import {LayoutConfigJson} from "./Customizations/JSON/LayoutConfigJson"; import {UIEventSource} from "./Logic/UIEventSource"; import SingleSetting from "./UI/CustomGenerator/SingleSetting"; import Combine from "./UI/Base/Combine"; import {VariableUiElement} from "./UI/Base/VariableUIElement"; import GeneralSettings from "./UI/CustomGenerator/GeneralSettings"; import {SubtleButton} from "./UI/Base/SubtleButton"; import {TabbedComponent} from "./UI/Base/TabbedComponent"; import AllLayersPanel from "./UI/CustomGenerator/AllLayersPanel"; import SharePanel from "./UI/CustomGenerator/SharePanel"; const empty: LayoutConfigJson = { id: "", title: {}, description: {}, language: [], maintainer: "", icon: "./assets/bug.svg", version: "0", startLat: 0, startLon: 0, startZoom: 1, socialImage: "", layers: [], } const test: LayoutConfigJson = { id: "test", title: {"en": "Test layout"}, description: {"en": "A layout for testing"}, language: ["en"], maintainer: "Pieter Vander Vennet", icon: "./assets/bug.svg", version: "0", startLat: 0, startLon: 0, startZoom: 1, widenFactor: 0.05, socialImage: "", layers: [], } const es = new UIEventSource(test); const encoded = => btoa(JSON.stringify(config))); const testUrl = => `./index.html?userlayout=${}&test=true#${encoded}`) const liveUrl = => `./index.html?userlayout=${}#${encoded}`) const currentSetting = new UIEventSource>(undefined) const generalSettings = new GeneralSettings(es, currentSetting); const languages = generalSettings.languages; new TabbedComponent([ { header: "", content: generalSettings }, { header: "", content: new AllLayersPanel(es, currentSetting, languages) }, { header: "", content: "Save" }, { header: "", content: new SharePanel(es, liveUrl) } ]).AttachTo("left"); const returnButton = new SubtleButton("./assets/close.svg", new VariableUiElement( => { if (currentSetting === undefined) { return ""; } return "Return to general help"; } ) )) .ListenTo(currentSetting) .onClick(() => currentSetting.setData(undefined)); const helpText = new VariableUiElement( SingleSetting) => { if (setting === undefined) { return "

Welcome to the Custom Theme Builder

" + "Here, one can make their own custom mapcomplete themes.
" + "Fill out the fields to get a working mapcomplete theme. More information on the selected field will appear here when you click it"; } return new Combine(["

", setting._name, "

", setting._description.Render()]).Render(); })) new Combine([helpText, returnButton, ]).AttachTo("right"); // The preview new Combine([ new VariableUiElement( => ``)) ]).AttachTo("bottomright");