import * as $ from "jquery" /** * This module provides endpoints for wikipedia/wikimedia and others */ export class Wikimedia { static ImageNameToUrl(filename: string, width: number = 500, height: number = 200): string { filename = encodeURIComponent(filename); return "" + filename + "?width=" + width + "&height=" + height; } private static knownLicenses = {}; static LicenseData(filename: string, handle: ((LicenseInfo) => void)): void { if (filename in this.knownLicenses) { return this.knownLicenses[filename]; } if (filename === "") { return; } const url = "" + "api.php?action=query&prop=imageinfo&iiprop=extmetadata&" + "titles=" + filename + "&format=json&origin=*"; $.getJSON(url, function (data, status) { const licenseInfo = new LicenseInfo(); const license = data.query.pages[-1].imageinfo[0].extmetadata; licenseInfo.artist = license.Artist?.value; licenseInfo.license = license.License?.value; licenseInfo.copyrighted = license.Copyrighted?.value; licenseInfo.attributionRequired = license.AttributionRequired?.value; licenseInfo.usageTerms = license.UsageTerms?.value; licenseInfo.licenseShortName = license.LicenseShortName?.value; = license.Credit?.value; licenseInfo.description = license.ImageDescription?.value; Wikimedia.knownLicenses[filename] = licenseInfo; handle(licenseInfo); }); } static GetCategoryFiles(categoryName: string, handleCategory: ((ImagesInCategory) => void), alreadyLoaded = 0, continueParameter: { k: string, param: string } = undefined) { if (categoryName === undefined || categoryName === null || categoryName === "") { return; } // @ts-ignore if (!categoryName.startsWith("Category:")) { categoryName = "Category:" + categoryName; } let url = "" + "action=query&list=categorymembers&format=json&" + "&origin=*" + "&cmtitle=" + encodeURIComponent(categoryName); if (continueParameter !== undefined) { url = url + "&" + continueParameter.k + "=" + continueParameter.param; } $.getJSON(url, (response) => { let imageOverview = new ImagesInCategory(); let members = response.query?.categorymembers; if (members === undefined) { members = []; } for (const member of members) { imageOverview.images.push( {filename: member.title, fileid: member.pageid}); } if (response.continue === undefined || alreadyLoaded > 30) { handleCategory(imageOverview); } else { console.log("Recursive load for ", categoryName) this.GetCategoryFiles(categoryName, (recursiveImages) => { for (const image of imageOverview.images) { recursiveImages.images.push(image); } handleCategory(recursiveImages); }, alreadyLoaded + 10, {k: "cmcontinue", param: response.continue.cmcontinue}) } }); } static GetWikiData(id: number, handleWikidata: ((Wikidata) => void)) { const url = "" + id + ".json"; $.getJSON(url, (response) => { const entity = response.entities["Q" + id]; const commons = entity.sitelinks.commonswiki; const wd = new Wikidata(); wd.commonsWiki = commons?.title; // P18 is the claim 'depicted in this image' wd.image = "File:" +[0]?.mainsnak?.datavalue?.value; handleWikidata(wd); }); } } export class Wikidata { commonsWiki: string; image: string; } export class ImagesInCategory { // Filenames of relevant images images: { filename: string, fileid: number }[] = []; } export class LicenseInfo { artist: string = ""; license: string = ""; licenseShortName: string = ""; usageTerms: string = ""; attributionRequired: boolean = false; copyrighted: boolean = false; credit: string = ""; description: string = ""; }