import ImageProvider, {ProvidedImage} from "./ImageProvider"; import BaseUIElement from "../../UI/BaseUIElement"; import Svg from "../../Svg"; import {Utils} from "../../Utils"; import {LicenseInfo} from "./LicenseInfo"; import Constants from "../../Models/Constants"; import * as Console from "console"; export class Mapillary extends ImageProvider { public static readonly singleton = new Mapillary(); private static readonly valuePrefix = "" public static readonly valuePrefixes = [Mapillary.valuePrefix, "", "", "", ""] defaultKeyPrefixes = ["mapillary", "image"] /** * Indicates that this is the same URL * Ignores 'stp' parameter * * const a = "" * const b = "" * Mapillary.sameUrl(a, b) => true */ static sameUrl(a: string, b: string): boolean { if (a === b) { return true } try { console.log("COmparing",a,b) const aUrl = new URL(a) const bUrl = new URL(b) if ( !== || aUrl.pathname !== bUrl.pathname) { return false; } let allSame = true; aUrl.searchParams.forEach((value, key) => { if (key === "stp") { // This is the key indicating the image size on mapillary; we ignore it return } if (value !== bUrl.searchParams.get(key)) { allSame = false return } }) return allSame; } catch (e) { Console.debug("Could not compare ", a, "and", b, "due to", e) } return false; } /** * Returns the correct key for API v4.0 */ private static ExtractKeyFromURL(value: string): number { let key: string; const newApiFormat = value.match(/https?:\/\/\/app\/\?pKey=([0-9]*)/) if (newApiFormat !== null) { key = newApiFormat[1] } else if (value.startsWith(Mapillary.valuePrefix)) { key = value.substring(0, value.lastIndexOf("?")).substring(value.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) } else if (value.match("[0-9]*")) { key = value; } const keyAsNumber = Number(key) if (!isNaN(keyAsNumber)) { return keyAsNumber } return undefined } SourceIcon(backlinkSource?: string): BaseUIElement { return Svg.mapillary_svg(); } async ExtractUrls(key: string, value: string): Promise[]> { return [this.PrepareUrlAsync(key, value)] } protected async DownloadAttribution(url: string): Promise { const license = new LicenseInfo() license.artist = "Contributor name unavailable"; license.license = "CC BY-SA 4.0"; // license.license = "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License"; license.attributionRequired = true; return license } private async PrepareUrlAsync(key: string, value: string): Promise { const mapillaryId = Mapillary.ExtractKeyFromURL(value) if (mapillaryId === undefined) { return undefined; } const metadataUrl = '' + mapillaryId + '?fields=thumb_1024_url&&access_token=' + Constants.mapillary_client_token_v4; const response = await Utils.downloadJson(metadataUrl) const url = response["thumb_1024_url"]; return { url: url, provider: this, key: key } } }