import Script from "../Script" import fs from "fs" import { Feature, FeatureCollection } from "geojson" import { GeoOperations } from "../../src/Logic/GeoOperations" import * as os from "os" // vite-node scripts/velopark/compare.ts -- scripts/velopark/velopark_all_2024-02-14T12\:18\:41.772Z.geojson ~/Projecten/OSM/Fietsberaad/2024-02-02\ Fietsenstallingen_OSM_met_velopark_ref.geojson class Compare extends Script { compare( veloId: string, osmParking: Feature, veloParking: Feature ): { distance: number ref: string osmid: string diffs: { osm: string velopark: string key: string }[] } { const osmCenterpoint = GeoOperations.centerpointCoordinates(osmParking) const veloparkCenterpoint = GeoOperations.centerpointCoordinates(veloParking) const distance = Math.round( GeoOperations.distanceBetween(osmCenterpoint, veloparkCenterpoint) ) const diffs: { osm: string; velopark: string; key: string }[] = [] const allKeys = new Set( Object.keys( ) for (const key of allKeys) { if ([key] ===[key]) { continue } if (Number([key]) ===[key]) { continue } if ([key] === undefined) { continue } diffs.push({ key, osm:[key], velopark:[key], }) } return { ref: veloId, osmid:["@id"], distance, diffs, } } async main(args: string[]): Promise { let [velopark, osm, key] = args key ??= "ref:velopark" const veloparkData: FeatureCollection = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(velopark, "utf-8")) const osmData: FeatureCollection = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(osm, "utf-8")) const veloparkById: Record = {} for (const parking of veloparkData.features) { veloparkById[[key]] = parking } const diffs = [] for (const parking of osmData.features) { const veloId =[key] const veloparking = veloparkById[veloId] if (veloparking === undefined) { console.error("No velopark entry found for", veloId) continue } diffs.push(, parking, veloparking)) } fs.writeFileSync("report_diff.json", JSON.stringify(diffs)) } constructor() { super( "Compares a velopark geojson with OSM geojson. Usage: `compare velopark.geojson osm.geojson [key-to-compare-on]`. If key-to-compare-on is not given, `ref:velopark` will be used" ) } } new Compare().run()