import TagRenderingConfig from "./JSON/TagRenderingConfig"; import * as questions from "../assets/tagRenderings/questions.json"; import * as icons from "../assets/tagRenderings/icons.json"; export default class SharedTagRenderings { public static SharedTagRendering = SharedTagRenderings.generatedSharedFields(); public static SharedIcons = SharedTagRenderings.generatedSharedFields(true); private static generatedSharedFields(iconsOnly = false) { const dict = {} function add(key, store) { try { dict[key] = new TagRenderingConfig(store[key], key) } catch (e) { console.error("BUG: could not parse", key, " from questions.json or icons.json - this error happened during the build step of the SharedTagRenderings", e) } } if (!iconsOnly) { for (const key in questions) { add(key, questions); } } for (const key in icons) { add(key, icons); } return dict; } }