import SimpleMetaTagger from "./SimpleMetaTagger"; import {ExtraFuncParams, ExtraFunction} from "./ExtraFunction"; import LayerConfig from "../Models/ThemeConfig/LayerConfig"; import State from "../State"; /** * Metatagging adds various tags to the elements, e.g. lat, lon, surface area, ... * * All metatags start with an underscore */ export default class MetaTagging { private static errorPrintCount = 0; private static readonly stopErrorOutputAt = 10; /** * This method (re)calculates all metatags and calculated tags on every given object. * The given features should be part of the given layer */ public static addMetatags(features: { feature: any; freshness: Date }[], params: ExtraFuncParams, layer: LayerConfig, options?: { includeDates?: true | boolean, includeNonDates?: true | boolean }) { if (features === undefined || features.length === 0) { return; } const metatagsToApply: SimpleMetaTagger [] = [] for (const metatag of SimpleMetaTagger.metatags) { if (metatag.includesDates) { if (options.includeDates ?? true) { metatagsToApply.push(metatag) } } else { if (options.includeNonDates ?? true) { metatagsToApply.push(metatag) } } } // The calculated functions - per layer - which add the new keys const layerFuncs = this.createRetaggingFunc(layer) for (let i = 0; i < features.length; i++) { const ff = features[i]; const feature = ff.feature const freshness = ff.freshness let somethingChanged = false for (const metatag of metatagsToApply) { try { if (!metatag.keys.some(key =>[key] === undefined)) { // All keys are already defined, we probably already ran this one continue } if(metatag.isLazy){ somethingChanged = true; metatag.applyMetaTagsOnFeature(feature, freshness, layer) }else{ const newValueAdded = metatag.applyMetaTagsOnFeature(feature, freshness, layer) /* Note that the expression: * `somethingChanged = newValueAdded || metatag.applyMetaTagsOnFeature(feature, freshness)` * Is WRONG * * IF something changed is `true` due to an earlier run, it will short-circuit and _not_ evaluate the right hand of the OR, * thus not running an update! */ somethingChanged = newValueAdded || somethingChanged } } catch (e) { console.error("Could not calculate metatag for ", metatag.keys.join(","), ":", e, e.stack) } } if (layerFuncs !== undefined) { try { layerFuncs(params, feature) } catch (e) { console.error(e) } somethingChanged = true } if (somethingChanged) { State.state?.allElements?.getEventSourceById( } } } private static createFunctionsForFeature(calculatedTags: [string, string][]): ((feature: any) => void)[] { const functions: ((feature: any) => void)[] = []; for (const entry of calculatedTags) { const key = entry[0] const code = entry[1]; if (code === undefined) { continue; } const func = new Function("feat", "return " + code + ";"); const f = (feature: any) => { delete[key] Object.defineProperty(, key, { configurable: true, enumerable: false, // By setting this as not enumerable, the localTileSaver will _not_ calculate this get: function () { try { // Lazyness for the win! let result = func(feature); if (result === "") { result === undefined } if (result !== undefined && typeof result !== "string") { // Make sure it is a string! result = JSON.stringify(result); } delete[key][key] = result; return result; } catch (e) { if (MetaTagging.errorPrintCount < MetaTagging.stopErrorOutputAt) { console.warn("Could not calculate a calculated tag defined by " + code + " due to " + e + ". This is code defined in the theme. Are you the theme creator? Doublecheck your code. Note that the metatags might not be stable on new features", e, e.stack) MetaTagging.errorPrintCount++; if (MetaTagging.errorPrintCount == MetaTagging.stopErrorOutputAt) { console.error("Got ", MetaTagging.stopErrorOutputAt, " errors calculating this metatagging - stopping output now") } } } }} ) } functions.push(f) } return functions; } private static createRetaggingFunc(layer: LayerConfig): ((params: ExtraFuncParams, feature: any) => void) { const calculatedTags: [string, string][] = layer.calculatedTags; if (calculatedTags === undefined || calculatedTags.length === 0) { return undefined; } return (params: ExtraFuncParams, feature) => { const tags = if (tags === undefined) { return; } try { const functions = MetaTagging.createFunctionsForFeature(calculatedTags) ExtraFunction.FullPatchFeature(params, feature); for (const f of functions) { f(feature); } State.state?.allElements?.getEventSourceById(; } catch (e) { console.error("Invalid syntax in calculated tags or some other error: ", e) } } } }