import {UIEventSource} from "../Logic/UIEventSource"; export abstract class UIElement extends UIEventSource { private static nextId: number = 0; public readonly id: string; public readonly _source: UIEventSource; private clss: string[] = [] private style: string; private _hideIfEmpty = false; public dumbMode = false; /** * In the 'deploy'-step, some code needs to be run by ts-node. * However, ts-node crashes when it sees 'document'. When running from console, we flag this and disable all code where document is needed. * This is a workaround and yet another hack */ public static runningFromConsole = false; protected constructor(source: UIEventSource = undefined) { super(""); = "ui-element-" + UIElement.nextId; this._source = source; UIElement.nextId++; this.ListenTo(source); } public ListenTo(source: UIEventSource) { if (source === undefined) { return this; } this.dumbMode = false; const self = this; source.addCallback(() => { self.Update(); }) return this; } private _onClick: () => void; public onClick(f: (() => void)) { this.dumbMode = false; this._onClick = f; this.SetClass("clickable") this.Update(); return this; } private _onHover: UIEventSource; public IsHovered(): UIEventSource { this.dumbMode = false; if (this._onHover !== undefined) { return this._onHover; } // Note: we just save it. 'Update' will register that an eventsource exist and install the necessary hooks this._onHover = new UIEventSource(false); return this._onHover; } Update(): void { if (UIElement.runningFromConsole) { return; } let element = document.getElementById(; if (element === undefined || element === null) { // The element is not painted if (this.dumbMode) { // We update all the children anyway for (const i in this) { const child = this[i]; if (child instanceof UIElement) { child.Update(); } else if (child instanceof Array) { for (const ch of child) { if (ch instanceof UIElement) { ch.Update(); } } } } } return; } this.setData(this.InnerRender()); element.innerHTML =; if (this._hideIfEmpty) { if (element.innerHTML === "") { = "none"; } else { = undefined; } } if (this._onClick !== undefined) { const self = this; element.onclick = (e) => { // @ts-ignore if (e.consumed) { return; } self._onClick(); // @ts-ignore e.consumed = true; } = "all"; = "pointer"; } if (this._onHover !== undefined) { const self = this; element.addEventListener('mouseover', () => self._onHover.setData(true)); element.addEventListener('mouseout', () => self._onHover.setData(false)); } this.InnerUpdate(element); for (const i in this) { const child = this[i]; if (child instanceof UIElement) { child.Update(); } else if (child instanceof Array) { for (const ch of child) { if (ch instanceof UIElement) { ch.Update(); } } } } } HideOnEmpty(hide : boolean){ this._hideIfEmpty = hide; this.Update(); return this; } // Called after the HTML has been replaced. Can be used for css tricks protected InnerUpdate(htmlElement: HTMLElement) { } Render(): string { if (this.dumbMode) { return this.InnerRender(); } let style = ""; if ( !== undefined && !== "") { style = `style="${}"`; } return `${this.InnerRender()}` } AttachTo(divId: string) { this.dumbMode = false; let element = document.getElementById(divId); if (element === null) { throw "SEVERE: could not attach UIElement to " + divId; } element.innerHTML = this.Render(); this.Update(); return this; } public abstract InnerRender(): string; public Activate(): void { for (const i in this) { const child = this[i]; if (child instanceof UIElement) { child.Activate(); } else if (child instanceof Array) { for (const ch of child) { if (ch instanceof UIElement) { ch.Activate(); } } } } }; public IsEmpty(): boolean { return this.InnerRender() === ""; } public SetClass(clss: string): UIElement { this.dumbMode = false; if (this.clss.indexOf(clss) < 0) { this.clss.push(clss); } this.Update(); return this; } public SetStyle(style: string): UIElement { this.dumbMode = false; = style; this.Update(); return this; } }