import ScriptUtils from "./ScriptUtils"; import {Utils} from "../Utils"; import * as fs from "fs" async function main(args: string[]){ if(args.length !== 1){ console.log("Usage: first argument is the fully qualified key of the string to remove") return } const path = args[0].split(".") console.log("Removing translation string ", path, 'from the general translations') const files = ScriptUtils.readDirRecSync("./langs", 1).filter(f => f.endsWith(".json")) for (const file of files) { const json = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(file, "UTF-8")) Utils.WalkPath(path, json, (_ => undefined)) fs.writeFileSync(file, JSON.stringify(json, null, " ")+"\n") } } const args = [...process.argv] args.splice(0, 2) main(args).then((_) => { console.log("All done!") })