import {InputElement} from "./InputElement"; import Loc from "../../Models/Loc"; import {UIEventSource} from "../../Logic/UIEventSource"; import Minimap from "../Base/Minimap"; import AvailableBaseLayers from "../../Logic/Actors/AvailableBaseLayers"; import BaseLayer from "../../Models/BaseLayer"; import Combine from "../Base/Combine"; import Svg from "../../Svg"; export default class LocationInput extends InputElement { IsSelected: UIEventSource = new UIEventSource(false); private _centerLocation: UIEventSource; private readonly preferCategory; constructor(options?: { centerLocation?: UIEventSource, preferCategory?: string | UIEventSource, }) { super(); options = options ?? {} options.centerLocation = options.centerLocation ?? new UIEventSource({lat: 0, lon: 0, zoom: 1}) this._centerLocation = options.centerLocation; if(typeof options.preferCategory === "string"){ options.preferCategory = new UIEventSource(options.preferCategory); } this.preferCategory = options.preferCategory ?? new UIEventSource(undefined) this.SetClass("block h-full") } GetValue(): UIEventSource { return this._centerLocation; } IsValid(t: Loc): boolean { return t !== undefined; } protected InnerConstructElement(): HTMLElement { const layer: UIEventSource = new AvailableBaseLayers(this._centerLocation) => { // First float all 'best layers' to the top allLayers.sort((a, b) => { if (a.isBest && b.isBest) { return 0; } if (!a.isBest) { return 1 } return -1; } ) if (this.preferCategory) { const self = this; //Then sort all 'photo'-layers to the top. Stability of the sorting will force a 'best' photo layer on top allLayers.sort((a, b) => { const preferred = if (a.category === preferred && b.category === preferred) { return 0; } if (a.category !== preferred) { return 1 } return -1; } ) } return allLayers[0] }, [this.preferCategory] ) layer.addCallbackAndRunD(layer => console.log(layer)) const map = new Minimap( { location: this._centerLocation, background: layer } ) map.leafletMap.addCallbackAndRunD(leaflet => { console.log(leaflet.getBounds(), leaflet.getBounds().pad(0.15)) leaflet.setMaxBounds( leaflet.getBounds().pad(0.15) ) }) => { const leaflet = if (leaflet === undefined || layer === undefined) { return; } leaflet.setMaxZoom(layer.max_zoom) leaflet.setMinZoom(layer.max_zoom - 3) leaflet.setZoom(layer.max_zoom - 1) }, [map.leafletMap]) return new Combine([ new Combine([ Svg.crosshair_empty_ui() .SetClass("block relative") .SetStyle("left: -1.25rem; top: -1.25rem; width: 2.5rem; height: 2.5rem") ]).SetClass("block w-0 h-0 z-10 relative") .SetStyle("background: rgba(255, 128, 128, 0.21); left: 50%; top: 50%"), map .SetClass("z-0 relative block w-full h-full bg-gray-100") ]).ConstructElement(); } }