import {Tag, TagsFilter} from "../Logic/TagsFilter"; import {UIElement} from "../UI/UIElement"; import {TagDependantUIElementConstructor} from "./UIElementConstructor"; import {TagRenderingOptions} from "./TagRenderingOptions"; import Translation from "../UI/i18n/Translation"; import {LayerConfigJson} from "./JSON/CustomLayoutFromJSON"; export interface Preset { tags: Tag[], title: string | UIElement, description?: string | UIElement, icon?: string | TagRenderingOptions } export class LayerDefinition { /** * This name is used in the 'hide or show this layer'-buttons */ name: string | UIElement; /*** * This is shown under the 'add new' button to indicate what kind of feature one is adding. */ description: string | Translation /** * These tags are added whenever a new point is added by the user on the map. * This is the ideal place to add extra info, such as "fixme=added by MapComplete, geometry should be checked" */ presets: Preset[] /** * Not really used anymore * This is meant to serve as icon in the buttons */ icon: string | TagRenderingOptions; /** * Only show this layer starting at this zoom level */ minzoom: number; /** * This tagfilter is used to query overpass. * Examples are: * * new Tag("amenity","drinking_water") * * or a query for bicycle pumps which have two tagging schemes: * new Or([ * new Tag("service:bicycle:pump","yes") , * new And([ * new Tag("amenity","compressed_air"), * new Tag("bicycle","yes")]) * ]) */ overpassFilter: TagsFilter; public readonly id: string; /** * This UIElement is rendered as title element in the popup */ title: TagDependantUIElementConstructor | UIElement | string; /** * These are the questions/shown attributes in the popup */ elementsToShow: TagDependantUIElementConstructor[]; /** * A simple styling for the geojson element * color is the color for areas and ways * icon is the Leaflet icon * Note that this is passed entirely to leaflet, so other leaflet attributes work too */ style: (tags: any) => { color: string, weight?: number, icon: { iconUrl: string, iconSize: number[], }, }; /** * If an object of the next layer is contained for this many percent in this feature, it is eaten and not shown */ maxAllowedOverlapPercentage: number = undefined; /** * If true, then ways (and polygons) will be converted to a 'point' at the center instead before further processing */ wayHandling: number = 0; static WAYHANDLING_DEFAULT = 0; static WAYHANDLING_CENTER_ONLY = 1; static WAYHANDLING_CENTER_AND_WAY = 2; constructor(id: string, options: { name: string | Translation, description: string | Translation, presets: Preset[], icon: string, minzoom: number, overpassFilter: TagsFilter, title?: TagDependantUIElementConstructor, elementsToShow?: TagDependantUIElementConstructor[], maxAllowedOverlapPercentage?: number, wayHandling?: number, style?: (tags: any) => { color: string, icon: any } } = undefined) { = id; if (options === undefined) { return; } =; this.description = options.description; this.maxAllowedOverlapPercentage = options.maxAllowedOverlapPercentage ?? 0; this.presets = options.presets; this.icon = options.icon; this.minzoom = options.minzoom; this.overpassFilter = options.overpassFilter; this.title = options.title; this.elementsToShow = options.elementsToShow; =; this.wayHandling = options.wayHandling ?? LayerDefinition.WAYHANDLING_DEFAULT; } ToJson() { function t(translation: string | Translation | UIElement) { if (translation === undefined) { return undefined; } if (typeof (translation) === "string") { return translation; } if (translation instanceof Translation && translation.translations !== undefined) { return translation.translations; } return translation.InnerRender(); } const layerConfig /* : LayerConfigJson */= { name: t(, description: t(this.description), maxAllowedOverlapPercentage: this.maxAllowedOverlapPercentage, presets: this.presets, icon: this.icon, minzoom: this.minzoom, overpassFilter: this.overpassFilter, title: this.title, elementsToShow: this.elementsToShow, style:, wayHandling: this.wayHandling, }; return JSON.stringify(layerConfig) } }