import {LayoutConfigJson} from "../../Customizations/JSON/LayoutConfigJson"; import {UIEventSource} from "../../Logic/UIEventSource"; import {InputElement} from "../Input/InputElement"; import {UIElement} from "../UIElement"; import Translations from "../i18n/Translations"; import Combine from "../Base/Combine"; import {VariableUiElement} from "../Base/VariableUIElement"; export default class SingleSetting { public _value: InputElement; public _name: string; public _description: UIElement; public _options: { showIconPreview?: boolean }; constructor(config: UIEventSource, value: InputElement, path: string | (string | number)[], name: string, description: string | UIElement, options?: { showIconPreview?: boolean } ) { this._value = value; this._name = name; this._description = Translations.W(description); this._options = options ?? {}; if (this._options.showIconPreview) { this._description = new Combine([ this._description, "

Icon preview

", new VariableUiElement(this._value.GetValue().map(url => ``)) ]); } if(typeof (path) === "string"){ path = [path]; } const lastPart = path[path.length - 1]; path.splice(path.length - 1, 1); function assignValue(value) { if (value === undefined) { return; } // We have to rewalk every time as parts might be new let configPart =; for (const pathPart of path) { configPart = configPart[pathPart]; if (configPart === undefined) { console.warn("Lost the way for path ", path) return; } } configPart[lastPart] = value;; } function loadValue() { let configPart =; for (const pathPart of path) { configPart = configPart[pathPart]; if (configPart === undefined) { return; } } const loadedValue = configPart[lastPart]; if (loadedValue !== undefined) { value.GetValue().setData(loadedValue); } } loadValue(); config.addCallback(() => loadValue()); value.GetValue().addCallback(assignValue); assignValue(this._value.GetValue().data); } }