import {Or, TagsFilter} from "./TagsFilter"; import {UIEventSource} from "./UIEventSource"; import {FilteredLayer} from "./FilteredLayer"; import {Bounds} from "./Bounds"; import {Overpass} from "./Osm/Overpass"; import {Basemap} from "./Leaflet/Basemap"; import {State} from "../State"; export class LayerUpdater { public readonly sufficentlyZoomed: UIEventSource = new UIEventSource(false); public readonly runningQuery: UIEventSource = new UIEventSource(false); public readonly retries: UIEventSource = new UIEventSource(0); /** * The previous bounds for which the query has been run */ private previousBounds: Bounds; /** * The most important layer should go first, as that one gets first pick for the questions * @param map * @param minzoom * @param layers */ constructor(state: State) { const self = this; state.locationControl.addCallback(() => { self.update(state) }); state.layoutToUse.addCallback(() => { self.update(state) }); self.update(state); } private GetFilter(state: State) { var filters: TagsFilter[] = []; state = state ?? State.state; for (const layer of { if ( < layer.minzoom) { return undefined; } filters.push(layer.overpassFilter); } if (filters.length === 0) { return undefined; } return new Or(filters); } private handleData(geojson: any) { const self = this; self.retries.setData(0); function renderLayers(layers: FilteredLayer[]) { if (layers.length === 0) { self.runningQuery.setData(false); if (geojson.features.length > 0) { console.log("Got some leftovers: ", geojson) } return; } window.setTimeout(() => { const layer = layers[0]; const rest = layers.slice(1, layers.length); geojson = layer.SetApplicableData(geojson); renderLayers(rest); }, 50) } renderLayers(; } private handleFail(state: State, reason: any) {; this.ForceRefresh(); console.log(`QUERY FAILED (retrying in ${5 *} sec)`, reason);; const self = this; window?.setTimeout( function () { self.update(state) }, * 5000 ) } private update(state: State): void { if (this.IsInBounds(state)) { return; } const filter = this.GetFilter(state); this.sufficentlyZoomed.setData(filter !== undefined); if (filter === undefined) { console.log("Zoom insufficient to run query") return; } if ( { console.log("Still running a query, skip"); return; } const bounds =; const diff =; const n = bounds.getNorth() + diff; const e = bounds.getEast() + diff; const s = bounds.getSouth() - diff; const w = bounds.getWest() - diff; this.previousBounds = {north: n, east: e, south: s, west: w}; this.runningQuery.setData(true); const self = this; const overpass = new Overpass(filter); overpass.queryGeoJson(this.previousBounds, function (data) { self.handleData(data) }, function (reason) { self.handleFail(state, reason) } ); } private IsInBounds(state: State): boolean { if (this.previousBounds === undefined) { return false; } const b =; if (b.getSouth() < this.previousBounds.south) { return false; } if (b.getNorth() > this.previousBounds.north) { return false; } if (b.getEast() > this.previousBounds.east) { return false; } if (b.getWest() < this.previousBounds.west) { return false; } return true; } public ForceRefresh(){ this.previousBounds = undefined; } }