import {TagsFilter} from "../Tags/TagsFilter"; import RelationsTracker from "./RelationsTracker"; import {Utils} from "../../Utils"; import {UIEventSource} from "../UIEventSource"; import {BBox} from "../BBox"; import * as osmtogeojson from "osmtogeojson"; /** * Interfaces overpass to get all the latest data */ export class Overpass { private _filter: TagsFilter private readonly _interpreterUrl: string; private readonly _timeout: UIEventSource; private readonly _extraScripts: string[]; private _includeMeta: boolean; private _relationTracker: RelationsTracker; constructor(filter: TagsFilter, extraScripts: string[], interpreterUrl: string, timeout?: UIEventSource, relationTracker?: RelationsTracker, includeMeta = true) { this._timeout = timeout ?? new UIEventSource(90); this._interpreterUrl = interpreterUrl; const optimized = filter.optimize() if(optimized === true || optimized === false){ throw "Invalid filter: optimizes to true of false" } this._filter = optimized this._extraScripts = extraScripts; this._includeMeta = includeMeta; this._relationTracker = relationTracker } public async queryGeoJson(bounds: BBox): Promise<[any, Date]> { let query = this.buildQuery("[bbox:" + bounds.getSouth() + "," + bounds.getWest() + "," + bounds.getNorth() + "," + bounds.getEast() + "]") const self = this; const json = await Utils.downloadJson(query) if (json.elements.length === 0 && json.remark !== undefined) { console.warn("Timeout or other runtime error while querying overpass", json.remark); throw `Runtime error (timeout or similar)${json.remark}` } if (json.elements.length === 0) { console.warn("No features for", json) } self._relationTracker?.RegisterRelations(json) const geojson = osmtogeojson.default(json); const osmTime = new Date(json.osm3s.timestamp_osm_base); return [geojson, osmTime]; } /** * Constructs the actual script * * import {Tag} from "../Tags/Tag"; * * new Overpass(new Tag("key","value"), [], "").buildScript("{{bbox}}") // => `[out:json][timeout:90]{{bbox}};(nwr["key"="value"];);out body;out meta;>;out skel qt;` */ public buildScript(bbox: string, postCall: string = "", pretty = false): string { const filters = this._filter.asOverpass() let filter = "" for (const filterOr of filters) { if(pretty){ filter += " " } filter += 'nwr' + filterOr + postCall + ';' if(pretty){ filter+="\n" } } for (const extraScript of this._extraScripts) { filter += '(' + extraScript + ');'; } return`[out:json][timeout:${}]${bbox};(${filter});out body;${this._includeMeta ? 'out meta;' : ''}>;out skel qt;` } public buildQuery(bbox: string): string { const query = this.buildScript(bbox) return `${this._interpreterUrl}?data=${encodeURIComponent(query)}` } /** * Little helper method to quickly open overpass-turbo in the browser */ public static AsOverpassTurboLink(tags: TagsFilter){ const overpass = new Overpass(tags, [], "", undefined, undefined, false) const script = overpass.buildScript("","({{bbox}})", true) const url = "" return url + encodeURIComponent(script) } }