{ "layers": [ { "id": "bookcases", "title": { "render": "Bookcase" }, "icon": "./assets/themes/bookcases/bookcase.svg", "color": "#000000", "description": "A public bookcase", "minzoom": "12", "overpassTags": "amenity=public_bookcase", "presets": [ { "title": "Bookcase", "description": "A bookcase is a small cabinet where everyone can take or leave a book", "icon": "./assets/bookcase.svg", "tags": "amenity=public_bookcase" } ], "tagRenderings": [ { "key": "brand", "addExtraTags": "", "mappings": [ { "if": "brand=Little Free Library", "then": "Part of the network Little Free Library" } ], "question": "Is this bookcase part of a network?", "render": "Part of {brand}", "type": "text" }, { "key": "", "addExtraTags": "", "mappings": [ { "if": "books=children", "then": "Mainly books for kids" }, { "if": "books=adult", "then": "Mainly books for adults" }, { "if": "books=adult;children", "then": "Books for both adults and children" } ], "question": "Which books can be found here?", "render": "", "type": "text" } ] } ], "icon": "./assets/bookcase.svg", "name": "bookcases", "title": "Bookcases", "description": "Welcome to open Bookcase Map", "language": "en", "startLat": "0", "startLon": "0", "startZoom": "12" }