idOfWayToReplaceGeometry =[args.way_to_conflate] const action = ConflateImportFlowState.createAction(>feature, args, state, idOfWayToReplaceGeometry, tagsToApply)["_imported"] = "yes" await state.changes.applyAction(action) } constr(state: SpecialVisualizationState, tagSource: UIEventSource>, argument: string[], feature: Feature, layer: LayerConfig): BaseUIElement { const canBeImported = feature.geometry.type === "LineString" || (feature.geometry.type === "Polygon" && feature.geometry.coordinates.length === 1) if (!canBeImported) { return Translations.t.general.add.import.wrongTypeToConflate.SetClass("alert") } const args: ConflateFlowArguments = Utils.ParseVisArgs(this.args, argument) const tagsToApply = ImportFlowUtils.getTagsToApply(tagSource, args) const idOfWayToReplaceGeometry =[args.way_to_conflate] const importFlow = new ConflateImportFlowState(state, >feature, args, tagsToApply, tagSource, idOfWayToReplaceGeometry) return new SvelteUIElement(WayImportFlow, { importFlow }) } getLayerDependencies(args: string[]) { return ImportFlowUtils.getLayerDependenciesWithSnapOnto(this.args, args) } }