import FeaturePipelineState from "../Logic/State/FeaturePipelineState"; import State from "../State"; import {Utils} from "../Utils"; import {UIEventSource} from "../Logic/UIEventSource"; import FullWelcomePaneWithTabs from "./BigComponents/FullWelcomePaneWithTabs"; import MapControlButton from "./MapControlButton"; import Svg from "../Svg"; import Toggle from "./Input/Toggle"; import Hash from "../Logic/Web/Hash"; import {QueryParameters} from "../Logic/Web/QueryParameters"; import Constants from "../Models/Constants"; import UserBadge from "./BigComponents/UserBadge"; import SearchAndGo from "./BigComponents/SearchAndGo"; import Link from "./Base/Link"; import BaseUIElement from "./BaseUIElement"; import {VariableUiElement} from "./Base/VariableUIElement"; import LeftControls from "./BigComponents/LeftControls"; import RightControls from "./BigComponents/RightControls"; import CenterMessageBox from "./CenterMessageBox"; import ShowDataLayer from "./ShowDataLayer/ShowDataLayer"; import AllKnownLayers from "../Customizations/AllKnownLayers"; import ScrollableFullScreen from "./Base/ScrollableFullScreen"; import Translations from "./i18n/Translations"; import SimpleAddUI from "./BigComponents/SimpleAddUI"; import StrayClickHandler from "../Logic/Actors/StrayClickHandler"; export class DefaultGuiState { public readonly welcomeMessageIsOpened; public readonly downloadControlIsOpened: UIEventSource; public readonly filterViewIsOpened: UIEventSource; public readonly welcomeMessageOpenedTab constructor() { this.filterViewIsOpened = QueryParameters.GetQueryParameter( "filter-toggle", "false", "Whether or not the filter view is shown" ).map( (str) => str !== "false", [], (b) => "" + b ); this.welcomeMessageIsOpened = new UIEventSource( === undefined || === "" || == "welcome"); this.welcomeMessageOpenedTab = QueryParameters.GetQueryParameter( "tab", "0", `The tab that is shown in the welcome-message. 0 = the explanation of the theme,1 = OSM-credits, 2 = sharescreen, 3 = more themes, 4 = about mapcomplete (user must be logged in and have >${Constants.userJourney.mapCompleteHelpUnlock} changesets)` ).map( (str) => (isNaN(Number(str)) ? 0 : Number(str)), [], (n) => "" + n ); this.downloadControlIsOpened = QueryParameters.GetQueryParameter( "download-control-toggle", "false", "Whether or not the download panel is shown" ).map( (str) => str !== "false", [], (b) => "" + b ); } } /** * The default MapComplete GUI initializor * * Adds a welcome pane, contorl buttons, ... etc to index.html */ export default class DefaultGUI { private readonly _guiState: DefaultGuiState; private readonly state: FeaturePipelineState; constructor(state: FeaturePipelineState, guiState: DefaultGuiState) { this.state = state; this._guiState = guiState; const self = this; if (state.layoutToUse.customCss !== undefined) { Utils.LoadCustomCss(state.layoutToUse.customCss); } // Attach the map state.mainMapObject.SetClass("w-full h-full") .AttachTo("leafletDiv") this.setupClickDialogOnMap( guiState.filterViewIsOpened, state ) this.InitWelcomeMessage(); Toggle.If(state.featureSwitchUserbadge, () => new UserBadge(state) ).AttachTo("userbadge") Toggle.If(state.featureSwitchSearch, () => new SearchAndGo(state)) .AttachTo("searchbox"); let iframePopout: () => BaseUIElement = undefined; if (window !== { // MapComplete is running in an iframe iframePopout = () => new VariableUiElement( => { const url = `${window.location.origin}${window.location.pathname}?z=${loc.zoom ?? 0}&lat=${ ?? 0}&lon=${loc.lon ?? 0}`; const link = new Link(Svg.pop_out_img, url, true).SetClass("block w-full h-full p-1.5") return new MapControlButton(link) })) } new Toggle(self.InitWelcomeMessage(), Toggle.If(state.featureSwitchIframePopoutEnabled, iframePopout), state.featureSwitchWelcomeMessage ).AttachTo("messagesbox"); new LeftControls(state, guiState).AttachTo("bottom-left"); new RightControls(state).AttachTo("bottom-right");; new CenterMessageBox(state).AttachTo("centermessage"); document .getElementById("centermessage") .classList.add("pointer-events-none"); new ShowDataLayer({ leafletMap: state.leafletMap, layerToShow: AllKnownLayers.sharedLayers.get("home_location"), features: state.homeLocation, enablePopups: false, }) state.leafletMap.addCallbackAndRunD(_ => { // Lets assume that all showDataLayers are initialized at this point return true; }) } private InitWelcomeMessage() { const isOpened = this._guiState.welcomeMessageIsOpened const fullOptions = new FullWelcomePaneWithTabs(isOpened, this._guiState.welcomeMessageOpenedTab, this.state); // ?-Button on Desktop, opens panel with close-X. const help = new MapControlButton(Svg.help_svg()); help.onClick(() => isOpened.setData(true)); const openedTime = new Date().getTime(); this.state.locationControl.addCallback(() => { if (new Date().getTime() - openedTime < 15 * 1000) { // Don't autoclose the first 15 secs when the map is moving return; } isOpened.setData(false); }); this.state.selectedElement.addCallbackAndRunD((_) => { isOpened.setData(false); }); return new Toggle( fullOptions.SetClass("welcomeMessage pointer-events-auto"), help.SetClass("pointer-events-auto"), isOpened ) } public setupClickDialogOnMap(filterViewIsOpened: UIEventSource, state: FeaturePipelineState) { function setup(){ let presetCount = 0; for (const layer of state.layoutToUse.layers) { for (const preset of layer.presets) { presetCount++; } } if (presetCount == 0) { return; } const newPointDialogIsShown = new UIEventSource(false); const addNewPoint = new ScrollableFullScreen( () => Translations.t.general.add.title.Clone(), () => new SimpleAddUI(newPointDialogIsShown, filterViewIsOpened, state), "new", newPointDialogIsShown ); addNewPoint.isShown.addCallback((isShown) => { if (!isShown) { state.LastClickLocation.setData(undefined); } }); new StrayClickHandler( state.LastClickLocation, state.selectedElement, state.filteredLayers, state.leafletMap, addNewPoint ); } state.featureSwitchAddNew.addCallbackAndRunD(addNewAllowed => { if (addNewAllowed) { setup() return true; } }) } }