import {OsmConnection} from "./Logic/OsmConnection"; import {Changes} from "./Logic/Changes"; import {ElementStorage} from "./Logic/ElementStorage"; import {UIEventSource} from "./UI/UIEventSource"; import {UserBadge} from "./UI/UserBadge"; import {Basemap, BaseLayers} from "./Logic/Basemap"; import {PendingChanges} from "./UI/PendingChanges"; import {CenterMessageBox} from "./UI/CenterMessageBox"; import {Helpers} from "./Helpers"; import {Tag, TagUtils} from "./Logic/TagsFilter"; import {FilteredLayer} from "./Logic/FilteredLayer"; import {LayerUpdater} from "./Logic/LayerUpdater"; import {UIElement} from "./UI/UIElement"; import {FullScreenMessageBoxHandler} from "./UI/FullScreenMessageBoxHandler"; import {Overpass} from "./Logic/Overpass"; import {FeatureInfoBox} from "./UI/FeatureInfoBox"; import {GeoLocationHandler} from "./Logic/GeoLocationHandler"; import {StrayClickHandler} from "./Logic/StrayClickHandler"; import {SimpleAddUI} from "./UI/SimpleAddUI"; import {VariableUiElement} from "./UI/Base/VariableUIElement"; import {SearchAndGo} from "./UI/SearchAndGo"; import {CollapseButton} from "./UI/Base/CollapseButton"; import {AllKnownLayouts} from "./Customizations/AllKnownLayouts"; import { All } from "./Customizations/Layouts/All"; import {CheckBox} from "./UI/Base/CheckBox"; import { DrinkingWater } from "./Customizations/Layers/DrinkingWater"; import Translations from "./UI/i18n/Translations"; import Translation from "./UI/i18n/Translation"; import Locale from "./UI/i18n/Locale"; import {Layout, WelcomeMessage} from "./Customizations/Layout"; import {DropDown} from "./UI/Input/DropDown"; import {FixedInputElement} from "./UI/Input/FixedInputElement"; import {FixedUiElement} from "./UI/Base/FixedUiElement"; import ParkingType from "./Customizations/Questions/bike/ParkingType"; import { LayerDefinition } from "./Customizations/LayerDefinition"; import { LayerSelection } from "./UI/LayerSelection"; import Combine from "./UI/Base/Combine"; // --------------------- Read the URL parameters ----------------- // @ts-ignore if (location.href.startsWith("")) { // Reload the https version. This is important for the 'locate me' button window.location.replace(""); } let dryRun = false; if (location.hostname === "localhost" || location.hostname === "") { // Set to true if testing and changes should NOT be saved dryRun = true; // If you have a testfile somewhere, enable this to spoof overpass // This should be hosted independantly, e.g. with `cd assets; webfsd -p 8080` + a CORS plugin to disable cors rules //Overpass.testUrl = ""; } // ----------------- SELECT THE RIGHT QUESTSET ----------------- let defaultLayout = "walkbybrussels" // Run over all questsets. If a part of the URL matches a searched-for part in the layout, it'll take that as the default for (const k in AllKnownLayouts.allSets) { const layout = AllKnownLayouts.allSets[k]; const possibleParts = layout.locationContains ?? []; for (const locationMatch of possibleParts) { if (locationMatch === "") { continue } if (window.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf(locationMatch.toLowerCase()) >= 0) { defaultLayout =; } } } // Read the query string to grap settings let paramDict: any = {}; if ( { const params ="&"); for (const param of params) { var kv = param.split("="); paramDict[kv[0]] = kv[1]; } } if (paramDict.layout) { defaultLayout = paramDict.layout } if (paramDict.test) { dryRun = paramDict.test === "true"; } const layoutToUse: Layout = AllKnownLayouts.allSets[defaultLayout]; console.log("Using layout: ",; document.title = layoutToUse.title.InnerRender(); Locale.language.addCallback(e => { document.title = layoutToUse.title.InnerRender(); }) // ----------------- Setup a few event sources ------------- // const LanguageSelect = document.getElementById('language-select') as HTMLOptionElement // eLanguageSelect.addEventListener('selectionchange') // The message that should be shown at the center of the screen const centerMessage = new UIEventSource(""); // The countdown: if set to e.g. ten, it'll start counting down. When reaching zero, changes will be saved. NB: this is implemented later, not in the eventSource const secondsTillChangesAreSaved = new UIEventSource(0); // const leftMessage = new UIEventSource<() => UIElement>(undefined); // This message is shown full screen on mobile devices const fullScreenMessage = new UIEventSource(undefined); // The latest element that was selected - used to generate the right UI at the right place const selectedElement = new UIEventSource<{feature: any}>(undefined); const locationControl = new UIEventSource<{ lat: number, lon: number, zoom: number }>({ zoom: layoutToUse.startzoom, lat: layoutToUse.startLat, lon: layoutToUse.startLon }); // ----------------- Prepare the important objects ----------------- const osmConnection = new OsmConnection(dryRun); Locale.language.syncWith(osmConnection.GetPreference("language")); // @ts-ignore window.setLanguage = function (language: string) { Locale.language.setData(language) } const saveTimeout = 30000; // After this many milliseconds without changes, saves are sent of to OSM const allElements = new ElementStorage(); const changes = new Changes( "Beantwoorden van vragen met #MapComplete voor vragenset #" +, osmConnection, allElements); const bm = new Basemap("leafletDiv", locationControl, new VariableUiElement( => { const mapComplete = "Mapcomple " + " " + "Report bug"; let editHere = ""; if (location !== undefined) { editHere = " | " + "" + "edit here" + "" } return mapComplete + editHere; }) )); // ------------- Setup the layers ------------------------------- const addButtons: { name: UIElement, icon: string, tags: Tag[], layerToAddTo: FilteredLayer }[] = []; const flayers: FilteredLayer[] = [] let minZoom = 0; for (const layer of layoutToUse.layers) { const generateInfo = (tagsES, feature) => { return new FeatureInfoBox( feature, tagsES, layer.title, layer.elementsToShow, changes, osmConnection.userDetails ) }; minZoom = Math.max(minZoom, layer.minzoom); const flayer = layer.asLayer(bm, allElements, changes, osmConnection.userDetails, selectedElement, generateInfo); const addButton = { name: Translations.W(, icon: layer.icon, tags: layer.newElementTags, layerToAddTo: flayer } addButtons.push(addButton); flayers.push(flayer); console.log(flayers); } const layerUpdater = new LayerUpdater(bm, minZoom, flayers); // ------------------ Setup various UI elements ------------ let languagePicker = new DropDown(" ", => { return {value: lang, shown: lang} } ), Locale.language).AttachTo("language-select"); new StrayClickHandler(bm, selectedElement, fullScreenMessage, () => { return new SimpleAddUI(bm.Location, bm.LastClickLocation, changes, selectedElement, layerUpdater.runningQuery, osmConnection.userDetails, addButtons); } ); /** * Show the questions and information for the selected element on the fullScreen */ selectedElement.addCallback((feature) => { const data =; // Which is the applicable set? for (const layer of layoutToUse.layers) { const applicable = layer.overpassFilter.matches(TagUtils.proprtiesToKV(data)); if (applicable) { // This layer is the layer that gives the questions const featureBox = new FeatureInfoBox( feature.feature, allElements.getElement(, layer.title, layer.elementsToShow, changes, osmConnection.userDetails ); fullScreenMessage.setData(featureBox); break; } } } ); const pendingChanges = new PendingChanges( changes, secondsTillChangesAreSaved,); new UserBadge(osmConnection.userDetails, pendingChanges, new FixedUiElement(""), bm) .AttachTo('userbadge'); new SearchAndGo(bm).AttachTo("searchbox"); new CollapseButton("messagesbox") .AttachTo("collapseButton"); new WelcomeMessage(layoutToUse, osmConnection).AttachTo("messagesbox"); fullScreenMessage.setData( new WelcomeMessage(layoutToUse, osmConnection) ); new FullScreenMessageBoxHandler(fullScreenMessage, () => { selectedElement.setData(undefined) }).update(); // fullScreenMessage.setData(generateWelcomeMessage()); new CenterMessageBox( minZoom, centerMessage, osmConnection, locationControl, layerUpdater.runningQuery) .AttachTo("centermessage"); Helpers.SetupAutoSave(changes, secondsTillChangesAreSaved, saveTimeout); Helpers.LastEffortSave(changes); osmConnection.registerActivateOsmAUthenticationClass(); new GeoLocationHandler(bm).AttachTo("geolocate-button"); // --------------- Send a ping to start various action --------; // --------------- Setting up filter ui -------- const closedFilterButton = ` `; const openFilterButton = ` `; new CheckBox(new Combine([new LayerSelection(flayers), openFilterButton]), closedFilterButton).AttachTo("filter__selection") // --------------- Setting up basemap dropdown -------- let baseLayerOptions = []; Object.entries(BaseLayers.baseLayers).forEach(([key, value], i) => { console.log(key, value, i); baseLayerOptions.push({value: {name: key, layer: value}, shown: key}); }); console.log(; new DropDown(`label`, baseLayerOptions, bm.CurrentLayer).AttachTo("filter__selection");