# Hetzner This server hosts the studio files and is used for expermintal builds. For used ports, see the Caddyfile To update caddy ``` cp Caddyfile /etc/caddy/ # If caddy was running via a console instead of as a service, do `caddy stop` now systemctl reload caddy ``` Debug logs with: `journalctl -u caddy --no-pager | less +G` Services: ### studio + theme sync The studio server, handling those requests. `npm run server:studio` Additionally, this runs syncthing to make a backup of all theme files. ### LOD-server A server scraping other websites. `npm run server:ldjson` ### Error report server A simple server logging everything it receives `npm run server:errorreport` ### geo-ip Provides geolocation based on ``` git clone https://github.com/pietervdvn/geoip-server cd geoip-server mkdir data # Drop the databases from https://lite.ip2location.com/ in the data dir npm run start ```