import {SpecialVisualization} from "../../UI/SpecialVisualizations"; import {SubstitutedTranslation} from "../../UI/SubstitutedTranslation"; import TagRenderingConfig from "./TagRenderingConfig"; import {ExtraFuncParams, ExtraFunctions} from "../../Logic/ExtraFunctions"; import LayerConfig from "./LayerConfig"; export default class DependencyCalculator { public static GetTagRenderingDependencies(tr: TagRenderingConfig): string[] { if (tr === undefined) { throw "Got undefined tag rendering in getTagRenderingDependencies" } const deps: string[] = [] // All translated snippets const parts: string[] = [].concat(...(tr.EnumerateTranslations().map(tr => tr.AllValues()))) for (const part of parts) { const specialVizs: { func: SpecialVisualization, args: string[] }[] = SubstitutedTranslation.ExtractSpecialComponents(part).map(o => o.special) .filter(o => o?.func?.getLayerDependencies !== undefined) for (const specialViz of specialVizs) { deps.push(...specialViz.func.getLayerDependencies(specialViz.args)) } } return deps; } /** * Returns a set of all other layer-ids that this layer needs to function. * E.g. if this layers does snap to another layer in the preset, this other layer id will be mentioned */ public static getLayerDependencies(layer: LayerConfig): { neededLayer: string, reason: string, context?: string, neededBy: string }[] { const deps: { neededLayer: string, reason: string, context?: string, neededBy: string }[] = [] for (let i = 0; layer.presets !== undefined && i < layer.presets.length; i++) { const preset = layer.presets[i]; preset.preciseInput?.snapToLayers?.forEach(id => { deps.push({ neededLayer: id, reason: "a preset snaps to this layer", context: "presets[" + i + "]", neededBy: }); }) } for (const tr of layer.AllTagRenderings()) { for (const dep of DependencyCalculator.GetTagRenderingDependencies(tr)) { deps.push({ neededLayer: dep, reason: "a tagrendering needs this layer", context:, neededBy: }) } } if (layer.calculatedTags?.length > 0) { const obj = { type: "Feature", geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [0, 0] }, properties: { id: "node/1" } } let currentKey = undefined let currentLine = undefined const params: ExtraFuncParams = { getFeatureById: _ => undefined, getFeaturesWithin: (layerId, _) => { if (layerId === '*') { // This is a wildcard return [] } // The important line: steal the dependencies! deps.push({ neededLayer: layerId, reason: "A calculated tag loads features from this layer", context: "calculatedTag[" + currentLine + "] which calculates the value for " + currentKey, neededBy: }) return [] }, memberships: undefined } // Init the extra patched functions... ExtraFunctions.FullPatchFeature(params, obj) // ... Run the calculated tag code, which will trigger the getFeaturesWithin above... for (let i = 0; i < layer.calculatedTags.length; i++) { const [key, code] = layer.calculatedTags[i]; currentLine = i; // Leak the state... currentKey = key; try { const func = new Function("feat", "return " + code + ";"); const result = func(obj)[key] = JSON.stringify(result); } catch (e) { } } } return deps } }