import {Changes} from "./Changes"; import {UIElement} from "../UI/UIElement"; import {UIEventSource} from "../UI/UIEventSource"; export class QuestionUI extends UIElement { private readonly _q: Question; private readonly _tags: UIEventSource; /** * The ID of the calling question - used to trigger it's onsave */ private readonly _qid; constructor(q: Question, qid: number, tags: UIEventSource) { super(tags); this._q = q; this._tags = tags; this._qid = qid; } private RenderRadio() { let radios = ""; let c = 0; for (let answer of this._q.question.answers) { const human = answer.text; const ansId = "q" + this._qid + "-answer" + c; radios += "" + "" + "
"; c++; } return radios; } private RenderRadioText() { let radios = ""; let c = 0; for (let answer of this._q.question.answers) { const human = answer.text; const ansId = "q" + this._qid + "-answer" + c; radios += "" + "" + "
"; c++; } const ansId = "q" + this._qid + "-answer" + c; radios += "" + "" + "
"; return radios; } InnerRender(): string { if (!this._q.Applicable( { return ""; } const q = this._q.question; let answers = ""; if (q.type == "radio") { answers += this.RenderRadio(); } else if (q.type == "text") { answers += "
" } else if (q.type == "radio+text") { answers += this.RenderRadioText(); } else { alert("PLZ RENDER TYPE " + q.type); } const embeddedScriptSave = 'questionAnswered(' + this._qid + ', "' + + '", false )'; const embeddedScriptSkip = 'questionAnswered(' + this._qid + ', "' + + '", true )'; const saveButton = ""; const skip = ""; return q.question + "
" + answers + saveButton + skip; } InnerUpdate(htmlElement: HTMLElement) { } } export class QuestionDefinition { static noNameOrNameQuestion(question: string, noExplicitName : string, severity : number) : QuestionDefinition{ const q = new QuestionDefinition(question); q.type = 'radio+text'; q.addAnwser(noExplicitName, "noname","yes"); q.addUnrequiredTag("name", "*"); q.addUnrequiredTag("noname", "yes"); q.key = "name"; q.severity = severity; return q; } static textQuestion( question: string, key: string, severity: number ): QuestionDefinition { const q = new QuestionDefinition(question); q.type = 'text'; q.key = key; q.severity = severity; q.addUnrequiredTag(key, '*'); return q; } static radioQuestionSimple( question: string, severity: number, key: string, answers: { text: string, value: string }[]) { const answers0: { text: string, tags: { k: string, v: string }[], }[] = []; for (const i in answers) { const answer = answers[i]; answers0.push({text: answer.text, tags: [{k: key, v: answer.value}]}) } var q = this.radioQuestion(question, severity, answers0); q.key = key; q.addUnrequiredTag(key, '*'); return q; } static radioAndTextQuestion( question: string, severity: number, key: string, answers: { text: string, value: string }[]) { const q = this.radioQuestionSimple(question, severity, key, answers); q.type = 'radio+text'; return q; } static radioQuestion( question: string, severity: number, answers: { text: string, tags: { k: string, v: string }[], }[] ): QuestionDefinition { const q = new QuestionDefinition(question); q.severity = severity; q.type = 'radio'; q.answers = answers; for (const i in answers) { const answer = answers[i]; for (const j in answer.tags) { const tag = answer.tags[j]; q.addUnrequiredTag(tag.k, tag.v); } } return q; } static GrbNoNumberQuestion() : QuestionDefinition{ const q = new QuestionDefinition("Heeft dit gebouw een huisnummer?"); q.type = "radio"; q.severity = 10; q.answers = [{ text: "Ja, het OSM-huisnummer is correct", tags: [{k: "fixme", v: ""}] }, { text: "Nee, het is een enkele garage", tags: [{k: "building", v: "garage"}, {k: "fixme", v: ""}] }, { text: "Nee, het zijn meerdere garages", tags: [{k: "building", v: "garages"}, {k: "fixme", v: ""}] } ]; q.addRequiredTag("fixme", "GRB thinks that this has number no number") return q; } static GrbHouseNumberQuestion() : QuestionDefinition{ const q = new QuestionDefinition("Wat is het huisnummer?"); q.type = "radio+text"; q.severity = 10; q.answers = [{ text: "Het OSM-huisnummer is correct", tags: [{k: "fixme", v: ""}], }] q.key = "addr:housenumber"; q.addRequiredTag("fixme", "*"); return q; } private constructor(question: string) { this.question = question; } /** * Question for humans */ public question: string; /** * 'type' indicates how the answers are rendered and must be one of: * 'text' for a free to fill text field * 'radio' for radiobuttons * 'radio+text' for radiobuttons and a freefill text field * 'dropdown' for a dropdown menu * 'number' for a number field * * If 'text' or 'number' is specified, 'key' is used as tag for the answer. * If 'radio' or 'dropdown' is specified, the answers are used from 'tags' * */ public type: string = 'radio'; /** * Only used for 'text' or 'number' questions */ public key: string = null; public answers: { text: string, tags: { k: string, v: string }[] }[]; /** * Indicates that the element must have _all_ the tags defined below * Dictionary 'key' => [values]; empty list is wildcard */ private mustHaveAllTags = []; /** * Indicates that the element must _not_ have any of the tags defined below. * Dictionary 'key' => [values] */ private mustNotHaveTags = []; /** * Severity: how important the question is * The higher, the sooner it'll be shown */ public severity: number = 0; addRequiredTag(key: string, value: string) { if (this.mustHaveAllTags[key] === undefined) { this.mustHaveAllTags[key] = [value]; } else { if(this.mustHaveAllTags[key] === []){ // Wildcard return; } this.mustHaveAllTags[key].push(value); } if (value === '*') { this.mustHaveAllTags[key] = []; } return this; } addUnrequiredTag(key: string, value: string) { let valueList = this.mustNotHaveTags[key]; if (valueList === undefined) { valueList = [value]; this.mustNotHaveTags[key] = valueList; } else { if (valueList === []) { return; } valueList.push(value); } if (value === '*') { this.mustNotHaveTags[key] = []; } return this; } private addAnwser(anwser: string, key: string, value: string) { if (this.answers === undefined) { this.answers = [{text: anwser, tags: [{k: key, v: value}]}]; } else { this.answers.push({text: anwser, tags: [{k: key, v: value}]}); } this.addUnrequiredTag(key, value); } public isApplicable(alreadyExistingTags): boolean { for (let k in this.mustHaveAllTags) { var actual = alreadyExistingTags[k]; if (actual === undefined) { return false; } let possibleVals = this.mustHaveAllTags[k]; if (possibleVals.length == 0) { // Wildcard continue; } let index = possibleVals.indexOf(actual); if (index < 0) { return false } } for (var k in this.mustNotHaveTags) { var actual = alreadyExistingTags[k]; if (actual === undefined) { continue; } let impossibleVals = this.mustNotHaveTags[k]; if (impossibleVals.length == 0) { // Wildcard return false; } let index = impossibleVals.indexOf(actual); if (index >= 0) { return false } } return true; } } export class Question { // All the questions are stored in here, to be able to retrieve them globaly. This is a workaround, see below static questions = Question.InitCallbackFunction(); static InitCallbackFunction(): Question[] { // This needs some explanation, as it is a workaround Question.questions = []; // The html in a popup is only created when the user actually clicks to open it // This means that we can not bind code to an HTML-element (as it doesn't exist yet) // We work around this, by letting the 'save' button just call the function 'questionAnswered' with the ID of the question // THis defines and registers this global function /** * Calls back to the question with either the answer or 'skip' * @param questionId * @param elementId */ function questionAnswered(questionId, elementId, dontKnow) { if (dontKnow) { Question.questions[questionId].Skip(elementId); } else { Question.questions[questionId].OnSave(elementId); } } function checkRadioButton(id) { // @ts-ignore document.getElementById(id).checked = true; } // must cast as any to set property on window // @ts-ignore const _global = (window /* browser */ || global /* node */) as any; _global.questionAnswered = questionAnswered; _global.checkRadioButton = checkRadioButton; return []; } public readonly question: QuestionDefinition; private _changeHandler: Changes; private readonly _qId; public skippedElements: string[] = []; constructor( changeHandler: Changes, question: QuestionDefinition) { this.question = question; this._qId = Question.questions.length; this._changeHandler = changeHandler; Question.questions.push(this); } /** * SHould this question be asked? * Returns false if question is already there or if a premise is missing */ public Applicable(tags): boolean { if (this.skippedElements.indexOf( >= 0) { return false; } return this.question.isApplicable(tags); } /** * * @param elementId: the OSM-id of the element to perform the change on, format 'way/123', 'node/456' or 'relation/789' * @constructor */ protected OnSave(elementId: string) { let tagsToApply: { k: string, v: string }[] = []; const q: QuestionDefinition = this.question; let tp = this.question.type; if (tp === "radio") { const selected = document.querySelector('input[name="q' + this._qId + '"]:checked'); if (selected === null) { console.log("No answer selected"); return } let index = (selected as any).value; tagsToApply = q.answers[index].tags; } else if (tp === "text") { // @ts-ignore let value = document.getElementById("q-" + this._qId + "-textbox").value; if (value === undefined || value.length == 0) { console.log("Answer too short"); return; } tagsToApply = [{k: q.key, v: value}]; } else if (tp === "radio+text") { const selected = document.querySelector('input[name="q' + this._qId + '"]:checked'); if (selected === null) { console.log("No answer selected"); return } let index = (selected as any).value; if (index < q.answers.length) { // A 'proper' answer was selected tagsToApply = q.answers[index].tags; } else { // The textfield was selected // @ts-ignore let value = document.getElementById("q-" + this._qId + "-textbox").value; if (value === undefined || value.length < 3) { console.log("Answer too short"); return; } tagsToApply = [{k: q.key, v: value}]; } } console.log("Question.ts: Applying tags",tagsToApply," to element ", elementId); for (const toApply of tagsToApply) { this._changeHandler.addChange(elementId, toApply.k, toApply.v); } } /** * Creates the HTML question for this tag collection */ public CreateHtml(tags: UIEventSource): UIElement { return new QuestionUI(this, this._qId, tags); } private Skip(elementId: any) { this.skippedElements.push(elementId); console.log("SKIP"); // Yeah, this is cheating below // It is an easy way to notify the UIElement that something has changed this._changeHandler._allElements.getElement(elementId).ping(); } }