import {UIElement} from "../UIElement"; import {UIEventSource} from "../../Logic/UIEventSource"; import {LayoutConfigJson} from "../../Customizations/JSON/LayoutConfigJson"; import SettingsTable from "./SettingsTable"; import SingleSetting from "./SingleSetting"; import {SubtleButton} from "../Base/SubtleButton"; import Combine from "../Base/Combine"; import {TextField} from "../Input/TextField"; import {InputElement} from "../Input/InputElement"; import MultiLingualTextFields from "../Input/MultiLingualTextFields"; import {CheckBox} from "../Input/CheckBox"; import {AndOrTagInput} from "../Input/AndOrTagInput"; import TagRenderingPanel from "./TagRenderingPanel"; import {GenerateEmpty} from "./GenerateEmpty"; import {DropDown} from "../Input/DropDown"; import {TagRenderingConfigJson} from "../../Customizations/JSON/TagRenderingConfigJson"; import {MultiInput} from "../Input/MultiInput"; import {Tag} from "../../Logic/Tags"; import {LayerConfigJson} from "../../Customizations/JSON/LayerConfigJson"; /** * Shows the configuration for a single layer */ export default class LayerPanel extends UIElement { private readonly _config: UIEventSource; private readonly settingsTable: UIElement; private readonly renderingOptions: UIElement; private readonly deleteButton: UIElement; public readonly selectedTagRendering: UIEventSource = new UIEventSource(undefined); private tagRenderings: UIElement; constructor(config: UIEventSource, languages: UIEventSource, index: number, currentlySelected: UIEventSource>) { super(); this._config = config; this.renderingOptions = this.setupRenderOptions(config, languages, index, currentlySelected); const actualDeleteButton = new SubtleButton( "./assets/delete.svg", "Yes, delete this layer" ).onClick(() => {, 1);; }); this.deleteButton = new CheckBox( new Combine( [ "

Confirm layer deletion

", new SubtleButton( "./assets/close.svg", "No, don't delete" ), "Deleting a layer can not be undone!", actualDeleteButton ] ), new SubtleButton( "./assets/delete.svg", "Remove this layer" ) ) function setting(input: InputElement, path: string | string[], name: string, description: string | UIElement): SingleSetting { let pathPre = ["layers", index]; if (typeof (path) === "string") { pathPre.push(path); } else { pathPre = pathPre.concat(path); } return new SingleSetting(config, input, pathPre, name, description); } this.settingsTable = new SettingsTable([ setting(TextField.StringInput(), "id", "Id", "An identifier for this layer
This should be a simple, lowercase, human readable string that is used to identify the layer."), setting(new MultiLingualTextFields(languages), "title", "Title", "The human-readable name of this layer
Used in the layer control panel and the 'Personal theme'"), setting(new MultiLingualTextFields(languages, true), "description", "Description", "A description for this layer.
Shown in the layer selections and in the personal theme"), setting(TextField.NumberInput("nat", n => n < 23), "minzoom", "Minimal zoom", "The minimum zoomlevel needed to load and show this layer."), setting(new DropDown("", [ {value: 0, shown: "Show ways and areas as ways and lines"}, {value: 1, shown: "Show both the ways/areas and the centerpoints"}, {value: 2, shown: "Show everything as centerpoint"}]), "wayHandling", "Way handling", "Describes how ways and areas are represented on the map: areas can be represented as the area itself, or it can be converted into the centerpoint"), setting(new AndOrTagInput(), "overpassTags", "Overpass query", "The tags of the objects to load from overpass"), ], currentlySelected); const self = this; const tagRenderings = new MultiInput("Add a tag rendering/question", () => ({}), () => { const tagPanel = new TagRenderingPanel(languages, currentlySelected) self.registerTagRendering(tagPanel); return tagPanel; }); tagRenderings.GetValue().addCallback( tagRenderings => { ([index] as LayerConfigJson).tagRenderings = tagRenderings;; } ) function loadTagRenderings() { const values = ([index] as LayerConfigJson).tagRenderings; const renderings: TagRenderingConfigJson[] = []; for (const value of values) { if (typeof (value) !== "string") { renderings.push(value); } } tagRenderings.GetValue().setData(renderings); } loadTagRenderings(); this.tagRenderings = tagRenderings; } private setupRenderOptions(config: UIEventSource, languages: UIEventSource, index: number, currentlySelected: UIEventSource>): UIElement { const iconSelect = new TagRenderingPanel( languages, currentlySelected, { title: "Icon", description: "A visual representation for this layer and for the points on the map.", disableQuestions: true }); const size = new TagRenderingPanel(languages, currentlySelected, { title: "Icon Size", description: "The size of the icons on the map in pixels. Can vary based on the tagging", disableQuestions: true }); const color = new TagRenderingPanel(languages, currentlySelected, { title: "Way and area color", description: "The color or a shown way or area. Can vary based on the tagging", disableQuestions: true }); const stroke = new TagRenderingPanel(languages, currentlySelected, { title: "Stroke width", description: "The width of lines representing ways and the outline of areas. Can vary based on the tags", disableQuestions: true }); this.registerTagRendering(iconSelect); this.registerTagRendering(size); this.registerTagRendering(color); this.registerTagRendering(stroke); function setting(input: InputElement, path, isIcon: boolean = false): SingleSetting { return new SingleSetting(config, input, ["layers", index, path], undefined, undefined) } return new SettingsTable([ setting(iconSelect, "icon"), setting(size, "size"), setting(color, "color"), setting(stroke, "stroke") ], currentlySelected); } private registerTagRendering( tagRenderingPanel: TagRenderingPanel) { tagRenderingPanel.IsHovered().addCallback(isHovering => { if (!isHovering) { return; } this.selectedTagRendering.setData(tagRenderingPanel); }) } InnerRender(): string { return new Combine([ "

General layer settings

", this.settingsTable, "

Map rendering options

", this.renderingOptions, "

Tag rendering and questions

", this.tagRenderings, "

Layer delete

", this.deleteButton ]).Render(); } }