"id": "sport_pitch",
"name": {
"nl": "Sportterrein",
"fr": "Terrains de sport",
"en": "Sport pitches",
"ru": "Спортивные площадки",
"it": "Campi sportivi",
"de": "Sportplätze"
"wayHandling": 1,
"minzoom": 12,
"source": {
"osmTags": {
"and": [
"calculatedTags": [
"_size_classification=Number(feat.properties._surface) < 200 ? 'small' : (Number(feat.properties._surface) < 750 ? 'medium' : 'large') "
"title": {
"render": {
"nl": "Sportterrein",
"fr": "Terrain de sport",
"en": "Sport pitch",
"ru": "Спортивная площадка",
"it": "Campo sportivo",
"de": "Sportplatz"
"description": {
"nl": "Een sportterrein",
"fr": "Un terrain de sport",
"en": "A sport pitch",
"it": "Un campo sportivo",
"ru": "Спортивная площадка",
"de": "Ein Sportplatz"
"tagRenderings": [
"render": {
"nl": "Hier kan men {sport} beoefenen",
"fr": "Ici on joue au {sport}",
"en": "{sport} is played here",
"it": "Qui si gioca a {sport}",
"de": "Hier wird {sport} gespielt"
"freeform": {
"key": "sport"
"question": {
"nl": "Welke sporten kan men hier beoefenen?",
"fr": "À quel sport peut-on jouer ici ?",
"en": "Which sport can be played here?",
"it": "Quale sport si gioca qui?",
"de": "Welche Sportarten können hier gespielt werden?"
"multiAnswer": true,
"mappings": [
"if": {
"and": [
"then": {
"nl": "Hier kan men basketbal spelen",
"fr": "Ici, on joue au basketball",
"en": "Basketball is played here",
"it": "Qui si gioca a basket",
"ru": "Здесь можно играть в баскетбол",
"de": "Hier wird Basketball gespielt"
"if": {
"and": [
"then": {
"nl": "Hier kan men voetbal spelen",
"fr": "Ici, on joue au football",
"en": "Soccer is played here",
"it": "Qui si gioca a calcio",
"ru": "Здесь можно играть в футбол",
"de": "Hier wird Fußball gespielt"
"if": {
"and": [
"then": {
"nl": "Dit is een pingpongtafel",
"fr": "C'est une table de ping-pong",
"en": "This is a pingpong table",
"ru": "Это стол для пинг-понга",
"it": "Questo è un tavolo da ping pong",
"de": "Dies ist eine Tischtennisplatte"
"if": {
"and": [
"then": {
"nl": "Hier kan men tennis spelen",
"fr": "Ici, on joue au tennis",
"en": "Tennis is played here",
"it": "Qui si gioca a tennis",
"ru": "Здесь можно играть в теннис",
"de": "Hier wird Tennis gespielt"
"if": {
"and": [
"then": {
"nl": "Hier kan men korfbal spelen",
"fr": "Ici, on joue au korfball",
"en": "Korfball is played here",
"it": "Qui si gioca a korfball",
"ru": "Здесь можно играть в корфбол",
"de": "Hier wird Kopfball gespielt"
"if": {
"and": [
"then": {
"nl": "Hier kan men basketbal beoefenen",
"fr": "Ici, on joue au basketball",
"en": "Basketball is played here",
"it": "Qui si gioca a basket",
"ru": "Здесь можно играть в баскетбол",
"de": "Hier wird Basketball gespielt"
"hideInAnswer": true
"id": "sport_pitch-sport"
"question": {
"nl": "Wat is de ondergrond van dit sportveld?",
"fr": "De quelle surface est fait ce terrain de sport ?",
"en": "Which is the surface of this sport pitch?",
"it": "Qual è la superficie di questo campo sportivo?",
"ru": "Какое покрытие на этой спортивной площадке?"
"render": {
"nl": "De ondergrond is {surface}",
"fr": "La surface est {surface}",
"en": "The surface is {surface}",
"ru": "Поверхность - {surface}",
"it": "La superficie è {surface}",
"de": "Die Oberfläche ist {surface}"
"freeform": {
"key": "surface"
"mappings": [
"if": "surface=grass",
"then": {
"nl": "De ondergrond is gras",
"fr": "La surface est de l'herbe",
"en": "The surface is grass",
"ru": "Поверхность - трава",
"it": "La superficie è erba",
"de": "Die Oberfläche ist Gras"
"if": "surface=sand",
"then": {
"nl": "De ondergrond is zand",
"fr": "La surface est du sable",
"en": "The surface is sand",
"ru": "Поверхность - песок",
"it": "La superficie è sabbia",
"de": "Die Oberfläche ist Sand"
"if": "surface=paving_stones",
"then": {
"nl": "De ondergrond bestaat uit stoeptegels",
"fr": "La surface est des pavés",
"en": "The surface is paving stones",
"ru": "Поверхность - брусчатка",
"it": "La superficie è pietre irregolari",
"de": "Die Oberfläche ist aus Pflastersteinen"
"if": "surface=asphalt",
"then": {
"nl": "De ondergrond is asfalt",
"fr": "La surface est de l'asphalte",
"en": "The surface is asphalt",
"ru": "Поверхность - асфальт",
"it": "La superficie è asfalto",
"de": "Die Oberfläche ist Asphalt"
"if": "surface=concrete",
"then": {
"nl": "De ondergrond is beton",
"fr": "La surface est du béton",
"en": "The surface is concrete",
"ru": "Поверхность - бетон",
"it": "La superficie è calcestruzzo",
"de": "Die Oberfläche ist Beton"
"id": "sport_pitch-surface"
"id": "sport-pitch-access",
"question": {
"nl": "Is dit sportterrein publiek toegankelijk?",
"fr": "Est-ce que ce terrain de sport est accessible au public ?",
"en": "Is this sport pitch publicly accessible?",
"it": "Questo campo sportivo è aperto al pubblico?",
"ru": "Есть ли свободный доступ к этой спортивной площадке?",
"de": "Ist dieser Sportplatz öffentlich zugänglich?"
"mappings": [
"if": "access=public",
"then": {
"nl": "Publiek toegankelijk",
"fr": "Accessible au public",
"en": "Public access",
"it": "Aperto al pubblico",
"ru": "Свободный доступ",
"de": "Öffentlicher Zugang"
"if": "access=limited",
"then": {
"nl": "Beperkt toegankelijk (enkel na reservatie, tijdens bepaalde uren, ...)",
"fr": "Accès limité (par exemple uniquement sur réservation, à certains horaires…)",
"en": "Limited access (e.g. only with an appointment, during certain hours, ...)",
"it": "Accesso limitato (p.es. solo con prenotazione, in certi orari, ...)",
"ru": "Ограниченный доступ (напр., только по записи, в определённые часы, ...)"
"if": "access=members",
"then": {
"nl": "Enkel toegankelijk voor leden van de bijhorende sportclub",
"fr": "Accessible uniquement aux membres du club",
"en": "Only accessible for members of the club",
"it": "Accesso limitato ai membri dell'associazione",
"ru": "Доступ только членам клуба",
"de": "Zugang nur für Vereinsmitglieder"
"if": "access=private",
"then": {
"nl": "Privaat en niet toegankelijk",
"fr": "Privé - Pas accessible au public",
"en": "Private - not accessible to the public",
"it": "Privato - non aperto al pubblico",
"de": "Privat - kein öffentlicher Zugang"
"id": "sport-pitch-reservation",
"question": {
"nl": "Moet men reserveren om gebruik te maken van dit sportveld?",
"fr": "Doit-on réserver pour utiliser ce terrain de sport ?",
"en": "Does one have to make an appointment to use this sport pitch?",
"it": "È necessario prenotarsi per usare questo campo sportivo?",
"ru": "Нужна ли предварительная запись для доступа на эту спортивную площадку?"
"condition": {
"and": [
"mappings": [
"if": "reservation=required",
"then": {
"nl": "Reserveren is verplicht om gebruik te maken van dit sportterrein",
"fr": "Il est obligatoire de réserver pour utiliser ce terrain de sport",
"en": "Making an appointment is obligatory to use this sport pitch",
"it": "La prenotazione è obbligatoria per usare questo campo sportivo"
"if": "reservation=recommended",
"then": {
"nl": "Reserveren is sterk aangeraden om gebruik te maken van dit sportterrein",
"fr": "Il est recommendé de réserver pour utiliser ce terrain de sport",
"en": "Making an appointment is recommended when using this sport pitch",
"it": "La prenotazione è consigliata per usare questo campo sportivo",
"ru": "Желательна предварительная запись для доступа на эту спортивную площадку"
"if": "reservation=yes",
"then": {
"nl": "Reserveren is mogelijk, maar geen voorwaarde",
"fr": "Il est possible de réserver, mais ce n'est pas nécéssaire pour utiliser ce terrain de sport",
"en": "Making an appointment is possible, but not necessary to use this sport pitch",
"it": "La prenotazione è consentita, ma non è obbligatoria per usare questo campo sportivo",
"ru": "Предварительная запись для доступа на эту спортивную площадку возможна, но не обязательна"
"if": "reservation=no",
"then": {
"nl": "Reserveren is niet mogelijk",
"fr": "On ne peut pas réserver",
"en": "Making an appointment is not possible",
"it": "Non è possibile prenotare",
"ru": "Невозможна предварительная запись",
"de": "Termine nach Vereinbarung nicht möglich"
"question": {
"nl": "Wat is het telefoonnummer van de bevoegde dienst of uitbater?",
"fr": "Quel est le numéro de téléphone du gérant ?",
"en": "What is the phone number of the operator?",
"it": "Qual è il numero di telefono del gestore?"
"freeform": {
"key": "phone",
"type": "phone"
"render": "{phone}",
"id": "sport_pitch-phone"
"question": {
"nl": "Wat is het email-adres van de bevoegde dienst of uitbater?",
"fr": "Quelle est l'adresse courriel du gérant ?",
"en": "What is the email address of the operator?",
"it": "Qual è l'indirizzo email del gestore?"
"freeform": {
"key": "email",
"type": "email"
"render": "{email}",
"id": "sport_pitch-email"
"question": {
"nl": "Wanneer is dit sportveld toegankelijk?",
"fr": "Quand ce terrain est-il accessible ?",
"en": "When is this pitch accessible?",
"it": "Quando è aperto questo campo sportivo?",
"ru": "В какое время доступна эта площадка?",
"de": "Wann ist dieser Sportplatz zugänglich?"
"render": "Openingsuren: {opening_hours_table()}",
"freeform": {
"key": "opening_hours",
"type": "opening_hours"
"mappings": [
"if": "opening_hours=",
"then": "24/7 toegankelijk",
"hideInAnswer": true
"if": "opening_hours=24/7",
"then": {
"nl": "24/7 toegankelijk",
"fr": "Accessible en permanence",
"en": "Always accessible",
"ru": "Всегда доступен",
"it": "Sempre aperto",
"de": "Immer zugänglich"
"condition": "access~*",
"id": "sport_pitch-opening_hours"
"id": "sport-pitch-reviews",
"render": "{reviews(name, sportpitch)}"
"icon": {
"render": "circle:white;./assets/layers/sport_pitch/sport_pitch.svg",
"mappings": [
"if": {
"or": [
"then": "circle:white;./assets/layers/sport_pitch/{sport}.svg"
"iconOverlays": [
"if": {
"and": [
"then": "isOpen"
"if": {
"or": [
"then": "circle:white;./assets/layers/sport_pitch/lock.svg"
"width": {
"render": "1"
"iconSize": {
"render": "25,25,center",
"mappings": [
"if": {
"or": [
"then": "40,40,center"
"if": "_size_classification=small",
"then": "25,25,center"
"if": "_size_classification=large",
"then": "50,50,center"
"color": {
"render": "#7cb82f"
"presets": [
"title": {
"nl": "Ping-pong tafel",
"fr": "Table de ping-pong",
"en": "Tabletennis table",
"it": "Tavolo da tennistavolo",
"ru": "Стол для настольного тенниса",
"de": "Tischtennisplatte"
"tags": [
"title": {
"nl": "Sportterrein",
"fr": "Terrain de sport",
"en": "Sport pitch",
"ru": "Спортивная площадка",
"it": "Campo sportivo",
"de": "Sportplatz"
"tags": [
"fixme=Toegevoegd met MapComplete, geometry nog uit te tekenen"
"mapRendering": [
"icon": {
"render": "circle:white;./assets/layers/sport_pitch/sport_pitch.svg",
"mappings": [
"if": {
"or": [
"then": "circle:white;./assets/layers/sport_pitch/{sport}.svg"
"iconBadges": [
"if": {
"and": [
"then": "isOpen"
"if": {
"or": [
"then": "circle:white;./assets/layers/sport_pitch/lock.svg"
"iconSize": {
"render": "25,25,center",
"mappings": [
"if": {
"or": [
"then": "40,40,center"
"if": "_size_classification=small",
"then": "25,25,center"
"if": "_size_classification=large",
"then": "50,50,center"
"location": [