import {equal} from "assert";
import T from "./TestHelper";
import {Translation} from "../UI/i18n/Translation";
import * as cyclofix from "../assets/generated/themes/cyclofix.json"
import {ExtractImages} from "../Models/ThemeConfig/Conversion/FixImages";
export default class ImageAttributionSpec extends T {
constructor() {
"Should find all the images",
() => {
const images = new Set(new ExtractImages().convertStrict(cyclofix, "test"))
const expectedValues = [
for (const expected of expectedValues) {
T.isTrue(images.has(expected), expected + " not found")
"Test image discovery regex",
() => {
const tr = new Translation({en: "XYZ XYZ XYZ "})
const images = new Set(tr.ExtractImages(false));
equal(3, images.size)
T.isTrue(images.has("a.svg"), "a.svg not found")
T.isTrue(images.has("b.svg"), "b.svg not found")
T.isTrue(images.has("some image.svg"), "some image.svg not found")