import {OsmConnection} from "./Logic/Osm/OsmConnection"; import Combine from "./UI/Base/Combine"; import {Button} from "./UI/Base/Button"; import {TextField} from "./UI/Input/TextField"; import {FixedUiElement} from "./UI/Base/FixedUiElement"; import {UIElement} from "./UI/UIElement"; import {UIEventSource} from "./Logic/UIEventSource"; import {Utils} from "./Utils"; import {SubtleButton} from "./UI/Base/SubtleButton"; import LZString from "lz-string"; import {LayoutConfigJson} from "./Customizations/JSON/LayoutConfigJson"; const connection = new OsmConnection(false, new UIEventSource(undefined), ""); let rendered = false; function salvageThemes(preferences: any) { const knownThemeNames = new Set(); const correctThemeNames = [] for (const key in preferences) { if (!(typeof key === "string")) { continue; } const prefix = "mapcomplete-installed-theme-"; // mapcomplete-installed-theme-arbres_llefia-combined-11 //mapcomplete-installed-theme-1roadAlllanes-combined-length if (!key.startsWith(prefix)) { continue; } const theme = key.substring(prefix.length, key.indexOf("-combined-")) if (key.endsWith("-length")) { correctThemeNames.push(theme) } else { knownThemeNames.add(theme); } } for (const correctThemeName of correctThemeNames) { knownThemeNames.delete(correctThemeName); } const missingValues = Array.from(knownThemeNames).map(failedTheme => { let i = 0; let foundValue = undefined let combined = "" do { const prefix = "mapcomplete-installed-theme-"; const key = prefix + failedTheme + "-combined-" + i; foundValue = preferences[key] console.log(key,"-->",foundValue) i++; combined += foundValue ?? "" } while (foundValue !== undefined); if(combined === ""){ return null; } console.log("COmbined value is", combined) let jsonObject; try { jsonObject = JSON.parse(atob(combined)); } catch (e) { // We try to decode with lz-string jsonObject = JSON.parse(Utils.UnMinify(LZString.decompressFromBase64(combined))) as LayoutConfigJson; } return { themeName: failedTheme, contents: JSON.stringify(jsonObject, null, " ") } }) return Utils.NoNull(missingValues); } function clearAll(preferences){ for (const key in preferences) { const pref = connection.GetPreference(key, ""); if (key.startsWith("mapcomplete")) { pref.setData("") } } } function SalvageButton(theme: { themeName: string, contents: string }) { return new SubtleButton("./assets/svg/bug.svg", "Download broken theme " + theme.themeName).onClick( () => { Utils.offerContentsAsDownloadableFile(theme.contents, theme.themeName + ".json") } ) } function createTable(preferences: any) { if (rendered) { return; } rendered = true; const prefs = []; for (const key in preferences) { const pref = connection.GetPreference(key, ""); let value: UIElement = new FixedUiElement(; if ( > 500 && (key.startsWith("mapcomplete") || > 2500)) { value = new TextField({ value: pref }); } const c = [ "", key, "", new Button("delete", () => pref.setData("")), "", value, "" ]; prefs.push(...c); } new Combine( [ ...salvageThemes(preferences).map(theme => SalvageButton(theme)), "", ...prefs, "
", new SubtleButton("./assets/svg/delete_icon.svg", "Delete all mapcomplete preferences (mangrove identies are preserved)").onClick(() => clearAll(preferences))] ).AttachTo("maindiv"); } connection.preferencesHandler.preferences.addCallback((prefs) => createTable(prefs))