{ "id": "mountain_rescue", "name": { "en": "Mountain rescue stations", "de": "Bergrettungsstationen", "fr": "Postes de secours en montagne", "pl": "Stacje ratownictwa górskiego" }, "description": { "en": "A building where first aid responders store material and might be on watch", "de": "Ein Gebäude, in dem die Ersthelfer Material lagern und möglicherweise Wache halten", "fr": "Un bâtiment où les organismes de secours stockent du matériel ou assurent la garde" }, "source": { "osmTags": "emergency=mountain_rescue" }, "minzoom": 10, "title": { "render": { "en": "Mountain rescue station", "de": "Bergrettungsstation", "fr": "Poste de secours en montagne", "pl": "Stacja ratownictwa górskiego" } }, "pointRendering": [ { "location": [ "point", "centroid" ], "marker": [ { "icon": "circle", "color": "white" }, { "icon": "./assets/layers/mountain_rescue/red_cross.svg" } ], "rotation": "45" } ], "lineRendering": [ { "width": "3", "color": "#ed333b" } ], "presets": [ { "title": { "en": "a mountain rescue station", "de": "eine Bergrettungsstation", "fr": "un poste de secours en montagne", "pl": "stacja ratownictwa górskiego" }, "tags": [ "emergency=mountain_rescue" ] } ], "tagRenderings": [ "images" ], "deletion": true, "allowMove": { "enableRelocation": false } }