import {AndOrTagConfigJson} from "./TagConfigJson"; import {And, Or, RegexTag, Tag, TagsFilter} from "../../Logic/Tags"; import {Utils} from "../../Utils"; export class FromJSON { public static SimpleTag(json: string): Tag { const tag = Utils.SplitFirst(json, "="); return new Tag(tag[0], tag[1]); } public static Tag(json: AndOrTagConfigJson | string, context: string = ""): TagsFilter { if(json === undefined){ throw `Error while parsing a tag: 'json' is undefined in ${context}. Make sure all the tags are defined and at least one tag is present in a complex expression` } if (typeof (json) == "string") { const tag = json as string; if (tag.indexOf("!~") >= 0) { const split = Utils.SplitFirst(tag, "!~"); if (split[1] === "*") { throw `Don't use 'key!~*' - use 'key=' instead (empty string as value (in the tag ${tag} while parsing ${context})` } return new RegexTag( split[0], new RegExp("^" + split[1] + "$"), true ); } if (tag.indexOf("~~") >= 0) { const split = Utils.SplitFirst(tag, "~~"); if (split[1] === "*") { split[1] = "..*" } return new RegexTag( new RegExp("^" + split[0] + "$"), new RegExp("^" + split[1] + "$") ); } if (tag.indexOf("!=") >= 0) { const split = Utils.SplitFirst(tag, "!="); if (split[1] === "*") { split[1] = "..*" } return new RegexTag( split[0], new RegExp("^" + split[1] + "$"), true ); } if (tag.indexOf("~") >= 0) { const split = Utils.SplitFirst(tag, "~"); if (split[1] === "*") { split[1] = "..*" } return new RegexTag( split[0], new RegExp("^" + split[1] + "$") ); } const split = Utils.SplitFirst(tag, "="); if(split[1] == "*"){ throw `Error while parsing tag '${tag}' in ${context}: detected a wildcard on a normal value. Use a regex pattern instead` } return new Tag(split[0], split[1]) } if (json.and !== undefined) { return new And( => FromJSON.Tag(t, context))); } if (json.or !== undefined) { return new Or( => FromJSON.Tag(t, context))); } } }