import T from "./TestHelper"; import {FixLegacyTheme} from "../Models/ThemeConfig/Conversion/LegacyJsonConvert"; import LayoutConfig from "../Models/ThemeConfig/LayoutConfig"; import {TagRenderingConfigJson} from "../Models/ThemeConfig/Json/TagRenderingConfigJson"; import {AddMiniMap} from "../Models/ThemeConfig/Conversion/PrepareTheme"; import {DetectShadowedMappings} from "../Models/ThemeConfig/Conversion/Validation"; import * as Assert from "assert"; import {FixImages} from "../Models/ThemeConfig/Conversion/FixImages"; export default class LegacyThemeLoaderSpec extends T { private static readonly walking_node_theme = { "id": "walkingnodenetworks", "title": { "en": "Walking node networks" }, "maintainer": "L'imaginaire", "icon": "", "description": { "en": "This map shows walking node networks" }, "language": [ "en" ], socialImage: "img.jpg", "version": "2021-10-02", "startLat": 51.1599, "startLon": 3.34750, "startZoom": 12, "clustering": { "maxZoom": 12 }, "layers": [ { "id": "node2node", "name": { "en": "node to node links" }, "source": { "osmTags": { "and": [ "network=rwn", "network:type=node_network" ] } }, "minzoom": 12, "title": { "render": { "en": "node to node link" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "ref~*", "then": { "en": "node to node link {ref}" } } ] }, "width": { "render": "4" }, "color": { "render": "#8b1e20" }, "tagRenderings": [ { "question": { "en": "When was this node to node link last surveyed?" }, "render": { "en": "This node to node link was last surveyed on {survey:date}" }, "freeform": { "key": "survey:date", "type": "date" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "survey:date:={_now:date}", "then": "Surveyed today!" } ] } ] }, { "id": "node", "name": { "en": "nodes" }, "source": { "osmTags": "rwn_ref~*" }, "minzoom": 12, "title": { "render": { "en": "walking node {rwn_ref}" } }, "label": { "mappings": [ { "if": "rwn_ref~*", "then": "
" } ] }, "tagRenderings": [ { "question": { "en": "When was this walking node last surveyed?" }, "render": { "en": "This walking node was last surveyed on {survey:date}" }, "freeform": { "key": "survey:date", "type": "date" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "survey:date:={_now:date}", "then": "Surveyed today!" } ] }, { "question": { "en": "How many other walking nodes does this node link to?" }, "render": { "en": "This node links to {expected_rwn_route_relations} other walking nodes." }, "freeform": { "key": "expected_rwn_route_relations", "type": "int" } }, "images" ] } ] } private static readonly verkeerde_borden ={ "id": "", "title": { "nl": "VerkeerdeBordenDatabank", "en": "Erratic Signs Database" }, "maintainer": "Seppe Santens", "icon": "", "description": { "nl": "Een kaart om verkeerde of ontbrekende verkeersborden te tonen en te editeren.", "en": "A map to show and edit incorrect or missing traffic signs." }, "version": "2021-09-16", "startLat": 51.08881, "startLon": 3.447282, "startZoom": 15, "clustering": { "maxZoom": 8 }, "layers": [ { "id": "trafficsign", "name": { "nl": "verkeersbord", "en": "traffic sign" }, "source": { "osmTags": { "and": [ "traffic_sign~*", "traffic_sign:issue~*" ] } }, "minzoom": 10, "title": { "render": { "nl": "verkeersbord", "en": "traffic sign" } }, "tagRenderings": [ "images", { "render": { "nl": "ID verkeersbord: {traffic_sign}", "en": "traffic sign ID: {traffic_sign}" }, "question": { "nl": "Wat is het ID voor dit verkeersbord?", "en": "What is ID for this traffic sign?" }, "freeform": { "key": "traffic_sign" }, "id": "trafficsign-traffic_sign" }, { "render": { "nl": "Probleem bij dit verkeersbord: {traffic_sign:issue}", "en": "Issue with this traffic sign: {traffic_sign:issue}" }, "question": { "nl": "Wat is het probleem met dit verkeersbord?", "en": "What is the issue with this traffic sign?" }, "freeform": { "key": "traffic_sign:issue" }, "id": "trafficsign-traffic_sign:issue" }, { "question": { "nl": "Wanneer werd dit verkeersbord laatst gesurveyed?", "en": "When was this traffic sign last surveyed?" }, "render": { "nl": "Dit verkeersbord werd laatst gesurveyed op {survey:date}", "en": "This traffic sign was last surveyed on {survey:date}" }, "freeform": { "key": "survey:date", "type": "date" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "survey:date:={_now:date}", "then": "Vandaag gesurveyed!" } ], "id": "trafficsign-survey:date" } ], "mapRendering": [ { "icon": "./TS_bolt.svg", iconBadges: [{ if: "id=yes", then:{ mappings: [ { if: "id=yes", then: "./Something.svg" } ] } }], "location": [ "point", "centroid" ] } ] }, { "id": "notrafficsign", "name": { "nl": "geen verkeersbord", "en": "no traffic sign" }, "source": { "osmTags": { "and": [ { "or": [ "no:traffic_sign~*", "not:traffic_sign~*" ] }, "traffic_sign:issue~*" ] } }, "minzoom": 10, "title": { "render": { "nl": "ontbrekend verkeersbord", "en": "missing traffic sign" } }, "tagRenderings": [ "images", { "render": { "nl": "ID ontbrekend verkeersbord: {no:traffic_sign}", "en": "missing traffic sign ID: {no:traffic_sign}" }, "question": { "nl": "Wat is het ID voor het ontbrekende verkeersbord?", "en": "What is ID for the missing traffic sign?" }, "freeform": { "key": "no:traffic_sign" }, "id": "notrafficsign-no:traffic_sign" }, { "render": { "nl": "Probleem bij deze situatie: {traffic_sign:issue}", "en": "Issue with this situation: {traffic_sign:issue}" }, "question": { "nl": "Wat is er mis met deze situatie?", "en": "What is the issue with this situation?" }, "freeform": { "key": "traffic_sign:issue" }, "id": "notrafficsign-traffic_sign:issue" }, { "question": { "nl": "Wanneer werd deze situatie laatst gesurveyed?", "en": "When was this situation last surveyed?" }, "render": { "nl": "Deze situatie werd laatst gesurveyed op {survey:date}", "en": "This situation was last surveyed on {survey:date}" }, "freeform": { "key": "survey:date", "type": "date" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "survey:date:={_now:date}", "then": "Vandaag gesurveyed!" } ], "id": "notrafficsign-survey:date" } ], "mapRendering": [ { "icon": "./TS_questionmark.svg", "location": [ "point", "centroid" ] } ] } ], "defaultBackgroundId": "Stamen.TonerLite" } constructor() { super([ ["Walking_node_theme", () => { const config = LegacyThemeLoaderSpec.walking_node_theme const fixed = new FixLegacyTheme().convert( // @ts-ignore config, "While testing") T.isTrue(fixed.errors.length === 0, "Could not fix the legacy theme") const theme = new LayoutConfig(fixed.result) }], ["Detect minimaps", () => { function shouldHave(config: TagRenderingConfigJson) { T.equals(AddMiniMap.hasMinimap(config), true, "Did _not_ dected a minimap, even though there is one in " + JSON.stringify(config)) } function shouldNot(config: TagRenderingConfigJson) { T.equals(AddMiniMap.hasMinimap(config), false, "Did erronously dected a minimap, even though there is none in " + JSON.stringify(config)) } shouldHave({ render: "{minimap()}" }); shouldHave({ render: {en: "{minimap()}"} }); shouldHave({ render: {en: "{minimap()}", nl: "{minimap()}"} }); shouldHave({ render: {en: "{minimap()}", nl: "No map for the dutch!"} }); shouldHave({ render: "{minimap()}" }) shouldHave({ render: "{minimap(18,featurelist)}" }) shouldHave({ mappings: [ { if: "xyz=abc", then: "{minimap(18,featurelist)}" } ] }) shouldNot({ render: "Some random value {key}" }) shouldNot({ render: "Some random value {minimap}" }) }], ["Shadowed mappings are detected", () => { const r = new DetectShadowedMappings().convert({ mappings: [ { if: {or: ["key=value", "x=y"]}, then: "Case A" }, { if: "key=value", then: "Shadowed" } ] }, "test"); T.isTrue(r.errors.length > 0, "Failing case is not detected") const r0 = new DetectShadowedMappings().convert( { mappings: [ { if: {or: ["key=value", "x=y"]}, then: "Case A" }, { if: {and: ["key=value", "x=y"]}, then: "Shadowed" } ] }, "test"); T.isTrue(r0.errors.length > 0, "Failing case is not detected") } ], ["Images are rewritten", () => { const fixed = new FixImages(new Set()).convertStrict(LegacyThemeLoaderSpec.verkeerde_borden, "test") const fixedValue = fixed.layers[0]["mapRendering"][0].icon Assert.equal("", fixedValue) const fixedMapping = fixed.layers[0]["mapRendering"][0].iconBadges[0].then.mappings[0].then Assert.equal("", fixedMapping) } ] ] ); } }