/** * The data layer shows all the given geojson elements with the appropriate icon etc */ import { ShowDataLayerOptions } from "./ShowDataLayerOptions" import LayerConfig from "../../Models/ThemeConfig/LayerConfig" export default class ShowDataLayer { public static actualContstructor: ( options: ShowDataLayerOptions & { layerToShow: LayerConfig } ) => void = undefined /** * Creates a datalayer. * * If 'createPopup' is set, this function is called every time that 'popupOpen' is called * @param options */ constructor(options: ShowDataLayerOptions & { layerToShow: LayerConfig }) { if (ShowDataLayer.actualContstructor === undefined) { console.error( "Show data layer is called, but it isn't initialized yet. Call ` ShowDataLayer.actualContstructor = (options => new ShowDataLayerImplementation(options)) ` somewhere, e.g. in your init" ) return } ShowDataLayer.actualContstructor(options) } }