import {And, TagsFilter} from "../../Logic/Tags"; import {TagRenderingConfigJson} from "./TagRenderingConfigJson"; import Translations from "../../UI/i18n/Translations"; import {FromJSON} from "./FromJSON"; import ValidatedTextField from "../../UI/Input/ValidatedTextField"; import {Translation} from "../../UI/i18n/Translation"; /*** * The parsed version of TagRenderingConfigJSON * Identical data, but with some methods and validation */ export default class TagRenderingConfig { readonly render?: Translation; readonly question?: Translation; readonly condition?: TagsFilter; readonly freeform?: { readonly key: string, readonly type: string, readonly addExtraTags: TagsFilter[]; }; readonly multiAnswer: boolean; readonly mappings?: { readonly if: TagsFilter, readonly then: Translation readonly hideInAnswer: boolean | TagsFilter }[] readonly roaming: boolean; constructor(json: string | TagRenderingConfigJson, conditionIfRoaming: TagsFilter, context?: string) { if (json === "questions") { // Very special value this.render = null; this.question = null; this.condition = null; } if (json === undefined) { throw "Initing a TagRenderingConfig with undefined in " + context; } if (typeof json === "string") { this.render = Translations.T(json); this.multiAnswer = false; return; } this.render = Translations.T(json.render); this.question = Translations.T(json.question); this.roaming = json.roaming ?? false; const condition = FromJSON.Tag(json.condition ?? {"and": []}, `${context}.condition`); if (this.roaming && conditionIfRoaming !== undefined) { this.condition = new And([condition, conditionIfRoaming]); } else { this.condition = condition; } if (json.freeform) { this.freeform = { key: json.freeform.key, type: json.freeform.type ?? "string", addExtraTags: json.freeform.addExtraTags?.map((tg, i) => FromJSON.Tag(tg, `${context}.extratag[${i}]`)) ?? [] } if (ValidatedTextField.AllTypes[this.freeform.type] === undefined) { throw `Freeform.key ${this.freeform.key} is an invalid type` } } this.multiAnswer = json.multiAnswer ?? false if (json.mappings) { this.mappings =, i) => { if (mapping.then === undefined) { throw "Invalid mapping: if without body" } let hideInAnswer: boolean | TagsFilter = false; if (typeof mapping.hideInAnswer === "boolean") { hideInAnswer = mapping.hideInAnswer; } else if (mapping.hideInAnswer !== undefined) { hideInAnswer = FromJSON.Tag(mapping.hideInAnswer, `${context}.mapping[${i}].hideInAnswer`); } return { if: FromJSON.Tag(mapping.if, `${context}.mapping[${i}].if`), then: Translations.T(mapping.then), hideInAnswer: hideInAnswer }; }); } if (this.question && this.freeform?.key === undefined && this.mappings === undefined) { throw `A question is defined, but no mappings nor freeform (key) are. The question is ${this.question.txt} at ${context}` } if(this.freeform && this.render === undefined){ throw `Detected a freeform key without rendering... Key: ${this.freeform.key} in ${context}` } if (json.multiAnswer) { if ((this.mappings?.length ?? 0) === 0) { throw "MultiAnswer is set, but no mappings are defined" } } } /** * Gets the correct rendering value (or undefined if not known) * @constructor */ public GetRenderValue(tags: any): Translation { if (this.mappings !== undefined && !this.multiAnswer) { for (const mapping of this.mappings) { if (mapping.if === undefined) { return mapping.then; } if (mapping.if.matchesProperties(tags)) { return mapping.then; } } } if (this.freeform?.key === undefined) { return this.render; } if (tags[this.freeform.key] !== undefined) { return this.render; } return undefined; } }