import {UIElement} from "./UIElement"; import {UIEventSource} from "../Logic/UIEventSource"; import opening_hours from "opening_hours"; import Combine from "./Base/Combine"; import Translations from "./i18n/Translations"; import {FixedUiElement} from "./Base/FixedUiElement"; import {OH} from "../Logic/OpeningHours"; export default class OpeningHoursVisualization extends UIElement { private readonly _key: string; constructor(tags: UIEventSource, key: string) { super(tags); this._key = key; this.ListenTo(UIEventSource.Chronic(60*1000)); // Automatically reload every minute this.ListenTo(UIEventSource.Chronic(500, () => { return === undefined; })); } private static GetRanges(oh: any, from: Date, to: Date): ({ isOpen: boolean, isSpecial: boolean, comment: string, startDate: Date, endDate: Date }[])[] { const values = [[], [], [], [], [], [], []]; const start = new Date(from); // We go one day more into the past, in order to force rendering of holidays in the start of the period start.setDate(from.getDate() - 1); const iterator = oh.getIterator(start); let prevValue = undefined; while (iterator.advance(to)) { if (prevValue) { prevValue.endDate = iterator.getDate() as Date } const endDate = new Date(iterator.getDate()) as Date; endDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0) endDate.setDate(endDate.getDate() + 1); const value = { isSpecial: iterator.getUnknown(), isOpen: iterator.getState(), comment: iterator.getComment(), startDate: iterator.getDate() as Date, endDate: endDate // Should be overwritten by the next iteration } prevValue = value; if (value.comment === undefined && !value.isOpen && !value.isSpecial) { // simply closed, nothing special here continue; } if(value.startDate < from){ continue; } // Get day: sunday is 0, monday is 1. We move everything so that monday == 0 values[(value.startDate.getDay() + 6) % 7].push(value); } return values; } private static getMonday(d) { d = new Date(d); const day = d.getDay(); const diff = d.getDate() - day + (day == 0 ? -6 : 1); // adjust when day is sunday return new Date(d.setDate(diff)); } private allChangeMoments(ranges: { isOpen: boolean, isSpecial: boolean, comment: string, startDate: Date, endDate: Date }[][]): [number[], string[]] { const changeHours: number[] = [] const changeHourText: string[] = []; const extrachangeHours: number[] = [] const extrachangeHourText: string[] = []; for (const weekday of ranges) { for (const range of weekday) { if (!range.isOpen && !range.isSpecial) { continue; } const startOfDay: Date = new Date(range.startDate); startOfDay.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); // @ts-ignore const changeMoment: number = (range.startDate - startOfDay) / 1000; if (changeHours.indexOf(changeMoment) < 0) { changeHours.push(changeMoment); changeHourText.push(OH.hhmm(range.startDate.getHours(), range.startDate.getMinutes())) } // @ts-ignore let changeMomentEnd: number = (range.endDate - startOfDay) / 1000; if (changeMomentEnd >= 24 * 60 * 60) { if (extrachangeHours.indexOf(changeMomentEnd) < 0) { extrachangeHours.push(changeMomentEnd); extrachangeHourText.push(OH.hhmm(range.endDate.getHours(), range.endDate.getMinutes())) } } else if (changeHours.indexOf(changeMomentEnd) < 0) { changeHours.push(changeMomentEnd); changeHourText.push(OH.hhmm(range.endDate.getHours(), range.endDate.getMinutes())) } } } changeHourText.sort(); changeHours.sort(); extrachangeHourText.sort(); extrachangeHours.sort(); changeHourText.push(...extrachangeHourText); changeHours.push(...extrachangeHours); return [changeHours, changeHourText] } private static readonly weekdays = [ Translations.t.general.weekdays.abbreviations.monday, Translations.t.general.weekdays.abbreviations.tuesday, Translations.t.general.weekdays.abbreviations.wednesday, Translations.t.general.weekdays.abbreviations.thursday, Translations.t.general.weekdays.abbreviations.friday, Translations.t.general.weekdays.abbreviations.saturday, Translations.t.general.weekdays.abbreviations.sunday, ] InnerRender(): string { const today = new Date(); today.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); const lastMonday = OpeningHoursVisualization.getMonday(today); const nextSunday = new Date(lastMonday); nextSunday.setDate(nextSunday.getDate() + 7); const tags =; if (tags._country === undefined) { return "Loading country information..."; } let oh = null; try { oh = new opening_hours(tags[this._key], { lat: tags._lat, lon: tags._lon, address: { country_code: tags._country } }, {tag_key: this._key}); } catch (e) { console.log(e); return `Error: could not visualize these opening hours
${e}` } if (!oh.getState() && !oh.getUnknown()) { // POI is currently closed const nextChange: Date = oh.getNextChange(); if ( // Shop isn't gonna open anymore in this timerange nextSunday < nextChange // And we are already in the weekend to show next week && (today.getDay() == 0 || today.getDay() == 6) ) { // We mover further along lastMonday.setDate(lastMonday.getDate() + 7); nextSunday.setDate(nextSunday.getDate() + 7); } } // ranges[0] are all ranges for monday const ranges = OpeningHoursVisualization.GetRanges(oh, lastMonday, nextSunday); if ( => r.length).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) == 0) { // Closed! const opensAtDate = oh.getNextChange(); if(opensAtDate === undefined){ return Translations.t.general.opening_hours.closed_permanently.SetClass("ohviz-closed").Render() } const moment = `${opensAtDate.getDay()}/${opensAtDate.getMonth() + 1} ${OH.hhmm(opensAtDate.getHours(), opensAtDate.getMinutes())}` return Translations.t.general.opening_hours.closed_until.Subs({date: moment}).SetClass("ohviz-closed").Render() } const isWeekstable = oh.isWeekStable(); let [changeHours, changeHourText] = this.allChangeMoments(ranges); // By default, we always show the range between 8 - 19h, in order to give a stable impression // Ofc, a bigger range is used if needed const earliestOpen = Math.min(8 * 60 * 60, ...changeHours); let latestclose = Math.max(...changeHours); // We always make sure there is 30m of leeway in order to give enough room for the closing entry latestclose = Math.max(19 * 60 * 60, latestclose + 30 * 60) const rows: UIElement[] = []; const availableArea = latestclose - earliestOpen; // @ts-ignore const now = (100 * (((new Date() - today) / 1000) - earliestOpen)) / availableArea; let header = ""; if (now >= 0 && now <= 100) { header += new FixedUiElement("").SetStyle(`left:${now}%;`).SetClass("ohviz-now").Render() } for (const changeMoment of changeHours) { const offset = 100 * (changeMoment - earliestOpen) / availableArea; if (offset < 0 || offset > 100) { continue; } const el = new FixedUiElement("").SetStyle(`left:${offset}%;`).SetClass("ohviz-line").Render(); header += el; } for (let i = 0; i < changeHours.length; i++) { let changeMoment = changeHours[i]; const offset = 100 * (changeMoment - earliestOpen) / availableArea; if (offset < 0 || offset > 100) { continue; } const el = new FixedUiElement( `
` ) .SetStyle(`left:${offset}%`) .SetClass("ohviz-time-indication").Render(); header += el; } rows.push(new Combine([` `, `${header}`])); for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) { const dayRanges = ranges[i]; const isToday = (new Date().getDay() + 6) % 7 === i; let weekday = OpeningHoursVisualization.weekdays[i].Render(); if (!isWeekstable) { const day = new Date(lastMonday) day.setDate(day.getDate() + i); weekday = " " + day.getDate() + "/" + (day.getMonth() + 1); } let innerContent: string[] = []; // Add the lines for (const changeMoment of changeHours) { const offset = 100 * (changeMoment - earliestOpen) / availableArea; innerContent.push(new FixedUiElement("").SetStyle(`left:${offset}%;`).SetClass("ohviz-line").Render()) } // Add the actual ranges for (const range of dayRanges) { if (!range.isOpen && !range.isSpecial) { innerContent.push( new FixedUiElement(range.comment).SetClass("ohviz-day-off").Render()) continue; } const startOfDay: Date = new Date(range.startDate); startOfDay.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); // @ts-ignore const startpoint = (range.startDate - startOfDay) / 1000 - earliestOpen; // @ts-ignore const width = (100 * (range.endDate - range.startDate) / 1000) / (latestclose - earliestOpen); const startPercentage = (100 * startpoint / availableArea); innerContent.push( new FixedUiElement(range.comment).SetStyle(`left:${startPercentage}%; width:${width}%`).SetClass("ohviz-range").Render()) } // Add line for 'now' if (now >= 0 && now <= 100) { innerContent.push(new FixedUiElement("").SetStyle(`left:${now}%;`).SetClass("ohviz-now").Render()) } let clss = "" if (isToday) { clss = "ohviz-today" } rows.push(new Combine( [`${weekday}`, `${innerContent.join("")}`])) } return new Combine([ "", => "" + el.Render() + "").join(""), "
" ]).SetClass("ohviz-container").Render(); } }