import {VariableUiElement} from "../Base/VariableUIElement"; import {Translation} from "../i18n/Translation"; import Svg from "../../Svg"; import Combine from "../Base/Combine"; import {Store, UIEventSource} from "../../Logic/UIEventSource"; import {Utils} from "../../Utils"; import Translations from "../i18n/Translations"; import BaseUIElement from "../BaseUIElement"; import LayerConfig from "../../Models/ThemeConfig/LayerConfig"; import LayoutConfig from "../../Models/ThemeConfig/LayoutConfig"; import Loc from "../../Models/Loc"; import BaseLayer from "../../Models/BaseLayer"; import FilteredLayer from "../../Models/FilteredLayer"; import {InputElement} from "../Input/InputElement"; import {CheckBox} from "../Input/Checkboxes"; import {SubtleButton} from "../Base/SubtleButton"; import LZString from "lz-string"; export default class ShareScreen extends Combine { constructor(state: { layoutToUse: LayoutConfig, locationControl: UIEventSource, backgroundLayer: UIEventSource, filteredLayers: UIEventSource }) { const layout = state?.layoutToUse; const tr = Translations.t.general.sharescreen; const optionCheckboxes: InputElement[] = [] const optionParts: (Store)[] = []; const includeLocation = new CheckBox(tr.fsIncludeCurrentLocation, true) optionCheckboxes.push(includeLocation); const currentLocation = state.locationControl; optionParts.push(includeLocation.GetValue().map((includeL) => { if (currentLocation === undefined) { return null; } if (includeL) { return [["z",], ["lat",], ["lon",]] .filter(p => p[1] !== undefined) .map(p => p[0] + "=" + p[1]) .join("&") } else { return null; } }, [currentLocation])); function fLayerToParam(flayer: { isDisplayed: UIEventSource, layerDef: LayerConfig }) { if ( { return null; // Being displayed is the default } return "layer-" + + "=" + } const currentLayer: UIEventSource<{ id: string, name: string, layer: any }> = state.backgroundLayer; const currentBackground = new VariableUiElement( => { return tr.fsIncludeCurrentBackgroundMap.Subs({name: layer?.name ?? ""}); })); const includeCurrentBackground = new CheckBox(currentBackground, true) optionCheckboxes.push(includeCurrentBackground); optionParts.push(includeCurrentBackground.GetValue().map((includeBG) => { if (includeBG) { return "background=" + } else { return null } }, [currentLayer])); const includeLayerChoices = new CheckBox(tr.fsIncludeCurrentLayers, true) optionCheckboxes.push(includeLayerChoices); optionParts.push(includeLayerChoices.GetValue().map((includeLayerSelection) => { if (includeLayerSelection) { return Utils.NoNull("&") } else { return null } }, => flayer.isDisplayed))); const switches = [ {urlName: "fs-userbadge", human: tr.fsUserbadge}, {urlName: "fs-search", human: tr.fsSearch}, {urlName: "fs-welcome-message", human: tr.fsWelcomeMessage}, {urlName: "fs-layers", human: tr.fsLayers}, {urlName: "layer-control-toggle", human: tr.fsLayerControlToggle, reverse: true}, {urlName: "fs-add-new", human: tr.fsAddNew}, {urlName: "fs-geolocation", human: tr.fsGeolocation}, ] for (const swtch of switches) { const checkbox = new CheckBox(Translations.W(swtch.human), !swtch.reverse) optionCheckboxes.push(checkbox); optionParts.push(checkbox.GetValue().map((isEn) => { if (isEn) { if (swtch.reverse) { return `${swtch.urlName}=true` } return null; } else { if (swtch.reverse) { return null; } return `${swtch.urlName}=false` } })) } if (layout.definitionRaw !== undefined) { optionParts.push(new UIEventSource("userlayout=" + (layout.definedAtUrl ?? } const options = new Combine(optionCheckboxes).SetClass("flex flex-col") const url = (currentLocation ?? new UIEventSource(undefined)).map(() => { const host =; let path = window.location.pathname; path = path.substr(0, path.lastIndexOf("/")); let id = if (layout.definitionRaw !== undefined) { id = "theme.html" } let literalText = `https://${host}${path}/${id}` let hash = "" if (layout.definedAtUrl === undefined && layout.definitionRaw !== undefined) { hash = "#" + LZString.compressToBase64(Utils.MinifyJSON(layout.definitionRaw)) } const parts = Utils.NoEmpty(Utils.NoNull( =>; if (parts.length === 0) { return literalText + hash; } return literalText + "?" + parts.join("&") + hash; }, optionParts); const iframeCode = new VariableUiElement( => { return ` <iframe src="${url}" allow="geolocation" width="100%" height="100%" style="min-width: 250px; min-height: 250px" title="${layout.title?.txt ?? "MapComplete"} with MapComplete"></iframe> ` }) ); const linkStatus = new UIEventSource(""); const link = new VariableUiElement( => ``) ).onClick(async () => { const shareData = { title: Translations.W(layout.title)?.ConstructElement().textContent ?? "", text: Translations.W(layout.description)?.ConstructElement().textContent ?? "", url:, } function rejected() { const copyText = document.getElementById("code-link--copyable"); // @ts-ignore; // @ts-ignore copyText.setSelectionRange(0, 99999); /*For mobile devices*/ document.execCommand("copy"); const copied = tr.copiedToClipboard.Clone(); copied.SetClass("thanks") linkStatus.setData(copied); } try { navigator.share(shareData) .then(() => { const thx = tr.thanksForSharing.Clone(); thx.SetClass("thanks"); linkStatus.setData(thx); }, rejected) .catch(rejected) } catch (err) { rejected(); } }); let downloadThemeConfig: BaseUIElement = undefined; if (layout.definitionRaw !== undefined) { const downloadThemeConfigAsJson = new SubtleButton(Svg.download_svg(), new Combine([ tr.downloadCustomTheme, tr.downloadCustomThemeHelp.SetClass("subtle") ]).onClick(() => { Utils.offerContentsAsDownloadableFile(layout.definitionRaw, + ".mapcomplete-theme-definition.json", { mimetype: "application/json" }) }) .SetClass("flex flex-col")) let editThemeConfig: BaseUIElement = undefined if (layout.definedAtUrl === undefined) { const patchedDefinition = JSON.parse(layout.definitionRaw) patchedDefinition["language"] = Object.keys(patchedDefinition.title) editThemeConfig = new SubtleButton(Svg.pencil_svg(), "Edit this theme on the custom theme generator", { url: `${btoa(JSON.stringify(patchedDefinition))}` } ) } downloadThemeConfig = new Combine([downloadThemeConfigAsJson, editThemeConfig]).SetClass("flex flex-col") } super([ tr.intro, link, new VariableUiElement(linkStatus), downloadThemeConfig, tr.addToHomeScreen, tr.embedIntro, options, iframeCode, ]) this.SetClass("flex flex-col link-underline") } }